Chapter 3

We drove a bit into the forest and went deeper. We folded our clothes, quickly transforming into two large wolves.

Stan was a dark brown wolf with a bit of black on his tail and paws.

My Stellar had light brown fluffy fur that gleamed like gold in the sun. And one more thing. Compared to the other wolves after the transformation, I had golden eyes while the rest had black. That's what my coach told me. I glanced at Stan and let Stellar take over, and she immediately sprinted into the trees.

I have always admired her speed and agility. In fact, I could only compare myself to Stan and his wolf because I had no contact with any other wolf, but as the coach said, I was one of the fastest he had ever met in his entire life. I wasn't going to argue with him about it.

The only thing I wanted to feel now was freedom, the ground under my paws and the wind swinging my fur. I ran like that for I don't even know how long. I smelled water so I headed towards it. There was a forest river nearby, where I soothed my thirst. I jumped into the river for a while to cool down my hot body. I shook off the water and lay down on one of the stones, basking in the sun and waiting for Stan. I knew he would find me one way or another and I was right.

A few minutes later, a large brown wolf ran to the river. Thirsty, he drank water and lay down on the grass near my stone. We rested in peace for a while, knowing that we would soon start another training session.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

Stan raised his head alertly and began to sniff. I also jumped up on all fours and started listening. Someone was approaching. Someone dangerous. The fur on my skin stood on end. After a while, several feral wolves emerged from behind the trees.

They've gone feral. I heard Stan say. We won't run away, we have to fight. Ready? He asked, getting ready to fight.

I can do it. I nodded at him.

Don't worry and leave everything to me. I heard Stellar's voice.

Okay, I believe in you. I replied, slightly nervous.

I could do a lot, but I had never fought with other wolves before. I knew I could count on Stan and Stellar. I tried to focus, knowing that one wrong move and I could be gone. The wolves surrounded us, growling menacingly. When they attacked us, at the same moment we jumped in different directions, dividing them into two groups. Three wolves chased after me and four after Stan. 

Stellar was fast. When one of the attackers took the lead, she immediately turned around behind the nearest tree and in one movement, bit into the throat of the surprised wolf, quickly ending his life.

Without waiting a second longer, she took off running again. She ran nimbly between the trees, avoiding the jaws of feral wolves. With a quick turn, she punched one of them in the side with all her strength, slamming him into a tree.

She avoided being bitten on her hind leg and grabbed one of his hind legs with her teeth. She took a mighty swing and threw the second wolf against another tree. He whinced as he hit it and fell heavily to the ground. The first one recovered from his fall and charged at me with his mouth open, targeting my throat.

Stellar quickly jumped to the side, bounced hard on her hind legs and landed on the attacker, biting his shoulder. The wolf began to struggle wildly, but Stellar didn't give him a moment to throw her off. She bit down again, this time on his neck, ending his life. She jumped quickly, avoiding the attack of the last wolf. She charged at him without a moment's hesitation, deftly avoiding his jaws. She hit him in the side with her hind legs, knocking him to the ground. She nimbly jumped at him and bit into his throat, ending the fight.

She looked around and started sniffing. She caught Stan's scent and quickly moved towards him. When she arrived, the man had just ended the life of the last wolf.

Everything's all right? Are you hurt? He asked, looking in my direction.

I'm fine. Stellar took care of everything. I replied.

We better get back. We don't know if there are more of them here.

We ran towards our car. Fortunately, we did not encounter any other feral wolves along the way.

We changed into our clothes and drove back. We were bloody and had to somehow get rid of the evidence of the crime. People wouldn't react very well to seeing us like that.

Stan drove up the back street to his building and we quietly went through the back room and straight to the showers.

It was a crazy day. I never expected something like this to happen to me. After changing into clean clothes, we sat down together to calm our nerves. 

"How do you feel? You did a great job" Stan patted me on the back.

"A little nervous, but thanks. And yes. Stellar did well. She was amazing" I praised my wolf, who purred proudly.

"Maybe you'll skip work today. After all, you only work half-time today"

"NO…." I looked at my watch. "I'll go. It's only a few hours"

I stood up, patted my coach on the back and left the building.

At 10 p.m. I started my shift and learned that someone important had come to check how the club was functioning.

Not caring too much about this information, I went about my job as usual.

The VIP rooms were on the floor above and only one of them had glass windows overlooking what was happening in the main hall.

On an expensive leather sofa sat a tall, incredibly handsome man and two other well-built men standing on either side of him. The man had jet-black shiny hair cut short on the sides, eyes as deep green as real sapphires, and trimmed beard on a perfectly chiseled jaw. A tattoo began on the left side of his neck and ran down his chest. He had his perfectly ironed white shirt slightly unbuttoned and his black suit clinging to him like skin, showing off his well-built body.

Holding a glass of whiskey in his hand, he slowly swirled the glass, looking at the people in the main hall. 

"Speak" He said in a low, firm voice. The man to his right bowed his head.

"Currently, the club generates 45% of net profit. During the month, there are problems caused by pushy customers, but they are quickly and efficiently dealt with, usually by bartenders, but there is also one waitress..." 

"Who" He interrupted, waiting for a quick answer.

"Nova Alstar. 23 years old, she has been working with us for two years, always on night shifts" He replied.

"Barret, make a scene with her. I want to see how she reacts" Ordered the man in the suit. The man to his left bowed his head.

"Yes, Alfa" He replied and quickly left the room. After a while he was downstairs saying something to one of the bartenders. The man pointed out someone in the crowd and Barret approached the waitress he pointed.

The man on the couch looked at the girl carefully and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"This looks interesting" He said to himself, causing surprise to appear in the eyes of the man next to him, who began to look curiously at the scene below.

Nova was just finishing putting out the alcohol on one of the tables when she was suddenly grabbed by the wrist. She turned slowly, glaring at the man. Her heart skipped a beat as she sensed he was a wolf.

"Come with me" He said, pulling her hand. Nervous about the situation in the forest earlier, Nova didn't feel like engaging in verbal arguments.

She turned her back to the man, elbowed him in the solar plexus, grabbed his hand and quickly threw him over her shoulder. The man released her wrist and, supporting himself on the ground with his hands, swung his leg to trip her, but the girl reacted quickly. She did a backflip, supporting herself on the ground with one hand, moving away from her opponent.

She didn't want to fight anyone in front of so many people, for fear of accidentally hitting someone. So she did what she thought was right. She nimbly ran between people, pushed herself on her leg and, using her hand, jumped over the bar, hiding behind the bartenders, ready to deal with the troublemaker.

The man dusted himself off and looked at the man in the VIP room. When he nodded, he wordlessly returned to the boss's room, leaving the bartenders and Nova surprised.

"What was that?" I asked, surprised.

"Are you OK?" Tommy asked, equally surprised.

"No, it's ok" I scratched my head and went back to what I was doing.

Barret returned to the boss's room and stood to his left.

"Did you notice anything?" The man asked, taking a large swig of whiskey.

"She can fight well" He replied briefly.

"Something else?" He asked, looking at Barret. The man looked at his boss in surprise.


"You didn't feel anything?" His boss smiled menacingly. The man frowned, wondering what he meant.

"Idris, looks like I need another bottle from a certain waitress" He waved his glass at the man on his right.

"Yes, Alfa" He replied, leaving the room. He found Nowa and approached her.

"Excuse me. I need a bottle of whiskey to room nr 8. Could you bring it for us?" He asked politely.

"Of course, I'm already on it" I replied nervously, knowing that this man was also a wolf.

Don't worry. I'm with you. Stellar comforted me.

Yes, I know. I replied, taking the alcohol and going to 8.

When Idris returned to the room, he only heard a short "Now, both of you, take a good look at her" From the boss, before the girl entered the room.

When I opened the door, I felt it all too well. The man sitting on the couch was very, very strong. Stellar's fur stood on end and she growled menacingly, ready to fight.