Chapter 12

It seems it's hard to be the strongest Alpha.

I looked through the glass at the empty room and I must have relaxed because I started thinking stupid things.

Apparently he has several clubs... I wonder if he has a 'pleasure' girl in each of them. Ha... Looking at him, they are definitely throwing themselves at his neck, ready to give themselves here and now. I looked at him with slight disgust. Pervert... My hand, however, did not stop stroking his hair. Vallentina will definitely want to get him…Stupid barbie… I frowned. With a body like that, every male will drool over her... But Ethan can, or already has, much more beautiful women. How many of them walk on the earth? Ha, Barbie, you can miscalculate... A smile appeared on my face. Seeing him reject her, I would start laughing like an idiot, throwing my head back... hi, hi... good for you... 

As you can see, I had already arranged everything in my head and was happy again.

But what about my studies? I wonder how long it will take... Actually, it's the end and I only have final exams waiting for me and then I'll have to start looking for a job... After all, if I find a good job, I won't need this one anymore. I looked at the sleeping man. And I probably won't see Ethan and the others... I'm sure he won't mind me leaving. After all, there are thousands to take my place, plenty to choose from. Certainly someone calmer than me... but then who will defend the girls?... Nah, they'll be fine without me. Mr. Alpha already has enough on his plate. If he's not here, he'll be somewhere else... I wasted my time on such nonsense.

I was wondering whether I would look for my own apartment if the job was somewhere further away. And what about my aunt? Will she stay alone or move in with me?

Almost two hours passed and I didn't get tired of stroking his head. I even started to worry that I would wipe it off and he would be bald, but after thinking for a while, I decided that a bald boss would also be handsome.

I just hope he doesn't grow a beard, because that would be a bit of an exaggeration. Now it's perfect. No matter what I was doing, I ran my hand through his beard, suddenly noticing his tempting lips.

I wonder how many women have had the honor of kissing those lips. They certainly immediately melted in pleasure, who knows, maybe he even brought someone to ecstasy with his deep kiss...

"What are you doing?" I heard, still TOO deep in my thoughts, because I touched his lips with one finger and gently opened them.

"I wonder how many girls passed away after kissing you" I bit my lower lip, looking at his mouth, regardless of the situation.

"Do you want to find out what it's like?"

I noticed ONLY now how his lips were moving. I looked at his fully open eyes and froze, staring at him like a cow at the spaceship that had just scooped up her friend.

I didn't even have time to react when he grabbed the back of my head with his hand and pulled me towards him. Our lips met. When I felt the pleasant softness of his lips, I wanted more of them.

Closing my eyes, I lost myself in the pleasure and kissed him back. It was my first time and I didn't really know what to do, but he knew perfectly well. I was connected to his lips for a few seconds and let me tell you, it was worth it. Even if it's my last kiss in this life, it's enough.

I raised my head, looking into his darkened eyes, finally understanding what had happened. My heart was pounding like crazy, my face turned red and I looked like an idiot, pressing my lips together.

"Uhm... did you get some rest?" I cleared my throat, trying to act natural.

Looking at me with a slight smile on his face, he grabbed my waist with his hands and snuggled into my tummy.

"Just a little bit more" He purred into my belly.


Placing my head on the backrest, I firmly spoke to my wolf.

Yes, yes, blocked. She replied as if rolling her eyes.

During his sleep, did the aliens switch his mind with that of his previously kidnapped friend? This is not my boss's behavior. Serious, threatening, dissatisfied, you say something wrong, you lose your head... Is he sick? What happened? Is it before people die that they change? But who will die... me or him? If it continues like this, I'll probably have a heart attack... because my heart is about to jump out of my chest... Nova... you're crazy... No! Wait… I had a dream! Yes! I just fell asleep and I'll wake up soon.

 I closed my eyes, squeezing them tightly and waited a moment. Nothing. 

Let's try it differently.

"Ethan?" I asked cheekily.

"Yeah?" He purred into my stomach again, not caring how I addressed him.

"I'm dreaming, right?" I asked hopefully.

"Um... If you want, I can assure you that what is happening now is not..."

"NO! Thanks, I know everything now" I interrupted him, feeling one of his hands slip under my blouse. My shock was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Ethan growled menacingly, sat down next to me and straightened his hair.

"Come in" He ordered. Idris and Barrett entered the room. They glanced at me briefly, nodding their heads in greeting. I waved my hand awkwardly in response.

"Alfa.. " He glanced at me again.

"Talk" He said to Idris, showing him that he could talk in front of me. But why am I in the middle of important conversations that have nothing to do with me?... I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, showing that I didn't care what they talked about.

"Everything is ready. Scouts guard their position, warriors await orders"

"When did Rendell want to attack?"

"Today at night"

"We'll start in the evening. Don't let them out of your sight. Go get ready" He delegated the two men.

"Yes, sir" The men left the room and we were left alone again. I still sat there with my eyes closed, trying to think of something less interesting than their conversation. 

"And my relaxing time just ended" He sighed, visibly sad. I opened my eyes, looking straight ahead.

Damn it…. him and his charm.. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, but only for a moment" I said under my breath and his head immediately landed on my lap again.

His hands wrapped around my waist again. His face plunged back into me. He purred pleasantly.

And I fought as hard as I could with the feeling that wanted to come out. I knew I couldn't, that I shouldn't, and definitely not with him. He could have anyone he wanted at the snap of a finger and he could say goodbye to them just as quickly. If I felt something for him, I don't know how it would end. I don't need another rejection. One is enough. I just have to remember. Treat him well, with a bit of tenderness, but try to keep your feelings at a distance. That's the plan, but will it work?

I looked at the most powerful Alpha, relaxed and cuddled up against me. Now he didn't look like a dangerous bad wolf. I started stroking his head reflexively, smiling slightly. 

"It's going to be hard" I practically whispered. The beginnings of some feelings were visible in my eyes.


"Relax while you can" I scolded, pulling his hair lightly. A moment later I felt him start to relax TOO much as his hands started to roam around my back.

"Are you looking for something?" I asked, irritated.

"Umhm," He hummed.

"Can I help?" 

"Um, I'll find it myself" He rubbed his head against my stomach. His hands wandered higher and higher until they met my bra strap. With a swift movement, he unbuckled it. I flinched, knowing what he had done, grabbing my unbuttoned bra through my blouse.

"Ethan…." I threatened.

"Shhh, let me relax. I have to go soon" He murmured in a low voice.

Damn Alpha male… Him and his ugh…

His hands moved along my waistband to the front where they slipped under it and grabbed my breasts.

"Ummm!" I reacted to the pleasant warm touch. He squeezed them gently, running his fingers over them.

"Maybe that's enough" I tried not to purr with pleasure again.

But he wasn't going to stop just yet. He stuck his head under my shirt and placed one hand on my back, bringing me closer to him.

Of course I could have resisted, but for the universe's sake, I'm a wolf! It's hard for us to resist pleasure and I'm new to all this. I feel the need to know the unknown you knoooooow….

I leaned over him enough for his mouth to reach my breasts. He gently ran his nose over one and touched it with his lips. He grabbed the other one with his hand, slowly caressing it, and I leaned my head back, trying not to moan with pleasure. Until he took it into his mouth and started caressing it with his tongue….

"Ahh!..Ethan! That's enough..." I tried to stop him. He didn't want to and didn't intend to stop.