Chapter 13

He passionately ate the poor little breast, that didn't know what was happening to it. A moment later he switched to the second one.

I looked down but all I saw was someone's head moving under my blouse. My eyes wandered over his body until I stopped at a certain very awake and excited part of his body. I bit my bottom lip and squeezed my legs tighter. Ethan's constant grunting didn't help. Wanting to get back at him, I slowly ran my hand over a certain part of his pants. Immediately one of his hands stopped me. He poked his head out from under my blouse, looking thoroughly aroused, breathing heavily.

"Believe me, you're not ready for this. The time will come for that, but not now" He said in a hoarse voice, making me swallow hard. Trying to calm my ragged breathing, I tried to appear unfazed by what had just happened. Yeah, with my red face and glassy eyes, I sure looked serious…. 

"Are you done relaxing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not yet"

He wanted to dive under my blouse again, but this time I stopped him by grabbing his face with my hands.

"I think you do" I added firmly.

He glanced at me with his deadly tempting eyes, kissed my hand holding his face, and finally got up from the couch. He straightened his rumpled suit and messy hair while standing with his back to me.

I took advantage of the moment, grabbed the strap on my back and tried to quickly fasten my bra. However, his eyesight was faster. A cheeky smirk appeared on his face as he watched me struggle with the zipper. He walked up to me, grabbed my chin, kissed me sweetly and left the room. 

Wait here for me. I'll come back for you. I heard his low voice in my mind. Haaa, such texts it's for your lover, not for me. I replied, but he didn't say anything.

Apparently Stellar was still blocking my thoughts. It's actually good... he would come back... I sat there for a long time, staring at the wall, thinking about nothing. When my stomach started churning and the snacks weren't helping anymore, I decided to go down to Dan.

Walking down the stairs, I heard him hanging on the phone with someone. I didn't listen to what he was talking about. I waited patiently for him to finish. Not hearing any more conversation, I leaned around the corner, checking to see if he would call somewhere else.

"Hey Dan?" I drew attention to myself by waving my hand.

"What's the matter?" 

"You know... I'm kind of hungry" My stomach echoed at the perfect moment. I looked pleadingly at the man.

"Can we eat something?" I asked hopefully. Dan looked at his phone, scratching his head.

"Actually, we can. At least we'll go to the pub next door" He waved his hand behind him and I practically jumped up and down after him, happy to finally eat something nutritious. We entered the pub, ordered food and waited patiently. A moment later, warm dishes appeared before our noses.

I inhaled the pleasant smell of the food and without wasting any time, I started eating. A few minutes later our plates were empty. Dan paid the waiter and we were about to leave the building when suddenly the man stopped me with his hand.

"We have a problem" He said to me quietly, pointing to several individuals entering our club. 


"Yes, from Rendall. I think he started to suspect something. We'll go out the back" We slipped out of the pub, hiding in the alley opposite the club. 

"We need to get to Sam somehow. Be ready" He made sure I was right behind him. I nodded firmly, focusing on my surroundings. We crossed the street, heading to the back of the club where his bike was. We were a few steps away from it when suddenly we heard some noises in the club. Four men came out of the back door and their eyes immediately focused on me. 

"Take care of him, the chick is coming with us" One of the men said loudly.

Two more went to the back. Dan looked at me and I nodded to him that I was ready. A second later, the attackers rushed towards us. Four for Dan, two for me.

They made a mistake when they thought I wouldn't defend myself. I quickly turned to the first man, hitting him in the throat with my elbow and immediately cutting off his oxygen supply. He only had time to grab his throat when he was kicked in the head. I ducked, avoiding the second blow, and using my hand to support myself, I kicked him into the crook of his knee, causing him to fall to his knees. A second later I was behind him, putting the hook on him and very brutally and quickly closing off his air supply. They won't be a threat for a while. I saw if Dan needed help, but he was already finishing. 

"We're getting out of here. We don't know how many more will come" He said as the last attacker kissed the ground.

We got on the motorbike and drove out to the main road. In front of the club, another group of wolves was just leaving from two black cars. Unfortunately for us, our eyes met.

Without waiting for their reaction, Dan turned the throttle, moving in the opposite direction. Looking back, I saw them getting into their cars, following us in a hurry.

I grabbed Dan's waist tighter. Did they think they had any chance with us on the road? Seriously? A car versus one of the fastest motorbikes? I doubt it.

We passed all the cars on our road with extraordinary precision. Needless to say, we were already going well over two hundred per hour...

Every now and then I glanced behind me to see if we were still being chased. Unfortunately, there weren't many cars around at this hour, so they somehow managed not to lose us. However, Dan knew what he was doing. At the intersections, we turned one way and the other, approaching the highway.

As he entered the wide road, he no longer had to hold back. I would wave my middle finger at them saying "Goodbye" if only I wasn't hanging on, fighting for my life. Hearing the high revs of the engine, I knew we were at the limit of its speed. I didn't want to know how much it was. Most likely, the speedometer had already started making its second lap...

A dozen or so minutes later, we entered a quieter road where trees began to appear. It looked like we had completely abandoned the city. After choosing one of the paths, we slowly drove past the trees. Finally we stopped somewhere in the middle of the forest. It was already starting to get dark and I knew that soon Ethan would fight for his position. I took off my helmet and breathed some fresh air. 

"Listen... There was no way out and I brought us close to where Alpha Ethan was going to attack. Remember to stay close to me and don't lean out. We'll be far back, so it should be safe for you. Alpha already knows about the whole situation, so you don't have to worry" He explained, leading me between the trees in an unknown direction.

He's nearby, I can feel him. Stellar said to me, making me instinctively look around for him.

There was no one visible nearby yet, but you could feel hundreds of wolves gathered in one place. We quickly walked towards the back of the gathered men, waiting for battle.

I looked down as the crowd began to pay attention to me. Probably because they couldn't smell my wolf and thought I was an ordinary woman. From among the warriors, I sensed Ethan approaching. He walked through the men, bowing to him, grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from the onlookers.

When there was no one else around, he leaned my back against a tree and, dangerously close, stood in front of me, supporting himself with his hand above my head. 

"You have to take care of yourself, understand?" He started to say, touching his forehead to mine. "Dan will be with you all the time. If something happens, run as fast as you can and find a place to hide, understood?" He looked at me with slight worry in his eyes. I raised my hand, touching his cheek. He closed his eyes, took my hand in his and rubbed it pleasantly.

"You have to take care of yourself too. After all, we haven't faced each other in battle yet" I smiled cockily, making him smile. He moved closer to me, kissing me passionately. His soft, tempting lips engulfed mine. Licking his lips, he moved closer to my ear. 

"I'll let you win in my bedroom. You will be able to have me under you and ride me as much as you want" He whispered sexily, then walked back ready to fight. Feeling my face on fire, I grabbed my cheeks in my hands and fell to the ground. 

"He'll make me go crazy... I'll go crazy... How could he say something like that... Why is he tempting me so much..."

I tried to calm my heart, my breathing and my state of mind. Right now there were more important things than lovely-dovely with Ethan.