Chapter 14

After calming down, I returned to Dan, who was waiting with several other men. Suddenly everyone turned in one direction, hearing the leader in their thoughts.

Listen! We are following the plan. We leave no one alive. Be vigilant and don't get yourself killed. After all, you are my best warriors. Nobody can stop us!

All the men bowed their heads after his speech. There was a growing tension in the air. A few minutes later the beginning of the fight could be heard. 

"It started. Remember, stick with me" Dan put his hand on my shoulder, looking straight ahead. Thanks to the wolf's hearing, we heard sounds of fighting, screaming, barking and whining.

We walked up the hill, cautiously watching the fight from behind the trees. Most of the warriors and attackers were in the form of wolves. What was happening before my eyes was downright monstrous.

My stomach tightened as I saw them literally tearing each other apart. Despite Ethan's fewer wolves, his side was gaining an increasing advantage. They were quick and precise, moving from one striker to the next. Blood was gushing everywhere.

Stellar? Everything's all right? I asked, wondering why she was so calm. Normally she would be ready to fight, but now there is silence.

I'm waiting for my turn. She said, looking intently at what I was seeing. She watched the fight carefully, absorbing their movements. We have never encountered so many wolves before. If something went wrong and we had to end up in the middle of this Armageddon, Stellar had to be ready. Seeing that we had quite a significant advantage, suddenly someone screamed.

"Alpha Ethan! Let's stop this bickering! I challenge you to a duel! You are not worthy of your position! Show up and fight if you dare!"

Both sides stopped fighting after a while. The wolves on both sides spread to the sides, letting their leaders pass. Alpha Rendell, his Beta, and son Liam stepped forward. So did Alpha Ethan with Idris and Barret by his side. 

"Suddenly you want to fight fair? Have you noticed that you have no chance against us and you are counting on mercy? There won't be any…" Ethan said dryly.

"Dear Alfa, I'm not counting on any mercy. I'm going to win this" He smirked.

Ethan nodded to beta and gamma, who stepped aside. Liam did the same with their beta. In the blink of an eye, the men turned into wolves and began to fight to the death.

Aziel was visibly larger than Rendell. At first, they both avoided each other's killer moves. However, Aziel managed to grab his opponent's hind leg with his muzzle and, with a large swing, throw him into one of the trees. The sound of breaking bones filled the air. Rendell's wolf fell to the ground, whimpering loudly. Aziel waited patiently in the middle for him to get up.

He rose to his feet with difficulty, growling menacingly. He looked towards where Liam was standing with the beta and I felt danger.

Without thinking, I rushed towards them, transforming into a wolf. Rendell barked and suddenly arrows were fired from all directions. All towards Aziel. There were too many of them. He managed to avoid most of them, but three of them hit his body. Several wolves were hit without noticing the threat. A second later they were dead.

Aziel was unsteady on his paws. Liam lost no time in turning into a wolf and jumping, wanting to dig his teeth into the Alpha's neck. He was millimeters away when Stellar slammed into him, knocking him to the ground.

Not knowing what happened, he didn't have time to avoid my wolf's teeth, which dug deep right next to his neck. Liam tried to push her away, but she quickly jumped aside, attacking again. She was fast and agile. She bit him all over his body with precision, avoiding his teeth. It's finally time for her to take revenge for what she did to us.

Alpha Rendell, seeing that his plan was not entirely successful, shouted to the wolves for everyone to attack. And the fight started again. Our men quickly pushed the attackers further, protecting their Alpha and allowing Stellar to finish the fight without the interference.

Liam was bleeding all over his body and was furious. His movements were thoughtless. Propping himself up on his injured paw, he leaned to one side, allowing Stellar to hit him with her body. He fell to the ground and that was the end of him.

Stellar plunged into his neck and ended his life with a quick movement. She looked around to assess the situation of the others. Alpha Rendell was killed by Idris, Beta by Barret. Dan was also in the process of finishing off another wolf. Bodies lay scattered on the ground.

Stellar noticed Aziel and quickly approached him. The arrows were pulled out, but the wounds were bleeding heavily. One of the men was kneeling next to him and trying to help. Idris and Barret ran up, transforming back. 

"Not good! The arrows were laced with a lethal amount of woolfbane. It's impossible to regenerate in time. We have no way to help him..." He said, losing hope. He was much stronger than the other wolves, but three arrows, even for him, were too many.

I stood next to him, staring at his body breathing slower and slower. I was transformed, regardless of my nakedness among so many men. I didn't hear his people screaming, trying to help him in some way. I only saw him. I sat down next to him and gently stroked his fur. His heart slowly slowed down. I couldn't lose him like that. No. Not now. I felt warmth growing inside me.

We can help him. I heard Stellarr's voice.


You are unique. You can heal him. But at a price. He's on the verge of death, so he'll absorb most of my power. We won't be able to hear each other for a while.

What? But how? Why?

We do not have time. You have to help him. Wait for me patiently... I will come back. Were her last words.

The warmth inside me began to spread throughout my body. I leaned over Aziel and wrapped my arms around his neck, cuddling him. I closed my eyes and felt my warmth begin to transfer to his body. A faint golden light surrounded our bodies. His wounds began to heal and his heart began to beat faster. His breathing evened out. All the heat accumulated inside me passed into Alpha's body, leaving only unpleasant cold and great weakness. The wolf in my arms moved. His fur turned to flesh and now I had Ethan in my arms. He opened his eyes and looked at me surprised.

"What happened?" 

"Someone had to save you. I drew the shortest straw so it fell on me. What bad luck..." I said weakly, slowly closing my eyes. "And you were so confident..." 

"Nova!" I only heard his voice, sinking into darkness. I felt terribly weak and cold. There was only darkness around me. I called Stellar many times but she didn't answer. Nobody answered. I tried calling for Ethan, Aziel, Dan, aunt... Silence. I couldn't move my body. Like I was tied to the darkness.

I don't know how long I waited, but when I lost hope that I would stay here forever, I felt a pleasant warmth. My right hand started to get warmer and I could move it slightly. A moment later my entire arm, chest, back and legs became warm. " Nova.."

I heard it for the first time in a long time. "Nova…wake up" someone kept repeating my name. "Nova, come back to me"

Come back? Do I have anyone to go back to? My body was getting warm. I closed my eyes, finally relaxing….. 

My head was pounding and my eyelids felt like they weighed a ton. I purred, trying to twist to find a better position, but something was holding me back. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that I was in someone's arms. I looked up and saw the handsome face of a certain Alpha.

"Ethan?" I muttered in a hoarse voice. The man stirred at the sound of his name. He looked at me, hugging me a little too tightly.

"Finally... How long can I wait for you" He said with relief. 

"How long was I gone?" I slowly rubbed my eyes.

"A week" 

"Hmm... It seemed longer" I whispered, talking to myself. Still feeling sleepy, I unconsciously snuggled into his incredibly comfortable and pleasant to the touch chest.

"Get some rest. We'll talk in the morning" He said, kissing my forehead.

The only response he heard was a soft purr, after which I fell asleep again. No one saw his happy face then. With peace and relief he could finally fall asleep, knowing that in the morning he would be able to talk peacefully with a certain woman, cuddled up next to his body. 

As the sun began to emerge from the horizon, I lazily opened my sleepy eyes. I looked around the strange room, wondering where am I.

As I stretched, I felt someone's hands holding my waist. And something else. Something very dangerous was nestled against my buttocks. I froze, wondering how to get out of this situation safely. However, the owner of the loaded gun woke up before I could think of anything.