CH 4

Chapter 4: New Benchpartner

I woke up as usual to my mom's knocking on the door, telling me to get up. At first, I ignored her and tried to keep sleeping, but then I remembered what was going to happen today. Quickly, I got out of bed and went to dress up. My mind raced the whole time, thinking about who the teacher would pair me up with.

When I went downstairs, Mom was setting breakfast on the table. "How did you come down so early today?" she asked, surprised.

"I already slept in the evening yesterday, so I wasn't that sleepy," I replied, which wasn't entirely a lie. I thought Mom would bring up what the teacher had said yesterday, but instead, she just asked random things, like how school was going and how Olivia was doing.

"Olivia is doing well," I said. Mom liked Olivia a lot since she was friends with Olivia's mother.

Then a thought hit me: what if the teacher changed my seat? I had sat with Olivia ever since I started school. We were childhood friends, and I doubted I could adjust to having a new bench partner. Feeling uneasy, I hurried to school, arriving a bit earlier than usual.

As I entered the classroom, I saw the teacher's pet, Alaric, already sitting and studying. I felt a wave of disgust. Please, God, don't pair me up with him, I prayed. I could manage with anyone else, but not that teacher's favorite. I went to my usual spot in the back and waited for Olivia to arrive.

When she came, I waved at her. "Don't worry, El. Everything will be alright," Olivia said, trying to comfort me.

"Oli, what if the teacher changes my seat?" I asked, feeling anxious.

From her expression, I could tell she hadn't thought about that. "Well, we can't do anything about it now," she said, but her words didn't calm me. I took a deep breath as the teacher entered the classroom.

"Good morning, teacher!" the whole class greeted her—except me, of course.

"Good morning, class. Sit down," she said. After taking attendance, she called out, "Elara, come here."

I stood up and walked toward her, my heart pounding.

"I've decided who to pair you with, and I think Alaric would be the best choice. He can help you with your studies," she announced.

The whole class gasped, and whispers filled the room.

"Silence!" the teacher shouted, quieting everyone down. I turned to her, pleading, "Teacher, can't you pair me with someone else?"

"Elara, that's enough. Get your bag and sit with Alaric," she ordered.

My worst fears had come true. If it had been anyone else, I wouldn't have felt so bad, but sitting with Alaric? I could barely handle the thought. Gloomily, I returned to my seat to grab my bag.

"Don't be sad, El. We can talk during lunch," Olivia whispered, trying to cheer me up. I forced a smile and winked at her before heading to Alaric's seat.

He shifted to make room for me as I sat down.

"Alaric, please keep an eye on her. Let me know if she isn't following along," the teacher instructed.

"No problem, ma'am. I'll help her," Alaric replied confidently.

I rolled my eyes, thinking, What? I have to do as this brat says now? I frowned but didn't say a word. The first two periods passed in silence. My mind was elsewhere.

In the third period, which was social science, I rummaged through my bag and realized I had forgotten my textbook. I let my head drop into my hands. Back when I sat with Olivia, it wasn't a big deal if I forgot a book because she always had hers.

"What's wrong?" Alaric asked, surprising me—it was the first time he'd spoken to me all morning.

I wanted to snap at him, but instead, I muttered, "I forgot my book."

"No problem, you can share mine," he offered.

I frowned, but I couldn't refuse. Reluctantly, I studied from his book, hoping the lunch bell would ring soon.

When it finally did, I rushed to Olivia. All the other students gathered around, asking why the teacher had changed my seat. I was in no mood to deal with them, so I grabbed Olivia's hand, and we walked off to our usual spot.

I rested my head on Olivia's shoulder, feeling frustrated. She patted my head gently.

"Oli, how am I supposed to survive sitting with that brat?" I groaned.

Olivia chuckled. "He's not that bad, El."

"I know, but just looking at his face irritates me! And does he have to sit at the front bench all the time?"

"Toppers always sit at the front," Olivia pointed out.

"But I'm not a topper," I complained.

"Doesn't matter now. You'll have to deal with him," she said, shrugging.

While we ate lunch, Max and his friends approached us. "Good luck, Elara," they teased, laughing.

"If you don't want to get hit, get lost!" I snapped at them.

"Come on, Elara, just chill," Max said, still grinning.

I was so tempted to punch him, but I knew I couldn't afford to get into more trouble. Olivia stepped in, "Max, please leave. El's not in a good mood."

"Thanks, Oli," I said, feeling grateful.

She smiled and patted my head again. Slowly, my mood improved, and we headed back to class.

I said goodbye to Olivia and went to my new seat. Alaric was already there, sitting with his eyes closed, as if he were meditating. How can anyone be this serious? I wondered.

The afternoon classes were no better. Alaric and I barely exchanged a word. When the departure bell finally rang, I sighed in relief and packed up as quickly as possible. For once, I didn't wander around after school. I just wanted to get home without any more trouble today.

I was wondering that how would I able to cope with him for the the rest of session. Although he had helped me today but I just couldn't bear looking at his face.
