23. Tyler

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Arriving at Snack Street, Chris saw two beauties and a boy waiting for him at the intersection.

One of the girls had a bold, confident presence, while the other had a more gentle, delicate demeanor.

Passersby barely glanced their way, though a few curious men tried to approach. Before they could say a word, a large pink Granbull with a fierce expression blocked their path.

They quickly retreated.

As for the boy beside them, he was on high alert, eyeing the men approaching.

Compared to Granbull, Chris thought the boy seemed more like a guard dog.

"You're too slow, aren't you? How dare you leave the two beauties waiting for 20 minutes!" Amy said as she walked over, putting her arm around Chris's shoulder.

"No way, the hotel was far. As an apology, I'll treat you all today!" Chris shrugged. With her so close, he caught a faint scent of orchids.

Amy's perfume choice was nice—it smelled good.

"Alright, then I'll let myself go with eating today. You better be ready to bleed your wallet," Amy said, then introduced the girl beside Chris. "This is Victoria, my roommate. She's also from the Battle Department of Dragon University."

"Hello," Victoria greeted softly. As her name implied, her voice was gentle, making people want to take care of her—if not for the fierce-looking Granbull beside her.

Granbull: *Stare* ( ̄ヘ ̄o#)


"And this..."

"My name is Tyler. Like Victoria, I'm a classmate from the Battle Department of Dragon University," the boy introduced himself, eagerly extending a hand for a handshake.

Chris looked at Ye Junlang carefully, scrutinizing him.

Well, that's about right.

Chris shook Tyler's hand politely and then released it quickly.

Victoria frowned slightly when she heard Tyler call her so fondly.

After exchanging simple greetings, the four of them headed into the heart of the snack street.

It was summer vacation, and with colleges and universities recruiting students, the snack street, which usually opened in the evening, was bustling early. Crowds streamed by in every direction.

"I want some stinky tofu," Amy said as soon as they entered the snack street, stopping at the first stall on the right.

"Buy it," Chris said proudly. As a millionaire, he couldn't possibly let a bowl of stinky tofu break his bank, right?

"I've got it." Tyler stepped in front of Chris and paid the bill directly.

Chris glanced at Amy, who then quietly exchanged a look with Vctoria before glancing up at the sky in silence.

Alright, understood.

Victoria's suitor.

"I want lean meatballs."

"Got it."

Tyler bought another order.

"I want octopus balls."

"Got it."

Tyler continued to pay.

As they moved through the street, Chris couldn't help but wonder when he acquired a personal servant to pay for everything. Not that he was complaining—having someone else pick up the tab was perfectly fine with him.

By the time they reached the end of the snack street, the four of them sat down at a long table by the West Lake, eating and chatting.

"How was your exam today? Do you feel confident?" Amy asked Chris as she popped an octopus ball into her mouth.

"It went okay. At least I filled in the blanks."

"Then you should be fine," Li Xiaoyu said. After three years of being classmates, she had a good understanding of how well Chris handled exams.

"Fill in the blanks" = "I wrote it well."

"I didn't do well this time" = "I was still the top scorer."

"I forgot to review" = "I don't need to review at all."

"Big Breeder, can I ask you to help write the Pokémon Breeder plan in the future?" Li Xiaoyu asked.

Chris raised his hand and said, "OK, as an old classmate, I'll definitely give you a special price."

"Cut, stingy," Amy pouted.

"Then, can I trouble you in the future too?" Victoria cast him a hopeful look.

Before Chris could respond, Ye Junlang interrupted, "Victoria, I have a professional senior Breeder in my family. I'll take care of your Pokémon Breeder needs from now on!"

"No, thank you, I'll handle my Breeder plans myself," Victoria responded immediately as soon as Tyler finished speaking. Her usually gentle face turned icy.

"It's okay, you don't need to be so polite," Tyler assumed she was just being modest.

"No." Victoria's tone sharpened.

Tyler fell silent.

Chris raised his eyebrows. It seemed like a classic case of unrequited affection.

After Victoria's blunt refusal, the atmosphere became awkward.

Amy continued eating her octopus balls, pretending she hadn't heard anything.

Chris wasn't embarrassed at all. In fact, he found it amusing. Before his rebirth, he was approaching his 40s, and such situations didn't happen around him often. When adults fell in love, they usually knew the outcome after the first encounter.

As Chris chuckled and relished the awkwardness, a sudden exclamation from the direction of the West Lake drew everyone's attention.

"Congratulations to Trainers Leo and Jack for winning and becoming the first team to pass the qualifiers!"

Chris turned toward the sound and saw a special battle arena set up on the surface of the West Lake.

The arena used the lake as the battleground, with wooden platforms laid across the water for the Pokémon to stand on.

The trainers stood on stone platforms, directing their Pokémon as they battled on the floating boards.

"West Lake Arena!" Amy's eyes lit up.

"What's the West Lake Arena?" Chris asked.

"It's a Pokémon doubles competition organized by the West Lake attractions to bring in visitors. The final winners get a prize from the officials, like rare Pokémon Eggs or special Pokémon items," explained Tyler.

"It's a rare chance! Let's join in!" Tyler looked at Victoria eagerly.

"Victoria, let's team up!"

"No, Coco's a bit tired today." Victoria gently stroked her Granbull, Coco.

"Buu~" Coco purred contentedly, nuzzling her hand.

"Chris, what do you say?" Amy asked, ready for action.

"Sure," Chris agreed casually. Battling in real life was a great way to help his Pokémon gain experience.

"Let's go! I'll carry you to victory!" Amy exclaimed, dragging Chris along.

Since the competition required two trainers per team, and Victoria had opted out, Tyler could only stand silently beside her, watching as Chris and Amy prepared to battle.