25. Couple Rival

Bonus chapter for Getting 100 power stones

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300 power stones=3 bonus chapters

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"Ah..." Chris scratched his head, knowing he was lying and still winning.

"Daisy said she'd help you soar, and soar you will!" Amy patted Chris's shoulder casually, not paying any attention to his earlier slacking off.

"Amazing! Your Croconaw is extremely fierce. You'll definitely be the future Water-type Trainer, Amy!" Chris flattered her at the perfect moment.

He also suspected that Amy's Croconaw didn't come from a Pokémon breeding center. It was wild and tough, the kind of Pokémon perfect for battles.

"Be bold, I'm aiming for Elite!" Amy said confidently.

Chris wiped his brow silently. Winning the street competition preliminaries was one thing, but aiming for the Elite?

You don't point towards the Champion after winning the Dragon University Grade Competition and now you're aiming for the Elite?

Amid scattered applause, Chris and Amy left the battlefield.

The official match at the West Lake Arena would start in half an hour, giving Croconaw time to recover. It wasn't seriously hurt—just a spray of Super Potion and thirty minutes would be enough.

On the other side of the arena, the group that had placed first earlier was discussing Chris and Amy's battle.

"Frogadier is very fast, and Croconaw is incredibly strong. It might be tough for us to win," Jack said, a bit worried.

But his boyfriend, Leo, had a different view.

"It's not that hard. The official Trainer combo already gave us a tactical idea. First, we team up to take down Frogadier, then we can handle Croconaw two-on-one."

The earlier battle had proven one thing—between Frogadier and Croconaw, Croconaw was clearly the powerhouse. Once it's out, Frogadier will be helpless, like a fish on the chopping block!

Jack thought it over and agreed. "I'll follow your lead."

Within half an hour, more spectators gathered—high school graduates from all over the country, all coming to study at Dragon University.

Visiting Dragon city meant visiting the West Lake, and the crowd around the arena only grew.

Soon, the rest time was up, and both teams of Trainers stepped onto the battlefield.

"This is the final of the West Lake Arena. Trainers Leo and Jack will face Trainers Amy and Chris. Each Trainer may use one Pokémon. The battle ends when both Pokémon on one side are unable to battle!" The referee confirmed the conditions of all four Trainers and raised his hand.

"Now, please send out your Pokémon at the same time!"

The four Trainers faced each other, each taking a Poké Ball from their belt and tossing it into the air.

The Poké Balls opened, and four Pokémon appeared.

Chris and Amy stuck with their Frogadier and Croconaw combo. While the tournament allowed players to switch Pokémon for the second match, neither Chris nor Amy had any plans to change.

Leo and Jack's Pokémon were Azumarill and Chinchou.

Azumarill, the bulky blue Pokémon, was known as the "Dragon Slayer" thanks to its Fairy-type and powerful "Huge Power" ability. There was even a legend of Azumarill slaying dragons in a previous era.

Chinchou, on the other hand, was a rare dual-type Electric and Water Pokémon, occupying a high niche in large river ecosystems.

The referee confirmed that both sides were ready, raised his hand, and slashed it down, announcing, "The game begins!"

"Azumarill, use Ice Punch!"

"Chinchou, use Haze!" Leo and Jack wasted no time, launching a fierce attack right at the start of the battle.

Azumarill leapt into the air, but instead of attacking Frogadier and Croconaw directly, it aimed its punch at the surface of West Lake. A light blue energy surged from Azumarill's fist, freezing the water beneath it!

While the frozen area was limited, it effectively cut off access to the water around Frogadier and Croconaw, clearly meant to prevent the two Pokémon from diving into the lake for cover.

Meanwhile, Chinchou expelled a thick, dark Haze from its mouth, quickly blanketing the battlefield and separating Croconaw from Frogadier.

"Again with this?" Chris muttered, raising an eyebrow. "Frogadier, get closer to Croconaw!"

"Froga!" Frogadier responded instantly, darting sideways. However, just as it started moving, a small Spark shot through the haze, forcing Frogadier to leap back to avoid it.

"It worked," Chris sighed, feeling a bit frustrated. His lack of battle experience was showing.

Suddenly, an Azumarill burst out from the fog, its fist glowing faintly blue as it aimed a freezing punch directly at Frogadier.

But Frogadier's keen battle instincts kicked in. Sensing the attack, it used its powerful legs to spring backward, dodging Azumarill's sneak attack with ease.

Chris smirked, quickly realizing what the opponents were thinking. "So, they think Frogadier's the weak link, huh?"

"Don't let it escape! Keep using Ice Punch!" Leo called out.

Azumarill pressed forward relentlessly, its fists swinging wildly, the chilling blue glow of Ice Punch making the air around it drop in temperature. Chris had a sneaking suspicion that this Azumarill was male—its aggressive nature and sheer determination to crush Frogadier suggested as much.

However, Frogadier's speed and battle experience were too much for Azumarill. It dodged each punch with agility, leaping and weaving effortlessly through the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Amy realized their opponents' strategy. She rolled her eyes, finding their tactics dull. She tried to direct Croconaw to move toward Frogadier, but Chinchou's Thunder Wave hit Croconaw through the haze, paralyzing it on the spot.

"Ugh, come on!" Amy groaned, realizing that Croconaw was temporarily out of commission. Now, she had to rely on Chris to deal some damage before she could make her move.

Seeing that Azumarill's attacks were getting them nowhere, Jack decided to step in.

"Chinchou, use Thunder Shock!"

Chinchou's antennae glowed as it fired a barrage of electricity at Frogadier.

Now, with one Pokémon attacking up close and the other hitting from a distance, Frogadier's dodging became more difficult. Still, its swift movements allowed it to avoid most of the attacks with ease.

"Move Chinchou forward!" Leo shouted to Jack. "We'll block Frogadier's escape routes from both sides!"

By now, Leo was starting to sense that targeting Frogadier may not have been the best choice after all.