
In a Comic Book Shop…

A young man named Scott McQueen was standing with his girlfriend by a table stacked with colorful comic books. He looked quite bored as he flipped through the vibrant pages, barely paying attention.


He flipped to the next page.

『When I was a kid, they were simple. You know, the kind of guys who wore capes, fought bad guys, and always knew what was right. Comics made it clear… heroes were supposed to stand for justice, protect the weak, and fight evil. Black and white, good and bad, no in-between. It was easy to root for them because they lived by rules we all understood.』

『But now? Now that heroes are real… it's nothing like that. I mean, they still wear the costumes and save people, sure. But they're more interested in flashing smiles for the cameras, signing endorsement deals, and posting on social media than actually doing any good.

… Sigh~

『It's all for fame, power, and sponsorships. They've got their agents, their image consultants, their PR teams spinning every move like they're celebrities, not protectors. It's like the world's okay with that, though, because we eat it up.

『It's like gold… even if it's poisonous, people won't stop staring at it because it's shiny.』

The young man set down the comic book and reached for another.

For a moment, it was as if he stood alone in a completely dark world, his figure outlined by a pale shadow.

Nothing seemed to matter.

His eyes showed it clearly.

But his actions masked the aloofness he had toward the world around him.

『The worst part? No one questions it. People don't care why the hero saved the day, as long as they did it in time for the evening news.

『But that's not me. I don't need a spotlight. I don't need praise. I don't want to be adored or idolized. What I want is simple: to be the hand in the shadows, the fear in the back of someone's mind, the whisper that says "Maybe I shouldn't."

… The kind of justice that doesn't get a thank-you.

『I don't care about the money or the followers. I just want to be a tool. A weapon. Not in the spotlight, but in the dark corners, reminding people what happens when they step out of line. Let the "heroes" chase their fame. I'll be the one in the shadows, making sure the justice they're too distracted to deliver gets done.』

Scott set down the comic book and let out a heavy sigh, nearly slouching.

『Unfortunately, I don't have what it takes to stand on equal grounds with these other superheroes. So, I'll just focus on school instead…』

He glanced over at his girlfriend, who stood there pouting slightly. She was gripping the straps of her backpack, tapping her foot on the floor like she was waiting for something.

"Can we do it now?" she asked.

"Really? In a comic book store?" Scott raised an eyebrow.

"Uh-huh… you know how my body gets at certain times, and this is one of those times. I need us to do it, just a little bit."

She held the hem of her miniskirt, pressing her thighs together as a blush spread across her cute face.


She added, this time sounding more polite.

For a moment, Scott was reminded of his old dog, Rufus, who had passed away a few years ago. Rufus used to tilt his head and bark more softly whenever he wanted a treat, just like how she was asking now.


Scott crossed his arms and sighed dramatically.

"It's not like you can help it."

He shrugged right after.

『This is my girlfriend, Maya Rivera. She's eighteen, just like me, and we both go to the same high school. She's really smart but a bit shy, and she's great at physics and astronomy, just like her dad, Hiram Rivera, who's a well-known scientist at the A.E.T.H.E.R Institute.

『In her free time, she usually hangs out in her dad's research lab, where he worked on advanced experimental energy projects. One of his projects was a pulsar-powered generator.

『One night, while Maya was at the lab, something went wrong. The generator malfunctioned and exploded, releasing a huge burst of pulsar radiation. Instead of hurting her, the radiation changed her genetic makeup, mixing her DNA with the properties of a pulsar.

… SIGH~!

『After that, it's pretty obvious what happened next… she got registered with the Hero Agency, and now my girlfriend's a superhero.』

He glanced at her from head to toe.

Maya was short and petite, with light skin and big purple eyes. Her black hair barely touched her shoulders, and a few strands always fell in front of her face.

She had a slim figure, but her curves still greatly highlighted her femininity and added to her undeniable cuteness.

"Come oooonn~!"

Maya grabbed Scott's arm and gave it a sharp pull.

"Let's go already!"

She used a bit of her super strength to pull him along, and soon they left the main floor, heading through the back door that led to the restroom and the storage room.

Big Marv noticed them and shook his head.

He was the owner of the store.

"Tch, kids these days will have sex anywhere."

The chubby man, as round as a beach ball, looked very happy that he wasn't like them during his teenage years.

50 years and still a proud virgin.

It wasn't easy!

"It's like they don't realize that all this sweet romance ends in high school and that love loses its value. But you know what doesn't lose value over time?"

He held up the comic book as if it were a sacred item and stared at it with hungry eyes.

On the cover was an attractive, busty woman in a tight black and red superhero costume.

"Limited edition comics of Rope Girl!"

He brought the comic closer, kissed it, and hugged it tightly, letting out a satisfied sigh.

━ ━ ━ ━

Mmm-ahhh~ ♡♡!

Haahh~ Mmmph!

Aauuunnn~ ny~eessssss~ ♡♡♡!!

Scott and Maya were kissing passionately in the storage room, moving against the cobwebbed walls and dusty boxes.

"Mwah~♡! Ye~ssss, squeeze me more too~ ♡♡!"

"Take it easy…"

Scott's hand moved down to Maya's small, soft butt, squeezing it in a way that made her arch her back and cough out a heavy moan.

… Mmnn~ahhhhnnn ♡♡!

He massaged her butt gently, like he was kneading dough, which made Maya's body grow hotter and her skin to glow with a bright purple light.

She leaned in for another kiss, this time more aggressive. She wrapped her arms around Scott so tightly it felt like she was about to crush steel.

Scott didn't pull away; instead, he grabbed her smooth thigh, lifted it, and tightened his grip on her ass cheek.

… Humph~ ♡!

Their aggressive kissing continued for a while, but eventually, Scott felt his lungs being squeezed and pulled away, breaking the kiss.

"I can't do this anymore!"

He spoke with frustration in his voice.

This always happened.

Whenever they tried to get intimate, Maya would get carried away and lose control of her strength. His human body just couldn't keep up with her super strength.

"D-, Did I do something wrong?"

Maya's pretty eyes started to water, and her lower lip quivered like she was about to cry.

It wasn't the first or even the second time they had been intimate, only for Scott to lose interest halfway through.

Each time, she felt more and more unattractive.

Maya lowered her head and gently placed her hands on her small breasts.

"It's because I'm small, isn't it? I'm not like the other girls that guys are always fawning over, and now you've lost interest in me. I get it…"

Her voice grew quieter with each word.

Scott sighed and walked over to her, wrapping her in a tight hug. He gently pressed her head against his chest, stroking her short, black hair.

"It's not you. Well, it's you, but not for the reason you're thinking. Your breasts are perfect the way they are… even if they're tiny."

He blurted out a small laugh.

Maya's face immediately scrunched up.


"Keke, I'm kidding…"