City of Heroes

Metro City.

It was located on the American east coast, and was famous for being home to many world-renowned heroes. It was often called the City of Heroes and had a population of about five million people.


A huge mechanical monster was wreaking havoc in the city, firing rockets that were slicing off the tops of skyscrapers and smashing buildings into rubble with its fists.


"We're all gonna die!"

"Where the hell are those heroes for fuck sake!"

"I don't wanna die!"

The air was filled with loud screams as people frantically ran for cover, trying to protect themselves.

After firing round after round, the police had given up on stopping the creature and had gone into hiding themselves.

Soon, the Metro News helicopter appeared through the clouds, hovering at a safe distance from the destruction.

Hanging out of the helicopter were reporter Billy Wallson and his camera operator, James Jones, watching as the mechanical monster continued to tear the city apart.

"Did you get the shot? This is a live broadcast to the whole world, so don't lose focus!"

"Yes, sir, I've got it!"


The reporter cleared his throat dramatically and spoke into his microphone with full force.

[Hello, everyone! Just about 30 minutes ago, a strange, massive mecha monster, which people online are calling Titanus Magnus, showed up in the heart of Metro City!]

[This thing is over 50 meters tall, and its punches can easily tear through large buildings. I've gotten word from the Hero Agency and they've classified it as a C-rank monster!]

[No one knows where it came from or who's behind it. Most of the scientist supervillains we've dealt with in the past are either under house arrest or locked up. So, who's responsible this time? Stay tuned to Metro News for updates!]

━ ━ ━ ━


A single figure suddenly appeared at the top of the tallest skyscraper in the area, surrounded by a flash of bright yellow lightning that crackled with energy. The wind whipped fiercely around her, almost like a wild animal, as she stood there with her arms crossed, calmly watching the chaos unfolding below.

The streets were in complete chaos.

People were running in fear, scattering like ants as a giant behemoth stomped through the city.

The mechanical creature was a terrifying amalgamation of shiny steel, weaponized arms, and glowing energy cores.


Its eyes glowed an evil red as it easily tore through buildings, firing plasma blasts from its huge cannons.

The cameras turned and focused on the female speedster watching from above.

[Ooo, guess who just showed up to steal the spotlight? It's one of the top five hottest superhero girls in Metro City and a well-known C-rank hero, Miss Mercury!]

She was an incredibly sexy woman.

She wore a tight black and yellow bodysuit that showed off her curvy figure. The suit had a sleek, futuristic design with sharp patterns, especially around the chest, where the yellow details made her large breasts stand out.

The outfit hugged her body, emphasizing her slim waist and wide hips, giving her an athletic yet shapely look.

She also had a high-tech visor on her head, and her long brown hair was tied back into a ponytail.


Miss Mercury mumbled with a frown on her face.

"Is that really all they know me for? Tch!"

━ ━ ━ ━

[Official Miss Mercury Fanpage!]

The fan page for Miss Mercury was already buzzing with excitement.

It was an online community where fans gathered to celebrate her superpowers, beauty, and impressive abilities.

Naturally, some of her followers were a bit more… focused on her shapely body than others.

NutLicker78] Damn, those curves could break the sound barrier!

MissMercuryPantyStrip888] Forget light-speed, I'd let her run laps around my dick!

MissMercuryFartSniffer900] The way her suit hugs her figure, especially when she's racing past. It's like watching art in motion!

Web_Man] You guys get freaky here huh…

NutLicker78] Shut your ass up, virgin!

It was always like this on her fan page.

━ ━ ━ ━

Miss Mercury shook her head and let out a sigh.

"Whatever… I should focus."

She pulled down her high-tech visor, and her vision adjusted quickly, stretching out and then pulling back in. She bent down into a starting position, her big butt sticking up and her eyes focused straight ahead.

『I'll just move at the speed of…』

Miss Mercury's thoughts were interrupted when she received a transmission from MegaCorp.

[Mercury, don't go faster than transonic speeds. It's a direct order from your manager.]

[W-, Wait, what──?! I can move at light speed and easily tear that mecha apart!]

[I don't care. I'm just passing along your manager's instructions. And make sure your breasts jiggle enough while running so the cameras get a good shot. We're shipping some of your erotic figurines to Japan for sale.]

[What if I refuse?]

[Ha! Like you have a choice!]

~Transmission end~

No room for arguments it seemed.

"Tch, always so annoying!"

In a flash, she disappeared from the rooftop, replaced by a streak of lightning cutting through the sky.


The air crackled with her speed as Miss Mercury zoomed down the side of the skyscraper. She moved so fast that she was a blur, barely touching the building as she descended.


Suddenly, the ground shook as Titanus Magnus slammed its arm into a building, causing it to collapse with a deafening crash.

Just before the debris could hit a group of people, Miss Mercury appeared.

Time seemed to slow down for her as she darted between the falling rubble, quickly guiding everyone to safety in an instant.

Once the last civilian was safe, Miss Mercury skidded to a stop in the middle of the street, keeping her eyes fixed on the mecha monster.



Soon, she heard strange, perverted noises.

Glancing to her side, she saw a group of men staring at her with hungry eyes and salivating mouths.

Miss Mercury frowned at them.

[Mercury, don't look at your fans like they're freaks!]

After the warning, she painfully forced a smile and blew them an affectionate kiss.

… Mwah~♡

Titanus Magnus' sensors detected her presence quickly, and it turned its head to face the speedster with a loud, metallic roar.

Miss Mercury saw its chest panels open up, revealing a glowing core of energy.


Missiles shot out from its arms, heading straight for her.

But Miss Mercury was already moving.

With a burst of speed, she zigzagged through the incoming missiles, her movements quick and unpredictable.

Boom! Boom!!


The missiles exploded behind her, causing powerful blasts that shook the city, but Miss Mercury stayed untouchable, always staying one step ahead.

As she closed the gap between herself and the giant robot, she jumped onto a fallen car and launched herself into the air.


She landed on the monster's foot and then ran up its leg, her body flashing like yellow lightning against its metal surface.

She darted across the robot's body, targeting the weak joints in its armor. Her fists moved so quickly that they seemed to blur as she delivered a series of powerful punches to its knee.

Blam! Blam! BLAM!!


Each hit made a loud crack, denting the armor and sending sparks flying.

[Mercury, you're going too fast! Slow down so the cameras can get a better view of that big butt of yours!]

[How am I supposed to fight or get promoted if I keep slowing myself down? It's making easy battles look difficult and making me look incompetent!]

[I don't care. Jiggle your tits or something, and don't go so fast that the camera misses you!]

[NO! I'm not listening to you anymore!]


[I said I'm not listening to you anym──!!]


The mechanical monster's massive fist came out of nowhere and hit Miss Mercury, sending her flying across the battlefield like a ragdoll.

She crashed into a distant building and fell unconscious.

Titanus Magnus then spread its mechanical arms and let out a deafening roar, shaking the entire area as if it were an earthquake.

Billy Wallson stood in shock, nearly dropping his mic.

But he knew he had to pull himself together and keep the public informed.


[Mi-, Miss Mercury… is down?]

[Quick! Someone call an ambulance! Hurry! Miss Mercury is in critical condition!

[It looks like the Hero Agency may have misjudged this. Titanus Magnus might be more than just a C-rank threat! He's so strong that he was able to take down the supposedly uncatchable Miss Mercury with just one hit!]

[Ladies and gentlemen, it seems we need a B-rank hero, or even an A-rank hero! What's the Hero Agency doing at a dire time like this──?!]