Optimized Essence of the Scholar

Essence of the Scholar

By consuming the Essence of the Scholar, you gain several extraordinary boons:

Perfect Memory: You possess perfect memory with infinite storage capacity.

Superhuman Intellect: Your intellect surpasses genius level, allowing you to perform calculations and process information faster than supercomputers.

Mental Resilience: You are immune to insanity and memetic hazards. "Things Man Was Not Meant To Know" become guidelines rather than rules.

Scientific Mastery: You have mastery over many sciences, including those yet to be discovered by humanity.

Reverse Engineering: You can reverse engineer anything given enough time.

Infinite Multitasking: You can maintain practically infinite trains of thought and multitask effortlessly.

Instant Knowledge Acquisition: By touching any data storage device or book, you instantly gain its knowledge without needing to read it. This ability can be toggled on and off.