Optimized Essence of the Mad Doctor

Essence of the Mad Doctor

By consuming the Essence of the Mad Doctor, you gain several extraordinary boons:

Perfect Memory: You possess perfect memory with infinite storage capacity.

Superhuman Intellect: Your intellect surpasses genius level.

Potion Mastery: You can create potions that achieve almost any effect, from granting immortality and regeneration to causing someone to fall in love with a specific target.

Immunity: You are immune to both mundane and magical diseases and poisons.

Occult and Alchemical Knowledge: You have immense knowledge of occult and alchemical lore, which updates itself if you travel to different worlds.

Medical Expertise: You are supernaturally skilled in medicine, capable of curing almost any ailment with some research, and already know how to tackle most common ailments.

Biological Mastery: You can create homunculi that are superior to their species in all aspects, including being ageless and perfectly loyal to you. You can also create other creatures, such as Frankenstein-like abominations, chimeras, or other mutated beasts.

Ingredient Conjuration: You can conjure ingredients from thin air.