Essence of the Magic Contractor

Essence of the Magic Contractor

*Gain the ability to grant magical powers to others of your own specifications like creating magic girls of various types, creating d&d like 'classes' that people can advance in. You have control over everything from abilities, skills, specific powers, or drawbacks given to each type and can create as many as you want. The stronger the type is the more energy and time is required to successfully create it. Creating a stereotypical fighter class would be fairly easy, creating a class that grants near omnipotence would be nearly impossible and very resource intensive. You may automate the creation of these types by setting a general theme and suitable types will be created based on the world in question and theme chosen. Time and energy are still required to be expended to create new types even with automation.

*Can create dungeons to your specifications including the layout, rewards available, traps, and things found within or leave it randomized which will generate a range of dungeons appropriate for the world and location based on how much magic there is and how 'strong' that world is. A normal would see bottom of the barrel dungeons with mostly mundane creatures and slightly magical items.

*Able to introduce magic to worlds without it or strengthen it with a massive jolt of raw power. The world will quickly change into a magical one with beasts of legend rising and perhaps even gods if the magic is strong enough. Mortals without a doubt will gain magic some more likely than others and able to pick up whatever powers you set up to be available. Worlds with existing magic will find it stronger, enriched, and overall much higher quality then it had been previously. This can also serve to reawaken or revitalize a world that has seen its magic diminish.