Essence of Vessels

Essence of Vessels

*You are able to separate your soul from your body and interact with the world as a spirit. Should you suffer a physical death your soul will persist instead of being forced into the next cycle that it might otherwise be placed into.

*Your soul is immortal and can restore itself from complete oblivion or erasure from existence after some time.

*While not inhabiting a physical body you can attempt to possess another body even if there is already another soul within by overpowering their will. Even corpses can be possessed though any damage they have suffered will remain unless you have a method to heal them.

*Any physical body you have successfully possessed is added to a pool of vessels that you can at will summon and inhabit. These bodies are perfect copies of the original at their greatest and will possess all the knowledge, memories, skills, abilities, and personal items that they had at their disposal. Any damage to them all the way up to complete destruction will be slowly repaired automatically. None of these copies have a will of their own and are on their own empty shells. You may begin with a body of your choice should you desire.