Essence of the Golden Wrought God 

Essence of the Golden Wrought God 

*Your soul is transplanted into the body of an ancient forgotten artificial god, forged by the greatest smiths and mages for a war lost to the ages.

 *The Golden Wrought God body is built on a skeleton forged of nearly indestructible enchanted Orichalcum further inscribed with runes and spells that laugh off magic, reality-warping, time manipulation, and other exotic abilities. Your body now has limitless stamina, can regenerate from your skeleton in seconds, and continue to fight even if reduced to a skeleton albeit with more limited mobility. Should your skeleton manage to be damaged it is easy to put it back together and even if your very bones are scattered through creation or beyond you can unerringly track them down and easily reclaim them once you find them. Should your skeleton be reduced to a state where it cannot self-repair it will simply create itself anew, meaning even if you are reduced to a Divine Core you will eventually be restored.

 *Your muscles, organs, and skin are also tough, able to survive any conventional weapon short of a nuclear bomb or similar level weapon. Your flesh is just as enchanted and inscribed as your skeleton giving you golden runes and spells engraved across your body.

 *Your physical attributes match those of heroes, the strength of Hercules, the speed of Achilles, and the intellect of Chiron.

 *Your body takes the shape of your ideal self or what form you would find most aesthetically beautiful for yourself. This beauty enhances any charisma or intimidation factor you have.

 *You have limited shapeshifting within the bounds of the human form and can assume any sex or in between at will.

*Your Willpower is functionally infinite, can shrug off any influence and will remain unchanging in the face of all opposition save for those that come from the self. You are incapable of boredom and could survive inside your own mind for eons fueled by contemplation or sheer stubbornness. You cannot suffer guilt, trauma, or any negative mental effect under any level of stress. Any sense of fear, guilt, shame, or similar negative mental influence that might lessen your ability to think logically or lessen your lethality has been rendered null but your mind registers what you would be feeling if your emotions were not altered, you just don't feel it. This can be toggled either in full or for specific feelings and emotions or restrict them to a specific intensity. Built in safeties prevent you from being overwhelmed by emotional or sensory overload, these cannot be disabled. Further safeties prevent you from self termination, these also cannot be disabled. 

*Your mind is augmented giving you immense intelligence, Infinite Multitasking, perfect memory, infinite capacity, archiving and indexing. The works of those that created the god body are known to you, as is the knowledge, wisdom, and esoteric concepts that come with it. You have the ability to detect any divine influence whether it be a blessing, a mortal avatar, and can recognize and dissect the nature of the divine source with but a glance. This sensory ability works on other powers and abilities but is specialized towards the gods. You are further immune to illusions and can easily pierce them or outright destroy them by overpowering them if you have access to divine energy. Accurately predicting enemy movements or strategies from the level of personal combat to highly complex campaigns or the political theater will be easy once you have some contact with your opponent or are familiar with them. Such is a mind required of a being created to fight reality itself.

*Have a Divine Core where your heart would be, a very powerful artifact of magically forged crystal and Orichalcum thrumming with divine energy it supplies all power to your godly abilities. Your Divine Core holds your soul and consciousness and is completely invulnerable to damage no matter how powerful or strange the foe, such is the power of the magic weaved into it. Your body will regenerate from destruction in seconds regardless of the damage or where it might have been cast into. If desired you can simply go dormant and wait inside your divine core, then regenerate. Your Divine Core has an emergency system that will activate if sealed or imprisoned for some time that will tap into your reserves of divine power to send you away to somewhere safe. You can choose to activate a secondary ability of this escape function which will supercharge your core temporarily flooding it with well beyond the amount of divine power it would normally be using and cause a massive multi dimensional blast that does horrendous damage to the place you were imprisoned and everything within the blast radius. The scale of the blast increases with what level of activation you have reached. The minimum being like a multi megaton divine explosion of destruction at Sleeper level and a universe erasing divine inferno at Ascended level. The inside of your divine core acts as a mindscape where you can retreat to at will. You have complete control over your mindscape and while nothing inside is real you can make it seem real and warp how fast time passes inside. You can drag the minds of others into it if you have bound them or are touching them and can eject them just as easily.

 *Divine power is that of the gods, pure and full of power. Mortals, many monsters, and demonic foes are poisoned by too much raw divine energy without being accustomed to it. Gives immortality, superhuman attributes, and immunity to most effects like poison, disease, curses.

 *Divine energy can be used in a variety of ways such as performing miracles, slaying entities through smiting them. You can hear the prayers of anyone towards you or just in general if not specific. Prayer gives more energy then can be generated but is not needed to live. It can also enhance abilities such as boosting physical characteristics or empowering a lightning bolt. You can only begin using Divine power upon activating your Dreamer state.

 *Soul is refined and reforged to become completely indestructible and immune to any influence one could throw at it. The temptations of the vilest beings and the evils of man are but a ticklish wind onto your shining existence.

 *Immune to and exist outside of Fate, destiny, and prophesy. They will actively unravel around you as desired, and do not even register to someone with foresight or clairvoyance. This includes similar abilities.

 *Nothing of yours can be reduced, stolen, sealed, or altered in any shape or form except when you desire. Once you are in this body not even the mightiest of beings could hope to dislodge you or warp you, not even the random and often cruel omnipotent kind.

*The Golden Wrought God has several stages of activation that determine how much of its power can be accessed. Sleeper is the passive form that is always active for the Golden Wrought God. Divine power cannot be accessed while the Sleeper form is active and most functions are also dormant. You gain access to higher levels of Divine Power as you familiarize yourself with your body and settle into it unlocking greater levels with enough time and or experience.

*Sleeper: You can defeat powerful demigods using just your base attributes and the passive levels of energy and abilities provided by your new body.

 *Enhanced ability to learn and master skills and abilities. Skills can be learned and mastered in days, no teacher is required, and everything that develops will unconsciously be self-correcting to perfection and beyond. Pick up a sword and be fighting with masters in no time, actually fight a master? You can easily absorb their techniques into your own. One thing you have in spades already is raw combat abilities and can intuitively pick apart mortal combatants with your base martial affinity.

 *Enhanced ability to teach and pass on any skills you might possess to those able to learn them.

 *You can manifest a set of equipment that is self-repairing. This equipment consists of a base undersuit that emphasizes your form and acts as the anchor for future levels of armor and a limitless variety of clothing and accessories that you can switch to with but a thought. The base suit is protective enough to completely shield you from multi-megaton nuclear blasts. You also have access to a variety of divine weapons in the form of melee and ranged weapons, guns, knives, hammers, it is all there. All of these items are divine in nature and will refill their ammunition very quickly. They are all around the same level of power able to carve up the flesh of demigods and divine beasts with little difficulty. You can summon and dismiss these as needed but they will lose most of their power in the hands of mortals.

*Dreamer: You can defeat most normal gods by engaging the first level of your divine power. This level can be accessed within years if you are doing nothing.

 *Dormant systems come online and let you use divine energy to make non-magical objects and materials of excellent quality. The creation of life or magical items or materials without miracles is beyond you yet. You are able to manifest a golden suit of armor that can absorb attacks and protect you from anything short of a continent-shattering weapon without being scratched. Your divine weaponry is now able to deal out damage on the same level with little difficulty, turning Australia into an archipelago has never been easier.

 *You can actively make use of your divine energy. Basic uses include channeling it into attacks or crude barriers for defense. You can use your divine energy to turn any action you take and turn it from a failure to a success, a success to a feat of legend, and a feat of legend to simply violating reality and doing the absurd like strangling a cloud to death or singing so well it causes mountains to weep. The energy cost scales with the feat in question. 

 *You can now cast miracles to enact your godly whims though not on a global scale yet. Making it rain or curing cancer for a person is as simple as some energy and the will.

 *You are now able to touch upon the beginnings of your own Divine Order and briefly contest the existing one by projecting your own rules onto the world around you. This requires an incredible amount of divine power to maintain at this stage of activation.

 *You can create lesser Avatars of yourself that you can control directly or set off to act autonomously as you would. They have an unbreakable connection with you and can network between you and each other. These avatars are always able to only reach a level of Divine Power below yours and cannot create their own avatars.

 *Able to enforce your will on objects, places, and individuals by overwhelming them with your energy. Those that submit or overpowered are then bound to you for eternity unless released.

 *These Bound cannot resist commands or compulsions set down by you even if they otherwise would rage against the control for eternity.

 *This ownership carries the conceptual weight of your authority and power thus protected from any foreign influence that could possibly challenge this ownership.

 *Bound individuals can be 'blessed' with the ability to create miracles on a smaller scale with borrowed divine power.

 *Powerful entities such as gods, divine beasts, and others when overpowered can be added to or create a pantheon as a subordinate god. 

 *You can now shapeshift into more absurd forms like animals or other races. Returning to your original form when you so desire.

*Awakened: You can defeat skyfathers and groups of regular gods at the second level of divine power. This level can be accessed in centuries if you are doing nothing.

 *Your body unlocks your Battle Regalia, hulking fully enclosed power armor made of orichalcum that amplifies your attributes, powers, and energy by several times. Comes with combat-capable multifunctional tentacles. It would take damage capable of obliterating solar systems to scratch the armor. Your divine weaponry gains the ability to leave wounds nearly impossible to heal and can kill things permanently or prevent them from manifesting by bypassing any forms of immortality and restoration. Your weapons can casually sunder solar systems. 

 *Innate conceptual mastery of creating life or modified from nothing or transmuted from existing materials/bodies. By using more energy the likes of divine beasts or beings can be created. Anything created can be given a soul or left a hollow but functional construct. This includes beings like angels, divine beasts, and other supernatural entities. The most basic of your creations come out as living divine clay and orichalcum constructs with some sentience and the ability to follow basic commands.

 *Innate conceptual mastery of forging items whether they be constructs or weapons. The stronger or more complex the object the longer it will take to craft. You can determine what was used and what will be required to produce, repair, or create an object instantly.

 *Your capacity for miracles grows to the level where affecting a solar system at once is a valid strategy. You can do greater still with more energy scaling at higher and higher costs as the range and power of the miracle increases.

 *Your ability to project your Divine Order improves massively to the point where you can sustain it indefinitely stretching out to the range of a solar system. While active the existing laws of reality are mercilessly crushed under your own and gods will struggle to resist your Divine Order. Like miracles you can spend more divine power to grow your manifested Divine Order.

 *You know how to create or convert others into pale reflections of yourself: Golden Demigods. They all have the benefits of your base attributes and sleeper state but gain weakened forms of all of your Divine Power levels through Dreamer. They cannot turn against you and are bound to you automatically via your divine power. Golden Demigods of a converted origin will have their body reformed to be more idealized in your eyes removing any scars, previous injuries, or defects. Similarly they gain a set of magical tattoos that appear on their body representing their newfound bond to you. You may have other aesthetic changes such as their eyes turning gold or a change in skin tone.

*Ascended: You can defeat primordial gods or cosmic entities at the third level of divine power. This can be accessed in thousands of years if you do nothing.

 *Your battle regalia connects to a dormant outer shell summoning a massive mecha around you to pilot with a visage similar to yourself though its form is up to you for the most part. This mecha enhances your already enhanced powers many times. Your mecha can extend tentacles that will bore into the metaphysical framework of that universe or multiverse if you have access to its center and usurp control over it from its original master. If the world exists as a dream of a godhead or similar existence you will have to bore into the godhead directly to assume direct control. Once connected you gain access to that universes or multiverses Akashic Record which is the information for every single bit of that particular verse. The more powerful the setting or the more resistance there is the longer it will take to bore into the framework of the verse you are looking to usurp. This is also theoretically possible with Omniverses but not recommended due to the sheer effort and dangers in doing so. Once connected you can use this connection and your Divine Energy to weave changes on a mass scale rewriting the universe or multiverse and molding it to your whims as your Divine Order replaces the old laws of reality. Even when not connected you can subvert control over reality in localized areas and still affect worlds and larger still assuming no one or thing tries to stop you. This is only limited to as much Divine Energy as your core produces. You can construct pylons to maintain this control even if you are far away, effectively sustaining your Divine Order as long as they are intact. The divine weapons you can produce are world-shattering or greater with more time and energy spent. Mass-producing galaxy destroying throw-away weapons is trivial at this level. Your armor can also shrug off this level of punishment easily, it would take absurd levels of destruction to do serious damage to you while in your mecha state on the level of crushing a whole universe into itself with you inside.

 *Your ability to cast miracles is easily able to range multiple galaxies and beyond and powerful miracles are much easier and efficient to cast.

 *Manifesting your Divine Order is nearly effortless at this point of similar ranges as it is for your miracles. Pumping in even a little divine energy explodes the range of your Divine Order and with enough you could simply blanket the universe with your new laws of reality. There are very few beings that could contest you while inside your Divine Order.

 *You are now able to make Golden Gods. Like Golden Demigods, Golden Gods can be made from existing individuals or a Golden Demigod outright. Golden Gods require you to construct a God Egg which when the golden sphere is completed will begin work on making a Golden God. A God Egg is one use as it is cannibalized by the Golden God upon its completion. Golden Gods have all of your powers up to the Awakened phase and are bound similarly as the Demigods are. You can give a Golden God access to the Ascended state with a ritual of activation that requires a large amount of additional divine energy. It is possible to network yourself with Golden Gods who have taken control over different Akashic Records to achieve larger effects when working in conjunction.