Essence of the Fallen Angel

Essence of the Fallen Angel

*Gain the form of a Fallen Angel, cast down from heaven. You stand between the celestial light of Heaven and the darkness of Hell. Given your strange nature you may redesign your body to look however you wish whether it be a beautiful human or flaming wheel covered with eyes. You stand equal with the greatest of angels in power, beauty, intelligence, wisdom, among other attributes and retain this might even with your fall. The pagan gods of the world would hesitate to even raise your ire let alone fight you.

*Knowledge of creation is yours for you witnessed its forging, the secrets, the fundamental concepts, and its nature are all laid bare to you. Whether it is used to rebuild it in your own image, empower mortal thralls with supernatural abilities or just destroy it remains yours. This is without going into your thousands of years worth of experience fighting, ruling, scheming, and practically every other skill one could think of would be expected of by an angel of the highest station or a major figure of rebellion. Your charisma and ability to manipulate are also rather astounding, it is very difficult for even saints to resist you in person.

*You know the sins and while not their embodiment can still give it a good go. Whether it be channeling wrath to overpower a superior foe or using lust to boost your already magnificent appearance to blinding levels of beauty you can do it.

*Despite giving a really good fight to heaven you still lost, and were tossed into the deepest darkest dimensional pit they could find to languish there forever. Luckily you are free thanks to the essence and are not in any danger of being trapped forever anymore. Not that it would work again because any prison or seal on you will slowly and steadily erode and break down to ruin. Even then if they managed to kill or heavens forbid erase you all together you would be back eventually, all nice and healthy like nothing happened.

*Many angels fell alongside you and were bound to the same prison you were including your incredibly powerful and faithful lieutenants. Due to your circumstances they came along for the ride prison and all. You can summon entrances to this prison with but a thought. They remain unaware, sleeping after such a long imprisonment but can be awakened and summoned to your side with but a command. For all their issues they remain your loyal host, almost worryingly loyal if the looks some of them give you are anything to go by. If you stuff an uncorrupted angel or heavenly servant into the prison the spirits of the fallen will descend upon them and 'free' them of their duties to heaven converting them to your side as another fallen. Any fallen killed will resurrect inside the prison fully restored to their pristine state as a fallen.