Essence of the Primordial God

Essence of the Primordial God

*You become a primordial god. You have dominion over creation itself as is your right.

*You are immortal and undying, and will not succumb to the ravages of time and can continue to live in perpetuity not requiring any form of sustenance to live. Your body will never degrade, decay, or weaken normally even if you sit alone in a void for eons. This also makes you nearly immune to all poison, disease, mundane or supernatural as well as any form of corruption. You have practically limitless stamina and lifeforce to boot.

*Your memory is perfect with infinite storage and indexing, you are nearly immune to all types of mental and spiritual control, or manipulation. Your mind and spirit will never degrade, decay, or weaken normally even if you sit alone in a void for eons. Your body is highly resistant from hostile or detrimental form changing, body control, or modification.

*Your default form is that of an immaterial spirit with abilities that you would expect of such a form such as phasing through mundane objects, shapeshifting your ectoplasm, possession and other things. You cannot be damaged through mundane means in this state requiring supernatural means to do so and anything less than what a god or powerful artifact could bring to bear will do miniscule damage. Your spiritual form does not allow you to use your full range of abilities, limiting your power sharply and merely letting you tangle with singular gods and struggle against multiple. You can choose whether or not normal people can see you but those with supernatural senses or detection abilities can perceive or detect you unless you take care to hide. You can manifest a physical form at will, everything from its abilities, size, aesthetics, and more you can determine and change each time you manifest though you can "save" each form in case you like a particular form and even shift between them once you have created them. You may also do the same for your spiritual form though the reduced power is still in effect. Regardless when you manifest in physical form you can levy your abilities in full and unless intentionally weakening yourself gives you the strength to overwhelm mortals, gods, and even the spirit of the world itself. Losing your physical form will not kill you but it will leave you vulnerable until you generate another. Should your spirit be destroyed you will rise again later, never truly able to completely die without something incredibly powerful to destroy you entirely. You can split yourself into multiple bodies whether it be spiritual or physical. Each being directed by your will. Each division splits your overall power between each body unless you take the time to build each to your full might with your powers of creation. Losing one body does not destroy or impair the rest and any power invested into the one destroyed will be split equally between any remaining bodies unless you direct it to a particular one. You can also merge extra bodies back into yourself for the same effect. 

*You can enter a state of dormancy which will let you recover from any damage and recover power more quickly. You can still remain awake through a lesser avatar or incarnated vessel if you don't want to miss out on anything but your overall ability to use your power is greatly diminished. While in your dormant state you can feign death or a state near death of your main body.

*As a primordial god your power is that of creation and alteration. The very fabric of creation is yours to manipulate whether it be generating new life, magic, artifacts of incredible power, and whole worlds or forces are but a few things you could do. The only limiting factor is how much time and effort you wish to invest into your work. You can perceive and understand the construction of creation in great detail making it feasible to replicate something or weave your own changes into it. You can even use your powers to travel between worlds or realms and establish permanent bridges between them. Given some preparation you could even travel between universes and multiverses and establish bridges between them.

*You are able to create lesser avatars or incarnate yourself as a 'mortal' or demigod descended from yourself or any donors you happen to have material from. These bodies can either be set on autopilot where they will then act as you would, you can fabricate a new personality wholesale, or you can puppet them yourself. You will always be able to assume control over these bodies even if the personality inside might be antagonistic or uncooperative. Like with your main forms you can design the powers your avatars will have including letting them channel any other essences you might have except this one.

*Being a god means that you can hear or receive prayer from others. It need not be directed towards yourself. You can tap into these prayers, you can interfere with any existing link that a person has with a god and replace it with your own connecting the individual to your own power. This usually only works with those who have had their faith shaken or have fallen out of their gods favor. You may do this freely with those without a direct connection with a god. These individuals give you a conduit from which you can channel power through to give them aid, or guidance. In essence you can empower your faithful with extraordinary abilities of your design. It could be anything from classical supernatural powers, biblical miracles, all the way to D&D clerics and paladins.