Essence of the Survival Adventurer 

Essence of the Survival Adventurer 

*You have a healthy and fit body free of disease or complications. You can recover from anything but immediately fatal injuries with a day or two of rest. 

*You have the ability to grow more powerful via 'experience', going out completing quests, defeating enemies, discovering locations, and otherwise going out and living. By concentrating you can direct your experience to specific areas and grow stronger, faster, smarter, more skilled, etc. Experience can even be used to gain access to supernatural abilities if a person could possibly use them.

*You can review your condition by taking a moment and concentrating. You can get a clear idea of what is going on both positive and negative with your body, mind and soul. This can also show you how much 'experience' you have.

*You have a personal pocket dimension inventory for which you can store and retrieve things. There doesn't seem to be a limit on how much you can place into it and whatever is placed into it will be held in perfect stasis while inside. Your inventory is bound to your existence so wherever you go it goes even if you wind up in another form or get reincarnated. You are always aware of what is inside your inventory when interacting with it and can use it to almost instantaneously equip items. Items will also automatically resize and shift to fit you as if they were tailored for you specifically. This change persists after you take them off.

*You can at will make time seem to slow down to nearly a standstill but this is purely mental. While in this state you can use your inventory, assess your condition, or spend experience or simply use it to think and strategize but not much else.

*You have mental recipes for anything you know how to craft, make, or modify and can unlock more recipes with experimentation. Once unlocked you will always know how to craft them and can teach them to others if you wish. Gaining a recipe isn't just having the recorded steps to create said thing but knowledge that is ingrained into your mind. Crafting with recipes is rapid almost like time is rapidly sped up as you work, cutting the time it would normally take to a bare fraction letting you slap together a sword in moments or a house in less than an hour provided materials.

*You are able to find and rapidly harvest resources whether they be ore, wood, or bits of a creature which will be placed into your inventory automatically. You can also break items down into smaller components and materials, even deconstructing large complex structures given a bit of time. Breaking down items will also give you their recipe.

*You are able to tame things quickly, all you really need to do is make them submit and you will find something or someone becoming a loyal thrall. You can substitute usual methods by simply clubbing your target hard enough to knock them unconscious or disable them. It might take more than once if they have a very strong will. Once you tame something it will basically stick for the rest of its life.

*You can get a basic idea of how someone feels about you just by looking at them. By interacting with them you can get a clearer picture, cutting through deceptions and even tell if they are purposefully lying. You can rapidly befriend someone who is at the very least not hostile. Those you befriend this way will actually be your friend and very unlikely to stab you in the back short of extreme circumstances or you betraying them first. Also works for romance.

*You are able to accelerate the healing, growth, and maturation of living things. Crops? You can have those planted and ready to harvest in days. Somebody take a bullet wound? If you have the skills you can dig the bullet out and have them semi-recovered in moments. Animals you domesticated? Grown and ready in a week. People? You can do that too. Also affects reproduction. Things you accelerate do not suffer any negative consequences from the speed up, any animal or person will be just as they had developed normally without shortening their overall lifespan. This can't be used to age things past their prime. Things you accelerate will be able to take care of themselves and have basic knowledge like being able to speak, read, and write in your language if they are sapient.

*Should you die you will simply revive a short time later in a new body at a nearby random safe location albeit without anything that was on your previously. You can also set a spawn point where you will revive instead. You can revive from anything, even getting deleted from reality by some cruel god or cosmic mishap you will pop up good as new. Reviving resets you to your prime and removes any illness, curse, or other malady your previously might have been suffering. You are able to painlessly kill yourself at will which will allow you to free yourself from a predicament you otherwise cant escape from, no one can force or compel you to kill yourself.

*You can grant your revival ability to a being by touching them and concentrating on it, you are limited in how many you can grant this to by how "strong" you are. With just this essence starting out you may be able to grant it to a handful of people or slightly more creatures. You can retract this boon simply by touching the person and concentrating as before.