Essence of Bleach

Essence of Bleach

*You gain the form of a Shinigami, Hollow, or Quincy and may choose to become a hybrid of all three if desired. How this manifests is up to you if you decide on more then one race whether it being a Visored or creature such as Ichigo.

*Have great skill in all the disciplines that come with being that specific race whether it be Zanjutsu for the Shinigami or Blut for the Quincy. You also have the signature tools of your race such as the Zanpakuto or the numerous tools at the disposal of the Quincy. In the case of these you know how to produce more.

*You have a moderate amount of spiritual energy and can grow it further through training or other methods.

*Have a special ability or abilities related to your race and can choose to create your own or use a set from canon. This includes things like a Shinigami's Zanpakuto, a hollows innate powers, or a power like that of the Sternritter for the Quincy.

*By expending a large amount of spiritual energy you can convert others into more of your race who will have the basic abilities of said race.