Essence of the Shinigami 

Essence of the Shinigami 

*Gain the physiology of a Shinigami, your powers can never be sealed by striking the vulnerable areas on a Shinigami. Your spiritual power is equal to or greater than a captain level Shinigami.

*Have a mastery of Zanjutsu, Hoho, Hakuda and Kido. You can teach any other Shinigami fairly easily.

*By expending spiritual energy you can convert other mortals and ghosts into Shinigami who will have all the basic abilities that it entails. Expending a massive amount of power can let you jump them up to the level of a Shinigami Captain.

*Receive a zanpakuto either one of your own design or an existing one with the Bankai unlocked and mastered, it will regenerate after a day if it is ever sealed or destroyed.

*You know how to create more Assuchi and other tools Shinigami make use of.

*Optionally you have your own personal dimension that defaults to a copy of the soul society. It has no spirits amongst it to begin with but can begin receiving any newly deceased no issue.