Essence of the Rambling Bohemian Bastard

Essence of the Rambling Bohemian Bastard

*You've got the basic skills and knowledge in a trade (like blacksmithing) to survive and make a successful living in late medieval Eastern Europe, this includes competency with a few languages and the ability to read and write in those languages. You also become mildly stronger and tougher and can put up a fight against your average highwayman if you have something better than your fists.

*You have a strange ability to rapidly improve your physical characteristics and skills picking up what might take others months or years in weeks and maintaining them is effortless. There comes a point where you can't improve further, not without other abilities anyway.

*You have a vague sense of where you can find interesting things to do, whether that be someone needing help, opportunities for lucrative jobs, treasure, and plots large and small. Toggleable.

*Should you pick up alchemy you can learn to create a variety of useful concoctions including very special brew called Savior Schnapps which effectively function as a form of limited immortality as you can save when you consume it and load where you saved at will or if you die and otherwise suffer something you can't come back from normally. You can also do this by sleeping in a bed strangely enough.

*You have a special chest only found in your home or the last safe place you slept. It can seemingly fit damn near anything you can carry even if it shouldn't. No one can perceive this chest unless you want them to for some reason. The chest comes with a few sets of clothing, some inexpensive armor, and a few average weapons along with kits to maintain them.

*When you whistle you can call for any of your animals across any distance and they will arrive. If your animal dies you can simply whistle and they will reappear good as new. No one will think this is weird. Comes with a very loyal dog and horse plus some items to maintain them in your chest. 

*Optionally you may be dropped into Kingdom Come: Deliverance occurs or even take the role of someone in their place.