Essence of the Persean Sector 

Essence of the Persean Sector 

*You have the skills and abilities needed to be a capable pilot and commander of a spaceship whether that be the humble Kite class shuttle to a mighty Paragon class battleship. While you aren't an expert by any means you can learn and adapt a lot quicker than others could, even developing a variety of skills across different professions. Given more time and experience you could become one of the best around by the standards of the Persean Sector. 

*You gain a handful of lighter crewed ships found in Starsector, mainly frigates, a destroy or two, and a few support ships like the Buffalo and Dram, all loaded with enough supplies and fuel to operate effectively for weeks. You also gain a secure automated outpost where you can repair and refuel your ships though it lacks dedicated facilities for building more ships it does produce supplies and fuel.

*Optionally the outpost has a store of very rare and very valuable items including collection of blueprints for just about every piece of technology you might find in the Persean Sector, a few Domain era artifacts like Pristine Nanoforges or Fullerene Spools, and various dormant AI Cores. You can pick and choose if there are some things you don't want.

*Should you wish you may include any existing mods you desire to expand the range of possibilities available to you, go nuts.

*You may optionally be dropped into Starsector either vanilla or one as it would be with the mods you have included.