Chapter 13- Compensation

Celestria returned to her home, back in the capital where she was surrounded by her family members once they heard about the incident that transpired in the academy.

The other family members, Celestia's elder brother and younger sister, only know that someone tried to harm Celestria and took her hostage to ensure their safety. However, the identity of the attacker and the motive behind their decision weren't revealed since Hector wanted to first talk with the King.

Inside the reception hall, only four people could be seen currently.

Two of them were from the Soulforge Academy and on the left was a red-haired man with a hulking body which seemed to be barely fitting in his formal clothing.

The commander of the most fierce unit in the Royal Order, Aborne Hornblade.

And in the front sat the slim middle-aged man who goes by the name, Adolf Grimhold—the king of the nation and Celestria's father.

"What did you say? Obsessed?" Hearing Jullie's words, who was the fourth person in the hall, Aborne exclaimed.

It was creepy and gave birth to massive insecurity upon hearing that one of the teachers of the academy was obsessed with his student.

Jullie nodded, "Indeed. When Abeth's room was investigated, several hand-drawn pictures, Celestia's used stationary, her hair strands, and many other things related to her were found." Jullie regretfully spoke.

The Supreme authority has yet to speak a word as he hears the Headmaster speaking, "I apologize for not discerning Abeth's true nature beforehand. I should have been more focused on the administration."

Finally, Adolf said, "You are not to be blamed solely for this, my friend. I have kept you busy with the security relating to Capital and the trade centre these few months."

His eyes drew towards the ground as he added, "No one could have expected that the prodigious mage who rejected the offer to join the Royal Order was actually a scumbag in hiding."

Aborne gritted his teeth, "I wish he had been alive to experience his demise by my claws." Aborne is like an uncle to Celestria, and hearing that a bastard was stalking her just set his temper ablaze.

"Talking about that, you said Alex, maid Celeria's son killed him? And also, he was excused from the false charges of summoning a Soulless?" Adolf asked, to which Hector responded with a soft nod.

"He indeed executed Abeth when he took student Celestria in his hold as a hostage."

Adolf nodded, and said, "In that case, call Celeria and Brendon." Hearing those words, the King's personal butler walked away, heeding his master's command.

After that, Adolf and Hector began to converse things about the Academy's security and the necessary changes that should be brought in order to strengthen the students; both physically and mentally.

The recent poor performance of the students has become a major reason for concern, considering Soulforge is one of the leading Academies and was popular for producing young talents.

Soon, the two people who were called stepped inside the room with their heads lowered.

Both of them had black hair, which often made people wonder how Alex got himself silver hair in the first place.

But naturally, the King didn't invite them here to ask such trivial questions. He called them to reward them for the bravery their child showed.

"Raise your heads. You have the right to." Aborne encouraged and Adolf was about to follow when suddenly Jullie interrupted,

"I apologize for my rude behaviour, Your Majesty, but before granting them any reward, you should know that these two have to do nothing with Alex anymore."

That sentence made Aborne frown and Adolf genuinely looked confused. Hector was aware of what the violet-haired was speaking, but since she chose to speak about it now, and in such a stern tone no less, he simply remained silent.

Getting up, she approached the two and asked them, "Why don't you tell Your Majesty, how you disowned your own child just because he was accused of being a culprit?"

Aborne's eyes widened as he faintly uttered, "Disowned..." Being a doting father, he couldn't imagine how someone could abandon their child in their right mind.

Brendon's face was lowered in shame while Celeria spoke up, "W-We believed that he indeed was involved in the summoning...g-given Alex often r-remained cooped up in his room, r-reading c-creepy books..."

"If your son remains in his room reading books all day, you call him studious not a criminal. And how can you, the ones who gave birth to that child, lose hope in him when that child only can look up to you for support?"

Each word that escaped Vermillion's lips was like a poisonous dart, making Brendon lean his head down as much as he could in embarrassment and fear.

Celeria gritted her teeth, "You won't know why we made such a decision. Maybe one day when you become a parent'"

"Well, I am a parent, and I have three children. But you know what, in whatever situation, even if the world says that my children have done something wrong, I will fight the world to protect them." The words were spoken by someone who cannot be interrupted.

Adolf's voice held both fondness for his children and detested these two failures of parents.

Celeria trembled, her eyes moistened as she tried to beg the King for mercy, but Hector used his spell to silence them rather than letting them further dig their graves.

Adolf got up from his seat, and while advancing towards them, he declared, "You both are dismissed from your services and because of your irresponsible act, you have to pay three thousand gold coins as compensation to Alex within six months. Failing to compensate would grant you exile for life."

The couple paled in dread hearing the command and were on the verge of falling to their knees when Aborne commanded his soldiers to drag them out.

Once they were taken out, Adolf turned towards Hector before telling him, "Arrange a meeting with Alex. I want to reward him in person...and also, extend my gratitude for saving my daughter's life."

Hector nodded, "As you wish, sire."

There was a very brief smile that appeared on Jullie's face.

Finally, he would receive what he deserves.


The meeting went on until evening, and Jullie was told that after tea, they would be leaving.

With due respect, she excused herself to walk around a bit. Sitting in the same place for this long has caused her back to ache.

She was aware of the palace structure, which explains why she walked on the straight path that led to the garden, situated on the west side of the palace.

When she reached there, Jullie spotted the familiar figure of Celestria currently sitting on the tea table and staring at the flowers, blankly.

There were maids nearby, but it seems she chose to remain alone for the time being, that's why they were standing far away and made no move to refill her cup.

Naturally, as a teacher and someone who was aware of the whole situation, Jullie couldn't have stayed away.

Approaching the girl, she asked, "Worried about Alex?"

Celestria was startled, as she turned her head in Jullie's direction and instantly got up to offer the seat.

"It's okay, I want to stand a little. Sit down, you."

Although she said that, Celestria made no move to sit down when her teacher was standing.

Returning to the topic, Jullie asked again, "Do you want to share something with me? I might be able to help."

Celestria seemed unsure...she didn't know if she should tell her teacher about the fact that she shouted at her best friend by believing in others.

However, just as mentioned earlier, Jullie was aware of the whole ordeal, that's why, without Celestria uttering a single word, Jullie suggested, "If you regret saying something to someone who is close to you and fear getting rejected by them now, then you probably should stay away from them."

Celestria was taken aback, "But I can't stay away from Alex! He is a very important part of my life."

Jullie raised her brows, "If you can show such stubbornness in front of me, then what's stopping you from getting stubborn on gaining his forgiveness?"

Hearing those words, Celestria realized what her teacher was intending to convey here.

She remained silent, head leaning down before a very hesitant question was asked, "What if he never forgives me? I have committed such a grave mistake."

Jullie sighed, "It's not a matter whether he forgives you or have to try, Celestria. After all, you have a lot of friends and family to support for you. But for Alex...there is no one but you for him."

Leaving those words behind, Jullie soon returned to the reception and not so long after, she left with the Headmaster.

That night, Celestria wasn't able to sleep for a long time. The only thought that kept her awake was how to get back with Alex.


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