Chapter 14- Favour

After his match with Aiden, Alex went to the medic and got himself healed. Well, his regeneration was hefty enough to heal most of his injuries within hours, but still, who can say no to free services?

As for his gains from the match then, he gained seventy points after removing the soul energy he wasted on using his sword art.

He was just fifty points away from reaching the upper limit. Once he reaches the upper limit, his stats will begin to grow.

A soul user's griomoire keeps a certain number of soul points as a reserve. Between the upper and lower limits, a student wouldn't incur damage on their life span or make any progress. The middle phase can also be called equilibrium. And currently, Alex is in that state.

On the other hand, Edric has won so many battles that his Soul points always remain over the upper limit; as such, he is always levelling up with each passing battle.

For now, Alex's goal was to breach his upper limit to allow his stats to grow.

"Hey, man." Suddenly someone entered the infirmary and greeted Alex with a wave. It was the Protagonist.

Sitting across Alex on a stool, he asked, "How are you doing? Those slashes looked quite severe."

Alex shrugged, "Just doing fine. The healer has a phenomenal ability to manipulate human skin and blood clotting." Healers don't make the wound disappear; rather, they manipulate body parts to heal the patients. They are more like surgeons, but their only requirement is their magic.

Edric raised his brows, still not completely convinced that the same boy who used to cry because of a simple fall was now holding his pain behind that indifferent facade. But he didn't pry into it and asked what Edric was curious about,

"Hey, can you tell me how you tracked Aiden's teleportation? Unless you have extreme senses like the Sage or a skill that allows you to track Soul energy, you won't be able to predict Aiden's teleportation. Now, don't say it was sheer luck on your end since I know it wasn't."

Alex smirked; the protagonist is quite observant and...chatty. He really didn't want to talk right now, but it seemed if he didn't give an answer now this guy would continue to pester.

So, with a shrug, he said, "I was focusing on my blind spots since majorly any person with such a skill would appear at their opponent's blind spots."

Edric slowly nodded with his fingers cupping his chin before he voiced, "I see. So you don't wanna reveal it after all, huh?"

Alex scoffed, "Since you got the hint, goodbye?" Alex didn't have a desire to reveal his aces to someone whom he might end up fighting against.

Edric chuckled as he hopped off the stool and said, "You really have changed." He stepped out, and just when Alex was about to lie down, Edric returned to the room holding something behind him.

Alex raised his brows, seeing the Protagonist being so hesitant and nervous, urging the silver-haired to ask,

"What is it?"

"Umm...I realised that you have no real weapon in if you don't mind..."

"Yeah, sure. Give it to me." Alex casually extended his hand and asked for the sword which Edric was somehow hiding behind him.

Hearing his words, more than Alex could ever have been, Edric seemed happy as he stepped toward and rested the sword in his hand.

"Thank you for accepting it," He said and was about to leave when suddenly Alex stopped him and asked,

"You often leave the academy for raids no?"

Edric was perplexed hearing the sudden question. However, he didn't find anything to hide, that probably the whole school already knew, so he simply nodded, "Yes...I won't say 'often' but once in ten days, yeah."

Alex grinned, "Perfect~the next time you go there, take me with you. I know you can sneak me through security, right?" Students who have chosen academic courses as their primary subjects aren't allowed to leave the campus for raids, unlike the students who opt to become a knight.

Edric was about to instantly nod in assent, being aware of Alex's capabilities, but then he brought his neck to a pause and slowly said, "I will...but you have to do something for me."

"I don't swing that way, pal."

Edric's face adopted a little reddish hue as he blurted, "I am not talking about that! Cela...I want you to not avoid her when she approaches you."

Alex heaved a sigh; so it was about her.

Resting his hands on the bed and leaning back a little, Alex casually stated, "I don't know man, she doesn't look like she needs me. So shouldn't we care about-"

"I heard you the first time, Alex, but no, I still believe that the bond between you two cannot be severed just like that. So please give her a chance if you can."

Alex was already feeling weary of all this. He really didn't want to mingle with that crybaby anymore but if assenting her could grant him a load of Soul Points...

"Okay, I won't avoid her. But don't expect me to actively respond to her blabbering." Which she surely is going to spout, Alex held back from speaking the last bit.

Edric beamed. "That's more than enough for me. Anyway, I will be leaving today after dinner. Will you be joining the others in the common hall?"

Alex shrugged, "Not likely. You know my room number, right?"

Edric nodded, "Got it. Just don't pack many things since we might have to move quickly, in case we get caught sneaking you out."

Alex nodded in assent before the Protagonist made his way out.

Nice. Now Alex can earn coins and soul stones to enhance his soul energy and break his upper limit, so his growth also becomes unstoppable.

"Hey, where are you going?" Seeing him leaving his bed, the head nurse, asked with a frown.

Alex spoke in a 'matter-of-fact' tone, "Only injured remain here, no?"

The head nurse leaned a little, allowing her bountiful bust to form a valley right before his eyes. Alex only glanced at them once before moving his eyes away.

The woman checked on his injuries and was surprised to see that, indeed, all of them were healed.

" are not normal in this aspect..." She voiced, trying to figure out how such a miracle took place.

"So, can I go, or are you too fond of me to let go?" Alex nonchalantly asked.

The raven-haired nurse glared at him before standing up and telling him, "Go but don't move around much. And no fighting for the next three days, or you will be bound to the bed until I am satisfied."

Alex raised his brows, "Wow...somehow that sounds tempting."

The nurse blushed with a glare before, with a 'hmph', she walked away.

Alex heaved a sigh and returned to his room to prepare.

This was going to be tougher than facing a high school boy.


A/N:- Thanks for reading. Drop a review if you are enjoying the story so far.