Chapter 143- Blessing?

"You look extremely displeased."

Solaris clenched his fist in annoyance upon hearing that voice as the man landed in his court without any prior notice.

"Eldorin, I really don't want to talk to anyone at the moment."

In the court stood a tall man, ideally 6'3, with long black hair and striking azure-blue eyes. A pair of round earrings tugged slightly at his ears, and a pan flute rested at his waist.

The God of Wisdom, the wisest deities of the seven and someone who only watches everything from the sidelines, was suddenly appearing before Solaris. 

Solaris knew what could be the reason.

And as the God of Light thought, "I have some advice that can remove that frown from your head. The reason for your displeasure will be pushed into another cycle of death and reincarnation and you will regain your control over the Curse, as you had in the past."