Chapter 144- Diary of the unknown

They weren't allowed to meet the Vampire Lord right away, since someone was meeting him already.

Naturally, they didn't say anything and nodded when Alistair suggested resting up a little in the guest room.

Jullie and Alex were given rooms next to each other. The castle was too huge so there was no scarcity of rooms.

"If you need something, a maid will always be standing at your door. Just tell her." Alistair spoke before he closed the door with a slight bow.

Alex heaved a sigh as he found himself in an unfamiliar room that was dull and boring talking about curtains and wall color. The room was clean, and the furniture was new, explaining that no one generally stays here.

From the earlier conversation with Angelina, Alex discerned that the Vampire Monarch doesn't generally entertain guests since the entity loves solitary more than anything.