"Haah..." Natasha exhaled a long sigh as she sat inside the guest room while wearing just a nightgown, even though it was early morning.
Well, for vampires, it was not uncommon not to follow the routines as humans of waking up early and going to work. They wake up anytime and sleep anytime. It all comes down to keeping oneself busy, or vampires are known to be the most chaotic kind after the beast race.
'That woman is in bad shape...' Natasha thought back on Jullie, who was suffering quite a lot because of lack of blood. It could have made a human pity her and feed her whatever she desired.
However, Natasha was unbothered. She has trained several new vampires that's why she has long gotten over such emotions that could make her give in.
For Jullie's sake, she needs to remain thirsty unless she completely loses it and breaks Natasha's defenses or gains control over her mind.