"What the…really?" Edric was surprised to hear that the Elf they saved on their way to Frostbate came to meet Alex today and even demanded to spend a day with him.
Alex heaved a sigh as he rested the wooden blade by his side and nodded, " Yep~apparently, she knows something about my origin and to keep her mouth shut, she wants to be near me…to observe me, or whatever her goal is."
Alex doesn't know what she would achieve by observing him, when she could have asked anyone, by paying a few coins, to let them be observed by the elven girl.
Was it because of the sudden revelation of him being related to their Mother Tree? Alex knew it must be the case. However, he has a bad feeling about Celestria's reaction when she hears about it.
"Dude, isn't it great? You are building relationships with every race. It's like I am watching a man building his own interracial harem."
Alex cringed, "Where did you hear that word?"