An Embarrassment filled Reincarnation.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that felt like it was ripped straight out of Spirited Away? Well, let me tell you, I just had my own wild ride—except it was nothing like that charming, heartwarming anime. Nope, mine was more like a f***ed-up fever dream you'd expect to see while scrolling through the deepest corners of the internet.

So here's how it went down: I died. And trust me, it wasn't some glorious warrior's death. Nah, I was in my bathroom, about to shoot my load while scrolling through some ridiculously hot anime MILFs (don't act like you've never been there—yeah, I see you judging me). Just as I was about to hit that sweet climax, BAM!—I'm suddenly yanked from my reality and plopped down in a blindingly white room, my ass planted on a hard plastic chair, feeling a weird breeze that left me half-exposed.

This room? Talk about nightmare fuel. Everything was white—like someone went wild with a paint roller and not in a good way. We're talking sterile, eye-bleeding white that felt like it was staring right through me. No windows, no doors—just this suffocating silence that swallowed every sound, leaving my breathing as the only evidence I was even there. The vibe was so eerie that my skin crawled. I was ready to bounce, but where the hell could I go?

What the actual f** is happening?* My mind raced as panic set in, and just when I thought I'd lose it completely, things took a turn for the weirder.

THUD! Something echoed through the emptiness, making my heart skip a beat. I scanned the blank walls, but it was just me and the sterile coldness.

This is a solid foundation, and I can definitely see how you'd want to take it in a more explicit, raw style reminiscent of hentai manga, especially given how the intensity and absurdity of those worlds fit perfectly with the chaos of isekai. Here's how we can break it down and amp up the details using strong, slangy language, vivid descriptions, and those manga-esque sound suffixes and expressions.


Chapter 1: The Cliché Reincarnation – Reworked

'Oh, fuck my life... what the actual hell is this?' My throat felt like sandpaper, and my balls? Let's just say they might as well have crawled up into my chest by now.

One second, I was riding the wave of pleasure, just about to bust a fat one while staring at anime MILFs, and the next thing I know—boom!—I'm in some freaky white room.

This place? It was some mental asylum nightmare. Everything was so sterile, like I'd just woken up in a surgical table or some creepy sci-fi lab. No windows. No doors. Just a blinding white light and that deafening silence that makes you hear your own heartbeat, pounding in your ears.

Shit's messed up, right?

Then, just as I was about to scream for... someone, anyone, a blinding golden flash exploded in front of me. My eyes squinted like I'd stared into the sun for too long, and when they finally adjusted, there he was. Standing there. Looking like some boss battle from a JRPG.

"W-What the fuck?!" I managed to stutter, my voice cracking like a pre-pubescent kid as my heart damn near leapt out of my throat.

"How are you feeling, young man?" His voice was too calm. Too collected. Like he'd seen this a thousand times and couldn't care less about my confusion.

"I'm... I'm losing it!" I spat out, my hand gripping my chest, trying to stop myself from freaking out completely.


Before I could panic any harder, this dude just snapped his fingers like Thanos, and BOOM! Just like that, all my fear, my panic, my racing heart... it just stopped. All that adrenaline? Gone, like someone turned off a switch inside me.

"How about now?" he asked again, flashing this smile that was too chill for the situation.

I finally got a proper look at the guy. Dude was dressed to kill—literally. A black suit that looked sharper than any blade, wings like a fallen angel from a hentai plot twist, and eyes... those fuckin' eyes. They sparkled like the night sky, but there was something off—like they could see right through me.

His face? You know those bishie boys from anime? The ones girls simp for? Yeah. His face looked like it was hand-crafted by God himself, and here I was, standing there like a potato in comparison.

"I-I'm fine..." I mumbled, even though my head was still trying to process whatever the fuck was going on. But that fear, the terror? Gone. It was like he'd snapped me into submission.

"Good. Now that we've calmed the fuck down, let's get to the point, shall we?" The guy leaned forward, looking like he was resting on some invisible desk between us. His sharp gaze didn't intimidate me anymore—it was like I'd gone completely numb.

"Alright, hit me," I shrugged, somehow feeling like I was ready for whatever was coming.

"So, tell me—what do you remember before showing up here?" He raised an eyebrow like he was about to get real serious.

"Uh, jerking off in my bathroom to anime MILFs, and then I... woke up here," I said bluntly. No shame. No embarrassment. Why the hell would I feel anything? He snapped all that away with one flick.

The man didn't even flinch at my answer. "Hmn... Interesting."

'Yeah, bet he wasn't expecting that.'

"You're experiencing what humans refer to as 'isekai.'" He paused, clearly waiting for me to react.

"Well, no shit," I muttered under my breath. I'd read enough manga and light novels to know what was coming.

"In this phenomenon, one random soul gets plucked out of billions, and lucky you—you were selected."

'Lucky, my ass...'

"But why me?" I asked, half-expecting some deep reason or maybe even a big reveal that I was the chosen hero.

"Nah, don't get your hopes up, kid," he replied flatly. "You were picked at random. Total chance. Like pulling a name out of a hat."

'Great. I'm literally here because of RNG...'

"So no destiny? No prophecy? Just pure fucking dumb luck?" I groaned, already feeling deflated as hell.

"Nope. Just luck, kiddo. Get over it."

His casual, deadpan tone felt like a slap to the face. Any dreams of being some legendary hero went down the drain.

"So, what's next?" I asked, feeling more dead inside than before.

"Well, now you get reincarnated in another world, and don't worry about your background, it will be decided based on your karma," he explained, snapping his fingers again.

Suddenly, a massive roulette wheel appeared in front of us with a whoosh, towering above like something straight out of a gacha game.

"This is the Wheel of the Universe," he continued. "Spin it. Where it lands decides which world you'll end up in. And just to spice things up, your karma score will decide how you start off."

With a loud thud, a giant red button popped up in front of me. I pressed it without thinking.

The wheel started spinning, flashing all sorts of worlds—Naruto, One Piece, AOT, HOTD—names and places flew by faster than I could process.

Finally, the wheel slowed down, and I braced myself as it came to a halt.

And there it was.

HOTD—Highschool of the Dead.

A world where zombies roamed, and the boobs were bigger than the plot.

I didn't even have time to react before everything went black.


A/N :- Tried to write something old yet new, if you have any questions comment.