A Strange New Life Begins


Shit! What happened?

I blinked back into consciousness, slowly piecing together the sensations around me. The first thing that hit me was... softness? My mind, still hazy, processed the warmth surrounding me. It felt like I was lying on something… no, in something, like a warm cocoon.

Wait, what the hell?

I shot upright, blinking rapidly. This wasn't the middle of some grassy field or dark forest where most reincarnation stories started. Nope. I was in a massive bedroom. The walls were painted a soft cream color, with expensive-looking paintings hanging elegantly on them. The bed? Huge. The kind that could fit four or five people. My hands sank into the silky sheets beneath me.

As I stared at my surroundings, I let out a small sigh of relief. Thank God, I wasn't a baby. I glanced down at my hands—strong and adult-sized. A quick glance at the full-length mirror across the room confirmed it. Tall, muscular, and tanned. My black hair was slightly messy, and my sharp blue eyes gleamed back at me.

But what really hit me next wasn't just the bed or my reflection. It was the flood of memories... and something else. It was as if someone had unlocked a door in my mind, and the memories of Kira Minami began blending into me.

I am Kira Minami. Younger brother to Rika Minami. I remembered her—purple-haired, with fiery red eyes, a military powerhouse. But something was odd. It was like I had another set of memories, distant and faded, from a different life.

Strange... why does it feel like I'm trying to open an old file that doesn't quite belong here? I thought, massaging my temples. The memories from my previous life on Earth seemed foreign, blurry, almost like dreams I could barely recall. I quickly pushed them to the back of my mind, convincing myself they were just odd thoughts.

Focus, Kira, I told myself, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I was Kira Minami. Seventeen years old. The youngest, and most spoiled, member of the Minami family.


The door to my room opened, and in walked her—my sister, Rika Minami, all 5'8" of her military-trained glory. Her purple hair was tied back in a sleek ponytail, and her red eyes sparkled with the same mischief I remembered from the anime—wait, what? Anime? Again, weird thoughts.

"Hey, bro!" Rika rushed over, wrapping her arms around me in a tight, enthusiastic hug. Her soft yet toned body pressed against mine, and she buried her face in my shoulder, making a contented sound.

"Mmmm! I missed you so much!" she said, pulling back slightly to look at me. Her eyes scanned me like she was evaluating my health, making sure everything was fine. She had a sort of clingy protectiveness.

"Hey, Sis," I replied, my voice sounding deeper than I expected. A smile tugged at my lips despite the confusing mess in my head. This version of Rika seemed… more affectionate? Not that I'm complaining.

"You've been out like a log! Mom's been waiting downstairs for you. We're all having breakfast together," she added, pulling me by the hand toward the door.





Rika leads Kira to breakfast, and the tension between his two sets of memories builds as Kira tries to push them aside, focusing instead on his family.






After Breakfast with his mom and sis Kira went straight to the bathroom. He had been having strange thoughts since morning and he wanted to verify something.




Kira stepped into the spacious bathroom, the cool marble floor sending a slight shiver up his spine. The steam from the hot shower he'd just finished clung to the mirrors, making the room feel like a cozy foggy sanctuary. He wiped his hand across the fogged-up mirror, revealing his reflection bit by bit.

Schlick-schlick. The sound of his hand wiping the glass cut through the gentle hum of the exhaust fan, the reflection slowly becoming clearer.

There he was—tall, muscular, and undeniably fit. His black hair dripped water onto his broad shoulders, while his sharp blue eyes glinted in the dim light of the bathroom. Kira's gaze roamed over his body, a mixture of pride and surprise swelling in his chest.

He let out a breath, flexing his arm absentmindedly as the muscles rippled. "Damn... am I built like a shounen hero or what?" He smirked, admiring the physique he could hardly believe was his. The broad chest, tight abs, and well-toned legs—all perfectly proportioned, almost as if sculpted by an artist.

But as he admired his reflection, something odd pricked at the back of his mind. A weird sense of déjà vu, but stronger.

His eyes narrowed. "Wait, why does this feel like—"

Suddenly, a ding! echoed in the silent bathroom, a sound all too familiar.

[Welcome, Host! Initializing...] Bzzt! Bzzt!

Kira flinched, his gaze snapping toward the mirror, though no one else was there. The hell? His heartbeat quickened as text began to flash in his mind like something straight out of an anime.

[Daily Task Completed: Physical Conditioning Level 2: REWARD—Memory Synchronization Unlocked.]

The system's unfamiliar tone echoed within Kira's head. Suddenly he got a omnious feeling.

Before Kira could fully react, a sudden sharp pain shot through his skull.

"Ahh—shit!" Kira hissed, grabbing his head as a throbbing pressure built behind his eyes. His vision blurred for a moment. "What the hell is happening to me?!"

Thud... Thud. His heart pounded like a war drum as flashes of something—no, someone else's—life flooded his brain. Strange images, voices, places he didn't recognize all came rushing in at once, colliding with the life he did know.

[Memory Transfer Initiated...] Zzzp! [Please hold, Host...]

"Wait, wha—gah!" Kira's knees buckled, and he leaned heavily on the marble counter for support. His reflection wavered in the foggy glass as his breathing grew labored.

The pain subsided as quickly as it came, leaving behind a disorienting calm. He blinked hard, feeling like someone had just dumped a USB drive full of memories directly into his brain. He panted, trying to focus on the mirror again. What... the hell was that?

A series of fragmented images flashed through his mind—memories of a life that felt distant, alien, but also... his own? There were snippets of his life from another world—his original life on Earth. He saw his old home, his lonely life, the mundane daily routines of a regular high school boy. And then... death. It was so sudden, so clear. That final moment before he'd been pulled into this world. His death.

"Shit... I-I died," he muttered, staring into his own wide eyes in the mirror. "But how—"

The flood of memories should've left him reeling, screaming, or scrambling to make sense of it all. But oddly enough, it didn't. His mind absorbed the memories—processed them almost too easily. It was as if the system had merely opened an old, dusty file tucked away in the corners of his mind, leaving him standing there, strangely... calm.

Drip. The water from his hair trickled down his back, and Kira shook his head.

"Well, that's... weird," he muttered, his voice low and breathless. He expected some kind of emotional impact—panic, confusion, fear—but none of it hit him. He blinked at his reflection, watching droplets from his damp hair roll down his chiseled abs.

"These memories... they're mine, right?" he asked himself, but no real alarm set in. "Huh... I thought this would feel... bigger."

"So, I'm Kira Minami... but also... I used to be... someone else," he said to no one in particular, running a hand through his wet hair. The damp strands clung to his forehead as he chuckled to himself. "Well, that's one hell of a plot twist."

His reflection grinned back at him, the confusion already starting to fade into the background. Whatever. I'll deal with it later.

"Just... gonna pretend it didn't happen for now." He sighed, glancing down at his bare chest again. "Still, damn, I've gotta hand it to this world... it gave me a freakin' model's body."

Tap. He flexed, watching his biceps bulge in the reflection. Thud. The sound of his palm slapping his abs echoed in the bathroom as a satisfied smirk tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Heh, at least if I'm gonna live in some anime world, they could've made me a little more normal. This is way too OP." He snickered, feeling the sharp definition of his muscles with each flex.

The system's presence faded, and the strange memories retreated into the corners of Kira's mind, quiet for now. The fragments of his past life weren't gone, but they weren't overpowering either. For now, they were just... there, like background noise.

Kira took a deep breath, letting the steam in the bathroom wash over him as he leaned closer to the mirror. His blue eyes stared back at him, filled with a mix of curiosity and a weird sense of calm after all that.

"Well, whatever this is, I'll deal with it later," he muttered again, running a hand over his chin before turning away from the mirror.

The scene was surreal, but the bizarre shift in his life didn't shake him. After all, if he could handle waking up in a mansion with a hot older sister, what's a few weird memories on top of that?

It's a simple thing, the soul is same the previous boy who reincarnated is the kira here, but just that his old memories were not worth keeping so the ROB did a good of making him live a entirely new life so that he could grow normal unlike those transmigrators who suddenly after powerup just went to Conquer the world, Brainwashing the women's of that world destroying the balance of fate.

And he had to do extra work to eliminate them from existence.

So he didn't want to deal with that shit again, so he just made his old memories like a special knowledge which can help him if he used that knowledge but nothing dangerous and to top it off his consciousness is not that of the old boy whose soul was cleaned, it was remade to suit his wishes that he held before dying.

And kira is the product of that wish and the system was also set to awaken when he is mature enough to Handle himself without anyone's help.

These were all unknown to him, unaware of the potential arrow that he Dodged, he grabbed a towel, wiped himself down, and stepped out of the bathroom, his mind already drifting to what the day would bring.


A/N : If you have any ❓ hovering over your head ask in the comments.