3: Lust Concurer system.

Kira stepped out of the steamy bathroom, droplets of water still clinging to his tan skin. Completely naked, he grabbed a towel and began drying himself off, the cool air of his room prickling against his damp skin. His muscles flexed as he ran the towel over his chiselled torso, working his way down with slow, practised movements.


The towel swept over his legs, his sharp blue eyes glancing toward the clock on his nightstand.

"Weekend, huh," he muttered, not bothering to rush. Usually, weekends were his time to be lazy. With no real friends to hang out with and nothing on his schedule, he had all the time in the world to chill. But today was different. His Neechan had specifically ordered him to follow her around—no excuses.

"Yup, no rest for me," he sighed, chucking the towel aside and reaching for his clothes. He tugged on a pair of black boxers, followed by some casual pants, but as he was pulling them halfway up, something strange happened.

[Welcome, Host. Initializing Full System Functions...]


[Activating: LUST Conqueror System.]

Kira froze, his pants still halfway down his legs. "What the—?" His eyes widened as a translucent, floating screen popped up in front of him, hovering in the air like something ripped straight from a fantasy RPG.


He stumbled backward, falling onto the edge of the bed with a startled grunt. "The hell is this?!"

His heart pounded for a moment, the initial shock wearing off as he blinked at the screen. Text scrolled across it in smooth, flowing characters, the words glowing faintly against the soft light of the room.

[Greetings, Host. You have been chosen to wield the powers of the LUST Conqueror System.]

Kira stared at the words in disbelief, his brain trying to catch up with what he was seeing. "Lust... Conqueror... System?" He repeated the words slowly, his brows furrowing.

"Is this a joke? Like, some kind of prank?" He glanced around the room, half-expecting someone to jump out and yell, "Gotcha!"

But no one appeared. The floating screen remained in front of him, unchanging.

Kira hesitated for a moment, his mind racing. A system? Like in those fantasy games or anime? He wasn't new to the idea, of course. He'd seen plenty of anime where the main character gets some overpowered system after being reincarnated in another world. But this... this was real—or at least, it seemed real. His heart still pounded from the sudden appearance, but curiosity quickly overpowered his initial shock.

But among these strange thoughts 🤔 he had a feeling that he knew it, like he had somewhere in the past held a wish to have something like this.

His pants still dangling halfway down his legs, Kira leaned forward and tapped the floating screen hesitantly. It felt solid somehow, like touching the surface of water without sinking in.

His heart started to race, excitement bubbling up.

[Would you like to explore system functions, Host?]

Kira squinted at the screen. "Okay, this is too weird," he muttered, his voice low as he glanced back at the bathroom door. "What the hell did I eat this morning?"

But despite the weirdness, he couldn't help but feel... interested. If this was real—and it sure felt real—then why not play along? He'd already experienced the insane body transformation of being reborn in another world. Maybe this was just part of the deal.

He took a deep breath, letting his curiosity take the lead. "Fine, let's go with this. First question—what's the deal with my memories?"

[Memory Inquiry Detected. Processing...]

There was a brief pause before more text scrolled across the screen.

[Typically, reincarnated individuals lose their memories of their past lives. However, due to the intervention of a ROB (Random Omnipotent Being), your old memories were sealed and have now been returned to you upon reaching adulthood.]

"ROB? A Random Omnipotent Being?" Kira let out a snort, unable to hide the smirk spreading across his face. "Sounds like someone got lazy with their job titles."

He scratched the back of his head, still seated on the bed with his pants hanging loosely around his knees.

"So, basically, I died, got reborn, but they let me keep my old memories on ice until I turned 18? That's... not the worst deal, I guess." His eyes flicked back to the floating screen.

"But why? Like, what's the point of sealing them in the first place?"

[It was determined by ROB that retaining your memories too early would interfere with your new life. The memories were returned to help you in fulfilling your role within this world.]

Kira leaned back on his hands, letting that information sink in. His reflection from the bathroom flashed briefly in his mind—the powerful, sculpted body, the strange new life he was living. So, that's why everything felt so right here. The memories of his past life were locked away, allowing him to grow and adapt naturally to this world without the burden of his old life weighing him down. It made sense... in a weird, cosmic sort of way.

"Alright, alright," he muttered, adjusting his pants as he leaned forward again. "So, what's the deal with this Lust Conqueror System then?" He raised an eyebrow. "And why does it sound like some kind of... adult game system?" His tone was more amused than concerned, though there was a flicker of curiosity in his voice.

Though he had a feeling that he knew what it was but he still asked wanting to confirm 😕 rather then to believe something blindly.

[The LUST Conqueror System is designed to help the Host navigate relationships with the opposite sex and enhance romantic or intimate connections plus make your wishes come true . You will be provided with tasks, rewards, and guidance to conquer hearts and desires.]

Kira stared at the screen for a long moment, then let out a laugh. "You've got to be kidding me. I actually am the protagonist of some perverted anime, huh?" He shook his head, pulling his pants the rest of the way up with a soft whish of fabric.

He stood up, still chuckling as the absurdity of it all began to settle in. "Alright, System, I'll bite. What do I need to do with this Lust Conqueror thing? Do I, like, level up by flirting or something?"

[The Host will receive missions that align with system objectives. Completing these missions will earn you points, new abilities, and status increases. You may also receive rewards for special achievements.]

Kira scratched his chin, thinking for a moment. "So, I get stronger by... conquering lust?" He smirked. "Well, that's... one way to grow, I guess."

His thoughts drifted to his sister, Neechan, and the strange dynamic they had. She was strict but protective, teasing but affectionate—way too affectionate sometimes. Was the system connected to her somehow? He wasn't sure yet, but it would be interesting to find out.

He glanced back at the floating screen. "Alright, System, what's my first mission?"

[Initial Quest: Follow your Neechan for the day. Reward: 100 Lust Points.]

Kira let out a low whistle. "Well, that's pretty straightforward. Just follow Neechan around, huh?" He grinned. "If the system's gonna give me points for just doing what she says, this is going to be too easy."

As Kira stood up, fully dressed now, the floating system screen flickered and faded away, though the presence of the system still lingered in his mind. He could summon it anytime, ready to explore its features whenever he wanted. But for now, he had other things to deal with—like finding out what Neechan had planned for the day.

With a stretch, Kira cracked his knuckles, his usual smirk back in place as he headed toward the door. Whatever this system had in store for him, he was ready. After all, he'd already conquered death once. How hard could conquering a little lust be?






Kira stood in front of the mirror, pulling a black T-shirt over his head. Summer heat is no joke these days. The soft cotton clung to his body as he tucked it into his jeans, making sure he looked decent enough to step out. He let out a small sigh and opened his bedroom door, walking downstairs to the garage where his older sister, Rika, was waiting.

Their house wasn't a castle, but for three people, it was more than enough—a small mansion on the outskirts, cozy but large enough to not bump into each other. Not that it mattered much now. Rika had moved out a while ago, living on her own in an apartment. But on weekends like this, she came back, spending time with him and their mother.

As he stepped into the garage, Kira stopped short, his eyes locking onto Rika's figure. She was leaning against the bike, wearing cargo pants that sat low on her hips, her stomach bare, with only a sports bra—black, the same colour as his T-shirt—covering her chest. Her figure was... well, even though she was his sister, Kira couldn't help but admire her toned abs and curves, the kind you'd see straight out of a hentai manga. She was fit, thanks to her job and lifestyle, and damn, did she know it.

Rika glanced up from adjusting her gloves, noticing Kira staring. "Oi, kiddo. Stop drooling and get your ass over here. We don't have all day."

"Wasn't drooling," Kira mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact as he walked over to the sleek, jet-black motorbike she was standing next to.

The bike was a Yamaha YZF-R6, one of the fastest and most famous sportsbike in Japan around 2011. With a smooth design and insane speed, it was clearly Rika's favourite ride, and from the way she looked at it, it was like her prized possession.

She tossed him a helmet as she strapped hers on, her braided purple hair peeking out from under it. "You coming, or should I leave you here?"

Kira caught the helmet, fumbling for a second. "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

He slipped it on, feeling a sudden rush of nerves as he got onto the bike behind her. This wasn't the first time he was riding with her, but for some reason today felt... different. As he sat, his legs pressed awkwardly against hers, and he became painfully aware of how close they were. Rika's back was right in front of his face, and he tried to keep his hands in place, gripping the backseat handles instead of touching her.

But the system had other ideas.


[[ Quest Issued: Grab Rika's chest while she drives. Reward: 200 Lust Points. ]]

Kira blinked behind his helmet, his heart skipping a beat. "What the hell...?" he muttered under his breath.

"What?" Rika turned her head slightly, raising an eyebrow. "You say something?"

"No, no," Kira quickly lied, his mind racing as he stared at the floating screen only he could see. What kind of system gave this type of quest? And more importantly, how was he supposed to do something like that? It was his sister, for crying out loud!

The bike roared to life beneath them, and Rika revved the engine, the powerful sound filling the garage. "Hold tight!" she shouted over the noise, kicking the bike into gear.

Kira swallowed, still staring at the system screen hovering in front of him as the bike sped forward, the wind rushing past them. His hands gripped the handles tighter, trying to ignore the ridiculous quest notification blinking at him.

'No bloody way. Not happening. Nope.'

But in the strange memories of his, that he came to accept now that it was his past life, he saw himself watching the world he was living and the apocalypse that was going to happen.Buy he pushed them back for now.

But as they zoomed down the road, heading toward Rika's apartment near the Takagi mansion, Kira couldn't shake the feeling that this was far from over. He glanced at his sister's form in front of him, her body swaying slightly with the bike's movement, and the system's words echoed in his mind again.

[[ Quest Issued: Grab Rika's chest while she drives. ]]

The tension was building, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep pretending to ignore it.


A/N : Any questions ⁉️ ask in the comments.