4: A Bumpy Ride

The bike sped down the road, the wind whipping past Kira's face as they left the house behind. He tried focusing on the scenery—trees, houses, a few parked cars—but his mind kept drifting back to the quest notification blinking in the corner of his vision. He shifted uncomfortably on the seat, his body stiff as he desperately clung to the backseat handle, refusing to give in to the system's ridiculous request.

'Come on, how the hell am I supposed to do that?!' Kira's mind raced. There was no way he could just… grab her. She was his sister, after all!

But then again, He was 1000% sure that the system will never failed to reward him generously. The thought of the 200 Lust point, that shiny reward hanging in front of him, pulled him in, and a part of him—a dark, hidden part—whispered that maybe it wasn't such a big deal. She wouldn't even notice, right?

[[ Quest Issued: Grab Rika's chest while she drives. ]]

He groaned internally. 'No way, just... focus, man!'

But fate wasn't going to make things any easier.

As they raced down the nearly empty street, Rika suddenly slowed down. Kira's heart leapt into his throat as he spotted a speed breaker up ahead. And in that split second, the world seemed to slow down as the bike hit the bump with a thud.

"Ugh—!" Kira grunted as his body jerked forward uncontrollably, his hands instinctively reaching out for balance. Before he could process what was happening, his palms slammed against Rika's chest.

Time froze.

His breath hitched, his eyes wide behind the helmet as his hands made full contact with the soft, firm curves of his sister's breasts. Heat rushed to his face, and for a moment, all logical thought escaped him. It was like every sensation in his body intensified—he could feel the softness pressing against his palms, the warmth of her skin through the fabric of her sports bra, the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

It's warm… and soft… Kira's mind spiraled, unable to control the flood of thoughts surging through him. His fingers twitched slightly, almost instinctively, as a wave of forbidden desire washed over him.

He knew this was wrong. Completely, utterly wrong. But in that moment, it didn't matter. The taboo, the forbidden nature of the act, only heightened the thrill, making his heart race faster.

But then, something else caught his attention.

Rika hadn't said a word.

In fact, she hadn't even reacted. Or... had she?

Kira's heart pounded as he hesitated, unsure of what to do next. But before he could move, Rika leaned back ever so slightly, pressing her body against his hands. Her breathing was steady, calm, almost as if she was encouraging him—teasing him, in that same playful way she always did.

"Careful there, lil' bro," she said, her voice low but amused, almost as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. "Don't fall off now."

Kira's face turned red as he tried to pull back his hands, but for some reason, his body wouldn't respond. The warmth of her chest, the smoothness under his fingers—it all felt too… too real, too intoxicating. His mind screamed at him to stop, but his body refused to listen.

And then, to make matters worse, he felt something hard pressing against Rika's lower back—his body reacting in a way that made his stomach twist with both embarrassment and desire. He cursed silently, praying she wouldn't notice, but her soft chuckle told him otherwise.

"Something poking me, Kira?" Rika teased, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder, her eyes hidden behind her helmet, but the amusement in her voice was crystal clear. She didn't seem angry. If anything, she was enjoying his discomfort.

Why isn't she stopping me...? Kira thought, his hands still lingering on her chest, and that thought alone made his pulse quicken. Did she… like it?

His heart raced as he quickly withdrew his hands, trying to act like nothing happened. But the memory of that split second—of the softness, the warmth, the electric feeling—burned into his mind. His body was buzzing, and as much as he hated to admit it, a part of him wanted to feel it again.

[[ Quest Complete: 200 Lust points Gained ]]

The system's notification flashed in front of his eyes, but this time, Kira barely noticed. He was too busy dealing with the whirlwind of emotions flooding his mind.

Rika, however, didn't seem fazed at all. She chuckled softly, giving the bike more throttle as they sped down the road again, heading toward her apartment. "You better hold on tight, Kira. Wouldn't want you falling off on me, would we?"

Her words were light, teasing, but there was something in her tone—a playful hint that told him she wasn't as clueless as he thought. She knew what had happened. She knew exactly what he was feeling. And she didn't seem to mind one bit.

As they raced toward her apartment, Kira sat in stunned silence, his mind a chaotic mess of guilt, confusion, and a dark, lingering excitement he couldn't quite shake off.

The bike came to a smooth stop in the apartment parking lot, the tires rolling over the silent, deserted pavement. It was quiet—eerily so—except for the occasional hum of a distant car engine and the soft rustling of leaves from the nearby trees. The lot was mostly empty, with a few scattered vehicles parked lazily under the dim streetlights.

Rika turned off the bike and removed her helmet, her purple hair cascading down her back as she shook it out. She sighed, finally free of the helmet's tight embrace. Her red eyes sparkled mischievously as she glanced at her younger brother behind her.

"Kira, we're here," she called, her voice teasing as usual. But Kira? He wasn't paying attention. At all.

His mind was far away, still stuck on the sensation of her breasts from earlier. The softness, the warmth—it lingered in his thoughts like a forbidden echo. He had spent the entire ride replaying that moment in his head, his body still betraying him with the occasional twitch of excitement.

Rika, noticing his distracted state, grinned. She didn't need to ask what was on his mind. His dazed expression, the slight flush on his cheeks, the way his body was stiff but his eyes unfocused—it was all too obvious.

She could tell exactly what he was thinking about.

"Oh, so my little brother's still daydreaming about those, huh?" she smirked, her eyes glinting with a wicked idea. Without any warning, her hand shot down, boldly grabbing his cock through his pants.

"Wha—?!" Kira snapped out of his thoughts instantly, his body jolting upright as Rika's hand firmly held him in place. His eyes widened in shock, his breath catching in his throat as her fingers wrapped around him. The sudden, raw touch sent a jolt of electricity through his entire body, making him gasp.

Kira blinked, his mind still swimming in the sensation of Rika's grip on him. He hadn't expected her to go that far, but now here they were. Her fingers around his cock, warm, firm, and teasing, pulled him from whatever trance he'd fallen into.

"Oi, you awake now?" Rika whispered, her lips curling into a wicked smile as she gave a soft squeeze.

Kira jerked slightly, his breath catching. Thump. Thump. His heart was pounding hard, his face flushed with heat. He felt... dirty. But he couldn't pull away. His body wasn't listening.

"Y-you..." he stammered, but Rika only chuckled.

"What? Enjoying this, aren't you?" Her breath tickled his ear as she leaned closer, her grip still firm around him. "Don't go getting any ideas about Shizuka, though. You'll regret it if I catch you staring too hard at her."

Click. She let go, sitting back casually as if she hadn't just... grabbed him there. Kira let out a shaky breath, his mind reeling.

For a moment, he couldn't move, still feeling the heat of her touch. His eyes darted to the side, catching a glimpse of Rika's satisfied smirk. She knew exactly what she was doing to him, and that only made his frustration worse.

As they parked the bike in the lot, Kira stepped off shakily, his legs still wobbly from the... experience. He followed her in silence, heart thudding in his chest. What just happened? Why was he so... aroused?

Rika strutted ahead, leading him towards the elevator. Her hips swayed teasingly, drawing Kira's gaze against his will. Ding! The elevator doors opened, and they stepped inside. The air was heavy with the scent of motor oil and her perfume, mixing in a way that made his head spin.

Rika wasn't making it easy either. She glanced back at him, a glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

"You're awfully quiet," she teased, her voice low and playful. "Feeling guilty already?"

"I'm... not," Kira muttered, but his words felt hollow. He couldn't even convince himself.

They reached the door of her apartment. Rika unlocked it, her fingers brushing lightly over the keys, her body language casual. She was completely unfazed by everything that had happened, and that only made it worse for him.

She turned to face him, leaning against the doorframe with that same teasing smile. "Ready to come inside, little brother?" she asked, her voice dripping with suggestion.

Before Kira could answer, she took a step closer, her fingers suddenly grazing over the front of his pants again, grabbing him lightly. His body jolted at her touch, breath catching as his arousal spiked again.

"Don't tell me you've already forgotten what that felt like," she whispered, her breath warm against his neck. "I haven't."

Kira's heart pounded in his chest, his mouth dry, his body betraying him with its reaction. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop the thoughts racing through his head.

Before he could even think of pulling away, Rika leaned in closer, her lips brushing against his ear.

"You know," she whispered, "Shizuka's waiting inside... but I wonder, will you behave?"


A/N : Any questions ❓ 😁 about the chapter, don't be shy ask in the comments.