5: I suddenly want to pinch them!

The door to the apartment swung open, and they were greeted by an all-too-familiar figure—Shizuka Marikawa. She stood in the doorway of the living room, her usual black short shorts and tight-fitting white crop top leaving very little to the imagination. Her curves were barely concealed, and her bright, wide-eyed smile radiated an innocent obliviousness to just how much of a distraction she was.

"Rika-chan! Kira-kun!" she exclaimed, bounding toward them with open arms. Her voice was as bubbly as ever, matching the playful bounce in her step. "You're back! I thought you'd be out longer!"

Without warning, Shizuka enveloped Rika in a tight hug, pressing her large breasts against her friend. Rika laughed, patting Shizuka on the back.

"Yeah, we were, but plans changed," Rika responded, smirking as she glanced over at Kira, who stood by the door, awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Before he could prepare himself, Shizuka turned her attention to him, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"And you, Kira-kun! You're so grown up now, aren't you?" she cooed, immediately pulling him into a hug.


Kira's face was buried in her chest, smothered by the softness of her ample breasts. Her arms wrapped around him tightly, and he could feel every curve pressing into him, the warmth of her body sending his mind spiralling.


His breath hitched as he struggled to pull his head back, but Shizuka's grip was strong, her affection overwhelming him.

The scent of her perfume mixed with the sensation of her body had his thoughts scattering in all directions. He was bombarded by waves of conflicting emotions—desire, embarrassment, and a nagging voice in the back of his mind warning him to stay composed.

"Ah, Shizuka...Nee– I—can't... breathe!" Kira finally managed to choke out, his voice muffled against her chest.

Shizuka giggled and finally released him, letting him gasp for air as he stepped back. "Oops! Sorry, Kira-kun. I didn't realize I was squeezing you so hard!" she said, completely unaware of the effect she was having on him.


The system chimed in his head again, as if mocking him for the internal chaos he was experiencing.

[Warning: Arousal levels spiking. Keep calm to avoid embarrassing consequences.]

Kira blinked, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind. Stay focused, stay focused, he told himself. But it wasn't easy. The system seemed determined to throw him into one difficult situation after another, and now, with both Rika and Shizuka in the room, he could feel the tension building.

Rika noticed his flustered expression and couldn't help but chuckle. "You're really red, Kira. Getting worked up again?" she teased, her lips curling into a sly grin.

Kira shot her a look, trying to keep himself together. "I'm fine," he muttered, though the warmth creeping up his neck said otherwise.

Shizuka, ever oblivious, clapped her hands together. "Why don't we have some fun? It's been so long since we all hung out!" she chirped, grabbing Kira's hand and pulling him toward the couch.

Rika followed, shaking her head with amusement as she watched her little brother struggle to keep his composure. "Yeah, Kira, relax. We're just having a good time. No need to get so tense," she added, her voice laced with innuendo.

Kira sighed, trying to calm the storm inside his head. Calm down... just breathe... he thought as he sat down between Rika and Shizuka. But with Shizuka leaning against him on one side and Rika draping an arm casually over his shoulder, it was easier said than done.

The thing is both the women are in a special relationship you know what I mean- Lesbian, yep they are in that kind of relationship they despise every men on the surface of Planet wholeheartedly because of a incident that happened in the past, but Kira is exception, not because he is their brother or anything.

It's because at that time when their life was on the verge of destruction, he was the only one who stood up to their nightmare and didn't even flinch when even the adults were shaking in their place.

So he has a special place in their heart, and they indulge him every time they are together without caring what others might think.

And it is as plain as day that both the women have special feelings for him except the man himself, he is simply a little too dense. Hopefully his new set of memories may help him a little.






The next hour passed in a blur of playful teasing and lighthearted banter. Shizuka's bubbly energy kept things lively, though Kira found himself constantly on edge. Every touch, every glance, seemed to ignite something in him, and he was painfully aware of the lingering sensations from earlier.

Shizuka stretched lazily on the couch, her crop top riding up, exposing more of her toned stomach. "So, Kira-kun, what have you been up to lately?" she asked, her voice sweet and teasing as her gaze lingered on him.

Kira, still trying to recover from all the sensory overload, cleared his throat. "Uh, not much... Just, you know, school and stuff..." He avoided looking directly at her, hoping to keep his mind from wandering too far.

Rika smirked, leaning in closer. "Oh? And here I thought you were too busy thinking about other things," she whispered in his ear, her breath sending a shiver down his spine.

Kira's heart skipped a beat. Damn it, Rika, not again... He glanced sideways at her, his pulse quickening as her fingers traced the edge of his collar.

Kira clenched his fists, trying to focus his mind elsewhere. Maintain control... maintain control... he repeated like a mantra in his head. But with Rika's teasing and Shizuka's oblivious allure, it was proving to be an impossible task.

With the playful atmosphere surrounding them, Kira is left battling his rising desires, struggling to maintain control as both Rika and Shizuka continue their innocent yet dangerous teasing.

Will he be able to resist their combined temptations, or will he fall deeper into the Fates twisted game?







Kira somehow gathered his inner strength and managed to avoid getting more embarrassed after the chaos with Shizuka and Rika. What the hell is wrong with me? How did I end up in such a situation ? He shook his head, mentally reminding himself that he was no simp or spineless. He needed a grip, a little self-control.

As they sat in the living room, the conversation shifted to something more serious. Which was like a light in darkness for him.

"By the way, Kira," Rika started, tossing her hair back with a smirk, "graduation's coming up soon. Ever thought about transferring schools? There's one that's perfect for you." She glanced at Shizuka, who was already nodding enthusiastically.

"You should totally transfer to Fujimi Academy, Kira-kun!" Shizuka chimed in, her voice as bubbly as ever. That place is amazing, and it would be a good fit for you!

Kira raised an eyebrow. "Really? Fujimi Academy? Isn't that where all the hotshots go?" He wasn't sure how to feel about the idea.

"Exactly!" Rika replied, leaning closer with a teasing glint in her eye. "And Shizuka's there as the school nurse. You'd get to see her all the time. Imagine all the perks!"

Kira felt his face flush again, but he tried to shrug it off. Great, just what I need, more distractions.

He was in his first year right now and was still in the outskirts of the city, where he lived with his mom.

Kira is a plus A or even a S– If there are any in study, There's no one born yet who can take that first position away from him! He had topped every year from his childhood.

Then Rika casually mentioned, "We could live in my apartment if you want. It'll be fun!"

But Kira quickly shook his head. "Nah, I think it's better if we sell our house and move into a nearby apartment instead. That way, it feels less... complicated."

But, even that depended on his mom's decision. As much as I'm my sisters' boy—one by blood, one sworn—they're still my sisters, Kira thought, his mind wandering between familial duty and personal desire. But I'm also Mama's boy. With no father around, it was up to him to look after his mom. He couldn't just leave her alone while he went off chasing his academic dreams. Sure, he was a genius, and no matter which academy or school he chose, he'd ace it without breaking a sweat. But… I can't leave her alone, he sighed, his heart tugging between ambition and loyalty.

She gave everything for me. Can I really leave her behind?

Suddenly, Shizuka perked up. "You know, there's actually an apartment that just got empty right next to us." Her soft, bubbly voice drew him out of his thoughts. What? Kira's attention shifted to her immediately, and what he saw next nearly knocked the wind out of him.

Shizuka leaned forward, her flimsy crop top struggling to contain her enormous breasts. With every movement, her ample chest jiggled, her areolas barely hidden under the thin fabric. Holy… His breath caught in his throat. Her breasts looked like they were about to spill out any second.

God, this can't be happening. Kira's heart thumped wildly in his chest as he felt his entire body heat up. Her nipples, dark and teasing, pressed against the fabric, creating an outline that made it impossible for him to look away. Are they going to slip out? Is she really not noticing this?

His mind raced. Calm down… calm down. But his body wouldn't listen. The sight of Shizuka's breasts—so soft, so round, so… tempting—was too much. He felt a wave of heat rushing through him, his throat dry. What the hell, why is she this close?

Before he could process what was happening, Rika's voice broke through his fog of lust. She smirked, catching Kira's flushed expression, "I'll talk to Mom about it later. The main academy where Shizuka works is one of the best in Japan, and you're an ace at studies. It'll really benefit you."

Kira nodded absentmindedly. What is she even saying? His mind was still glued to the sight of Shizuka, who was practically draping herself over him, her warm, heavy breasts pressing onto his shoulders. He could feel the heat radiating from her skin through his clothes, her perfume invading his senses. Don't look down… don't look down…

Stay calm, stay calm…

But it wasn't working. Every ounce of his attention was focused on the way Shizuka's soft, pillowy breasts were barely restrained by her crop top. He swore he could feel them brushing against him, making his pulse quicken. His pants suddenly felt a lot tighter.

As the girls chatted casually, Kira fought to maintain some shred of control. Why is this happening to me? His body screamed at him to do something, to touch her, to grab onto those heavy mounds that were just inches away… Stop thinking about it!

But the temptation was overwhelming.

Shizuka was still leaning over him, her breasts spilling over her shoulders, just barely contained by her skimpy outfit. Just how far will this go? Kira's mind raced, his thoughts spiraling. Can I resist?

His breath hitched as Shizuka adjusted her position slightly, making her breasts jiggle ever so slightly. He gulped, trying to hold onto whatever self-control he had left. But with each passing second, that was becoming increasingly difficult.


A/N : 👋 👋 Hey! Hey anything to ask❓, I will be in the comments.