6 : Shadows of the Past

A/N :- 😌 phew! too long chapter 😔

But needed!


Kira strolled down the bustling street, the sun dipping low on the horizon as he made his way to the train station. He was headed for the outskirts of the city, just an hour or two away, but each step felt heavier. His mind drifted, tangled in thoughts of his upcoming move to a new school.

To be honest, he didn't want to go. If it were up to him, he'd stay right where he was. The familiarity of his old school, the friends he'd made since childhood, and even the little house he grew up in held a special place in his heart. The thought of leaving it all behind felt like tearing a piece of himself away, like abandoning a loyal dog by the side of the road, left to wither away alone.

Kira shook his head, trying to dispel the dark thoughts that threatened to cloud his mind. As he boarded the train, he gazed out the window, watching the cityscape fade into the distance. The vibrant glow of the setting sun cast long shadows over the trees and quaint houses that began to replace the urban jungle.

Suddenly, something caught his eye in the reflection of the door. A chill ran down his spine as he spotted a bulky man surrounded by three others, all of them huddled together in a way that made his stomach churn. It was a quiet weekend evening, and the train was nearly empty, save for a few oblivious couples lost in their own worlds.

But there, in the corner of his vision, he noticed a woman's heel, a single earring lying on the floor, glinting under the fluorescent lights. The scene twisted in his gut, his instincts screaming at him.

Then came the calm before the storm.

Kira's mind raced as he assessed the situation. The thugs were too occupied with whatever they were plotting, and he needed to act fast. Just then, a notification flickered to life in his mind:

**[Quest: Some thugs are trying to rape a woman. Save her.]**

**Reward: 10,000 Lust Points, an Exclusive Skill.**

His heart pounded at the thought. The system was giving him a quest, but he didn't need any digital prompt to know that he had to intervene. A quick glance at the burly man and his lackeys confirmed his fears. Even if he gave it his all, he might only manage to take one down.

*I need an edge,* he thought, scanning the cabin.

To his left, a woman sat with her middle school-aged son, gripping a baseball bat. An old man dozed in the corner, snoring softly. Across from him, a lady with thick glasses was engrossed in a book, its spine nearly as thick as a dictionary. And then there was the pregnant woman, her gaze cast downward, oblivious to the unfolding scene.

In seconds, Kira's mind processed every detail, analyzing the space around him like a strategist. He could see the fear creeping into the atmosphere, but no one else seemed to notice the danger looming just a few feet away.

He took a deep breath, readying himself. He had to move quickly. As he took a step back, a muffled voice echoed in his ears, spurring him into action.


Kira's eyes flickered to the reflection of the bulky man behind him, his muscles bulging beneath a tight jacket. Four men, one woman... no one else is paying attention. Damn it, Kira cursed inwardly. This doesn't look good.

A muffled whimper reached his ears. They've got her cornered, he realized, his grip tightening on the pole in front of him. If I don't act fast, it'll be too late!

[Quest Activated: Save the woman from being assaulted.] [Reward: 10,000 Lust Points, exclusive skill]

Shit, I don't need a quest for this! Kira shook off the system notification, his eyes scanning the cabin for anything that could give him an advantage. His heart was racing, but his mind was already calculating.

The burly man towered over the others, clearly the leader. The three lackeys flanked him, blocking the woman's escape. I can't just charge in… I need to take out the big guy first, or this will get ugly.

Kira spotted a baseball bat resting beside a woman and her son in the next row. That's my ticket. With one swift motion, he snatched the bat from the seat. The weight of the wood felt right in his hands. Good enough.

He took a deep breath, the air in the train cabin feeling heavy, tense, like the moments before a storm hits. Alright, let's do this.

Without a second thought, Kira darted forward. FWOOSH His feet barely made a sound on the metal floor as he closed the distance. The thugs didn't see him coming.


The bat slammed into the burly man's back with a resounding thud, sending shockwaves through his spine. The man staggered forward, grunting in pain. "What the—?!"

Before the other thugs could react, Kira was already moving. SWISH! He swung the bat again, this time aiming for the legs of the nearest lackey. WHAM! The lackey went down with a crash, yelping as his knees buckled.

"Who the hell is this kid?!" one of the thugs shouted, eyes wide as they realized they were being attacked.

Kira's mind raced. Gotta keep the momentum. If I slow down, I'm dead.

The remaining two thugs lunged at him, their fists swinging wildly. Kira ducked just in time, feeling the rush of air as a punch narrowly missed his head. Close one!


He dodged their attacks, his movements quick and precise. The baseball bat was his lifeline, his only defense. I need to finish this fast.


Another swing. This time, he caught one of the thugs in the ribs, knocking the air out of him. The man crumpled to the floor, clutching his side.

The final thug, eyes filled with rage, pulled out a knife. "You're dead, kid!" he snarled, lunging at Kira.

Kira's heart skipped a beat. A knife? Seriously?


The bat met the knife mid-swing, deflecting the blade with a sharp metallic sound. Tch, close one! Kira gritted his teeth, the bat vibrating in his hands from the impact. The thug's knife came at him again, this time faster.

Kira twisted his body, barely avoiding the blade. I need to end this now!

In one swift motion, he spun on his heel, bringing the bat down with all his strength. THWACK!

The thug's arm went limp as the bat connected with his wrist, the knife clattering to the floor. Kira didn't hesitate—he followed up with a sharp kick to the thug's chest, sending him sprawling backward.


The thug hit the floor hard, knocked out cold.

Kira stood there, panting, the bat still gripped tightly in his hands. His heart was racing, adrenaline pumping through his veins. The woman, still in shock, stared at him wide-eyed, tears streaming down her face.

I did it…

But before he could fully process the victory, the burly man groaned, slowly getting back to his feet. "You… little shit…" he growled, wiping blood from his lip.

Kuso... he's not done yet.

The train slowed down, pulling into the station. The doors slid open with a hiss. Kira gripped the bat tighter, preparing for round two.

This isn't over.






Kira's heart pounded as another thug stood up, grinning maliciously. His hand slipped into his pocket, pulling out a gleaming knife. "You think you're tough, kid?" the man sneered, eyes locking onto Kira.

Kuso... Another one?

The train shook, speeding along the tracks as the tension escalated. The passengers cowered, huddling in the corners. Kira barely had time to react when the thug lunged at him.


The blade grazed his shoulder, searing pain shooting down his arm. Blood trickled from the wound, staining his shirt red. The woman behind him screamed, her voice echoing in the metal cabin.

"Stay back!" Kira growled through gritted teeth. His mind raced. I'm bleeding... but I can't stop now.

The thug's knife came down again, aimed directly at Kira's chest.


Suddenly, a thick book flew across the cabin—THUD!—it smacked into Kira's chest. Without thinking, he caught it mid-air. The knife plunged into the book instead, the blade piercing the pages but missing its mark.


Kira shoved the book forward, using it as a shield, and the knife got stuck. The thug yanked at it, but Kira was already in motion.


With a swift kick, he knocked the thug off balance. His body twisted as he flipped over a nearby seat, using the tight space to his advantage. Blood dripped from his shoulder, staining the floor, but Kira pushed the pain aside.

I need to keep moving... If I stop, I'm dead.


The remaining thugs surrounded him, eyes filled with malice. The passengers were pushed to one side of the train, watching in terror. Kira felt the woman behind him, trembling, her breath shaky against his back.

"Just stop... please. Let them do what they want... It's my fate," she whispered, her voice breaking with fear.

Kira stood firm, his back still facing her. His voice was steady, almost too calm for the chaos around them. It's not about being a hero... I'm just doing what anyone should do.

"You need to love yourself," Kira muttered, glancing over his shoulder at her. "If you don't... no one will."

The woman's eyes widened in shock. Who... is this boy? she thought, taken aback by his words.



One of the thugs lunged at Kira again, but this time Kira ducked, rolling forward in one smooth motion. His hand grabbed the metal pole by the door, using it to swing himself upward. His legs kicked out—BAM!—knocking the thug's jaw sideways.

"Not bad, kid!" the burly man growled, still standing tall, despite the blows. His cronies circled around Kira, tightening the space, leaving him no room to escape.

This is getting bad...

Suddenly, the woman—the victim—stepped forward. Her trembling had stopped. She reached down, tearing the slit of her skirt open, revealing her muscular legs. "I'm not just some helpless woman," she said, her voice firm, eyes blazing with determination.

Kira blinked in surprise. What?

"I'm also am a Judo practicioner ."


The train jolted, sending everyone off balance for a moment. That's all she needed.


She twisted her body, hooking her leg around the neck of one of the thugs and flipping him over with brutal efficiency. The man hit the ground hard, groaning in pain. The remaining thugs stared in shock as the woman moved with precision, using the tight confines of the train to her advantage.

Kira's mind raced. Holy... she's good!

The burly man roared in anger. "Take them down!" he ordered, charging forward. But the woman was faster. She sidestepped his attack, sending him flying into the metal wall of the train with a powerful throw.


Kira, fueled by adrenaline, threw himself into the fight. His movements were fast, fluid, and relentless. Blood dripped from his wounds, but he barely felt it. Keep going... don't stop.


The train rattled as fists flew and bodies collided. Kira vaulted over a row of seats, landing with a swift kick to another thug's gut. WHAM! He flipped backward, grabbing onto a handrail and using the momentum to slam his elbow into another thug's face.


The woman was a whirlwind of strength and skill, each of her movements calculated and powerful. The thugs couldn't keep up. Together, they tore through their enemies with a brutal efficiency that left no room for error.


Finally, the burly man, the last one standing, stumbled backward, breathing heavily, blood dripping from his nose. He glared at Kira and the woman, but his resolve was broken. "This... this isn't over, kid!" he spat, stumbling toward the door as the train screeched to a halt at the station.

Kira didn't chase him. His body ached, his wounds stung, but he stood tall, breathing heavily. The woman straightened her skirt, her eyes still blazing with determination.


I... did it.

The passengers stared in awe, unsure of what they had just witnessed. Kira wiped the sweat from his brow, his heart still pounding. The woman turned to him, her expression softening.

"Thank you," she said quietly, her voice full of gratitude.

Kira nodded, too exhausted to respond. His eyes flickered to blood on his shoulder, realising just how close he has come to losing.


The fight was over. The adrenaline that had fueled Kira's every move began to drain from his body. His breath came out ragged, and his legs trembled as the pain in his shoulder flared up again. Shit... that cut's deeper than I thought.

He took one shaky step backward, his vision blurring slightly. The world spun for a second, but before he could hit the floor, a hand shot out, catching him by the arm.

"Easy there," the woman's voice cut through the haze, steady and firm. Kira blinked, looking up at her as she helped him steady himself.

She was older—he could see that now, even through the lingering fog in his mind. There was something...familiar about her, though he couldn't place it. The way she held herself, strong yet gentle, reminded him of someone, but... Who?

Before he could piece the thought together, the screech of brakes and the wail of sirens filled the train car. A team of police officers stormed in, guns drawn and faces grim. The thugs who remained conscious were cuffed and dragged out without a fight. The leader—the one who'd slipped through their fingers—was long gone. Kira cursed under his breath but said nothing as the officers approached.

"Hey, are you alright?" One of the policewomen stepped forward, checking on him and the woman. Her sharp eyes scanned the scene, landing briefly on Kira's bloodied shoulder. "We need to get you to the station for questioning."

Kira nodded, still too exhausted to argue, and with the woman by his side, they were escorted off the train and into the waiting police car.


Police Station - Later

The fluorescent lights of the station buzzed faintly overhead as Kira sat slumped in the uncomfortable chair. His shoulder had been bandaged, and the dull ache that lingered reminded him of the fight. The woman—the black belt—sat across from him, her skirt still torn, but her calm expression hadn't wavered since the moment she tore through the thugs.

An officer approached, clipboard in hand. "We'll need your statement. What's your name?"

Kira sighed, rubbing his temples. "Kira Minami."

At that name, the woman sitting across from him stiffened. Her eyes widened, locking onto him like she had just seen a ghost.

"Kira... Minami?" she repeated, her voice soft, as if she was testing the name on her tongue. There was a long pause as she stared at him, her brows furrowing in thought. And then, almost as if a lightbulb went off in her head, her eyes softened with recognition.

"Wait... you're that Kira Minami?" she asked, leaning forward. Kira looked up, his confusion apparent.

"Do I know you?"

The woman smiled, though it was small, almost nostalgic. "You wouldn't remember me without my glasses... and this outfit." She gestured to her form-fitting dress, a stark contrast to the more formal clothes she was used to wearing.

Kira blinked. Glasses? That's when it hit him. She looked...familiar because she was familiar. His eyes widened as realization dawned.

"Ms. Kyoko?!"

Kyoko, the teacher from his old middle school, nodded. She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head. "I didn't think you'd remember me. It's been years, hasn't it? You were just a kid back then... a troublemaker, if I recall correctly."

Kira stared at her, still trying to process the fact that his old teacher had just fought off a group of thugs on a train. She looked completely different without her glasses, and dressed like she was ready for a night out. No wonder I didn't recognize her...





Kira chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess I was a bit of a handful back then."

Kyoko leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "I never thought I'd run into one of my students like this. You've grown up, Kira. And clearly, you've picked up a few things too." Her gaze lingered on the bandages covering his shoulder. "That was some impressive fighting back there."

Kira shrugged, though the motion made his shoulder throb. "I didn't have much of a choice. They were going to hurt someone... and I couldn't let that happen."

Kyoko's expression softened, and for a moment, the air between them seemed to shift. There was no longer a teacher and student dynamic but something more grounded, more real. Two people who had survived something together.


A/N : A question?

Do you want more this action or that action.

Vote 1 for Fighting, action.

2 for bed action.