Chapter:7 Ehh!! Moment!

As they sat together at the dimly lit bus stop, the cool night air brushing against them, Kira broke the silence. "So... what's next for you?"

He kept it casual, but inside, his heart was pounding. Sitting this close to Kyoko, with her curves outlined in that tight dress, he couldn't help but feel a wave of attraction. Her beauty made his heart doki doki in his chest, but under the cover of darkness, he was safe from showing it. Even though her exterior had always been strict, he sensed a certain vulnerability tonight. A woman who lived behind a mask of control, craving something more than the lonely life she had.

Kyoko's eyes flickered with hesitation before she answered, her voice low. "I… don't really know, Kira."

Her response felt heavy, weighed down by something deeper. Kira noticed how her gaze dropped, and her fingers nervously fidgeted with the hem of her dress. There was pain there, but she was holding back. Maybe it was the night that made her open up a bit more, or maybe it was the fact that Kira had been the only one who could ever see past her tough persona.

He shifted closer to her, careful not to make it too obvious. "What's wrong? You look like you've got something on your mind."

Kyoko sighed, her breath shaky. She felt vulnerable in this moment, but Kira's presence was strangely comforting. Slowly, she began to speak, her words coming out in hesitant whispers.


( Kyoko's POV: )

I've always been the 'strict teacher,' you know? The one no one really likes but respects because I do my job well. That's me—Kyoko Sensei. For three years, I've worked at Fujimi Academy. And every day, I've seen it—the way people look at me. Like I'm too uptight. Too cold. Too old.

Late twenties? Yeah, right. More like I'm already pushing forty with all the stress and pressure I've carried on my shoulders alone. I don't have a family—no one except my older sister, who's off in some other country living her perfect life with her perfect husband. Meanwhile, I'm stuck here. Alone. No boyfriend, no future, nothing. Every guy I've met wants someone younger, someone more... fresh. Not me. I'm just the leftover teacher who never loosened up.

But then, last weekend… something happened. Something that still stings. My colleague, Tejima-sensei, asked me to a mixer. You know, one of those lame parties where everyone's trying to hook up? I didn't want to go. I'm not cut out for those kinds of things. But Tejima pushed me into it, practically dragged me along. Said it would be 'fun,' that I should 'loosen up' for once.

I didn't have a clue what to do, so I visited an old friend who owns a beauty salon. She gave me a total makeover—hair, makeup, everything. And when I looked in the mirror, I didn't even recognize myself. I looked… hot. Like some kind of model, all dolled up. I knew I still had a decent body from back when I used to do judo for self-defense, but seeing myself like that, I actually felt attractive. Confident. I thought maybe, just maybe, I could fit in for once.

But the second I walked into that mixer, I realized how wrong I was.

At first, no one recognized me. Guys were staring, trying to get close, dropping compliments like I was some kind of prize. Even Tejima was eyeing me up, which made my skin crawl. He's always been a creep. But then it hit them. They realized I was that Kyoko—the strict, unfriendly teacher they all thought was too old and too serious for anything fun.

And they fucking humiliated me. Right there. In front of everyone. They laughed, said I was trying too hard to look younger, called me a slut, a bitch, accused me of trying to sleep with their men. They threw words at me like daggers, cutting me down until I couldn't take it anymore.

I ran. I didn't even think about where I was going. Just ran out, my heart breaking with every step. I was crying by the time I reached the station. I couldn't even see straight. I just sat there, hoping no one would see me, hoping I could just disappear.

But no. Of course, fate had other plans.

I got on the train without thinking, not caring where it was headed. I just wanted to get away. Anywhere. But then… those thugs. They saw me. I must've looked like easy prey—a broken woman, barely holding it together. And they circled me like fucking vultures.

I couldn't move. I couldn't think. It was like my mind shut down. They were talking, laughing, saying things I didn't want to hear, and I… I froze.

And then… you. You woke me up.


( Back to Kira's POV: )

Kira clenched his fists as he listened, anger bubbling up inside him. "Fucking bastards," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "Those pieces of shit. How could they treat you like that?"

Kyoko looked at him, surprised by the heat in his voice. For a moment, she just stared, and then a small smile crept onto her lips.

"You know, Kira," she whispered, "you're the only one who's ever really seen me. Not just the teacher, but me. The woman behind all that."

Kira felt a strange warmth rise in his chest as her words sank in. The night air grew heavier, clouds slowly gathering overhead. There was a stillness between them, a silence that spoke louder than words. He glanced up at the sky, feeling the tension in the air.

"I'm sorry you went through all that," he said, his voice softer now. "You didn't deserve any of it. And if those assholes ever come near you again, I swear I'll beat the shit out of them."

Kyoko chuckled, her laugh soft but genuine. "Thanks, Kira. But I think I'll be okay now. I've had enough of pretending."

They sat there, the quiet of the night wrapping around them like a comforting blanket. The sound of the wind rustled through the leaves, and Kira could feel the weight of the moment hanging in the air. There was something unspoken between them—something more than just sympathy or friendship.

But for now, under the soft glow of the streetlights and the gathering clouds, it was enough.

Suddenly a transparent screen popped in front of him, fortunately no one except him could see it.

[[Quest Issued: Comfort Kyoko and Help Her Accept Herself Reward: Pheromones Skill Unlocked & Love Meter Activated]]


Kira blinked as the system notification chimed in his mind. He glanced at Kyoko, her sad smile still tugging at his chest. The quest was clear, and honestly, it wasn't something he minded doing. Comforting her—helping her find peace—he'd do it even without a reward.

But the memory of his middle school days flashed in his mind. Kyoko Sensei had been a strict teacher back then too. Cold. Unapproachable. But even as a kid, Kira always sensed there was something more behind that mask. He was one of the few who used to talk to her, and she'd transferred out before he could get to know her better.

"Assholes," he muttered, thinking of those teachers from her story. There was no way he'd transfer to an academy filled with jerks like that. He was happy where he was—far from the drama.

He checked his phone. 10:00 PM. Time had flown by. Suddenly, the screen lit up with an incoming call.


Before Kira could even speak, Rika's voice blasted through the phone. "Kira! What the hell are you doing, idiot?! I heard from the police that you were involved in something again! Are you okay?!"

Kira winced, pulling the phone away from his ear. "Jeez, calm down, Rika. I'm fine."

"Don't give me that crap! You always say you're fine, and then you end up in some crazy situation! I'm coming to get you!"

He could hear the sound of shuffling, like Rika was already grabbing her things to leave. Kira sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "No, no, it's all good, really. You don't need to come, Onee-chan. I can handle this."

Suddenly, another voice chimed in—Shizuka, his other sister. "Kira-kun, if you don't listen to Rika-chan, we'll both come and drag you home ourselves!"

Kira groaned, hearing the combined fury of his older sisters. "Okay, okay! How about this—I'll do anything you both say for a whole week. Please don't come. I'm fine, I swear."

Rika's voice softened slightly, but she still sounded pissed. "You better keep that promise, idiot. Don't make mom worry any more than she already is."

"Got it, Rika. I'll head home soon, don't worry," Kira replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

The phone call ended with a sharp click. He could almost picture Rika's frown on the other side. But at least for now, the storm had passed.

Kyoko, who had been silently watching the whole exchange, suddenly burst out laughing. Her laughter rang through the empty street, light and full of life. "Your sisters sound… intense."

Kira chuckled, a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, they kinda are. But they mean well."

The tension between them seemed to ease, her laughter breaking the dark mood from earlier.

As the laughter faded, thunder rumbled in the distance, a low growl of the oncoming storm. The sky darkened even further, and Kyoko's body tensed beside him. She suddenly clutched his arm, instinctively leaning closer.

Kira stiffened when he felt her soft breasts pressing against him, the warmth of her body seeping into his. Her long dress had torn slightly at the side, revealing a glimpse of her panties beneath. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his focus, but the tension was growing. He could smell the faint scent of her perfume mixing with the cool air.

Kyoko was trembling. "I-I'm scared of thunder," she whispered, her voice small, almost childlike. Her vulnerability was laid bare in that moment.

Without thinking, Kira wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. "It's okay, I'm here."

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The tension grew, the space between them vanishing. Kyoko felt her body pressing into his warmth, and for the first time in so long, she let herself break. Tears welled up in her eyes, and before she knew it, she was crying—years of frustration, loneliness, and pain pouring out.

Kira tightened his hold on her, gently rubbing her back. "It's okay, Kyoko. Let it out."

Between sobs, she murmured, "I've spent so long thinking I wasn't enough. That no one wanted me."

He lifted her chin, his eyes meeting hers with a steady gaze. "They were wrong," he said, his voice low but firm. "You're beautiful, inside and out. Those assholes don't know shit."

Kyoko sniffled, her heart pounding in her chest. His words stirred something deep inside her, something that had been buried under years of self-doubt. And then, Kira leaned in, his voice softening. "You know… I used to have a crush on you back in middle school."

Her eyes widened. "Y-You did?"

Kira grinned, a little embarrassed. "Yeah. I thought you were amazing, even back then."

Kyoko's heart raced. The boy she'd once known was now a handsome young man—tan skin, broad shoulders, and rough hands that spoke of hard work. She stared at him, her face flushed, her mind spinning with emotions she hadn't felt in years. It felt… wrong. But also, so right.

Before she could say another word, Kira, seeing the flicker of doubt in her eyes, made up his mind. This was for the greater good.


A/ N : Someone in the comment said that they don't prefer that action.

But don't worry those actions are written as such that they don't impact the story, nope 😜 not at all but I will post a warning for those who don't want to read that, so don't worry.