Chapter:8 Does kissing count as R-18

(A/N : Okay i will confess, I don't have any experience in romance or sex, everything you are going to read is my imagination.)


With a surge of boldness, he cupped her face, his thumb brushing over her cheek, and captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

Mmfff… Kyoko's eyes fluttered shut, her lips parting as she melted into the kiss. It was electrifying. The warmth of his mouth, the way his hands held her with such confidence—it made her feel wanted. Truly wanted. Her body responded, her heart thudding loudly in her chest.

Chu, slurp, mmwah… The sound of their lips echoed in the night, raw and filled with hunger. She felt his tongue sliding against hers, and she moaned softly into his mouth. Her fingers curled into his shirt, gripping tightly as she let herself go completely in his embrace.

Just as the kiss deepened, a loud HONK startled them both. They broke apart suddenly, breathless, a thin bridge of saliva still connecting their lips. Kyoko's face was beet red, her eyes wide in shock, while Kira was equally flushed, his heart racing.

The cab had arrived.

Rain began to fall, light at first but quickly turning into a downpour. Without missing a beat, Kira grabbed her heels from the bench and took her hand. "Come on!" he shouted over the rain, pulling her towards the cab.

As they ran, Kyoko's mind raced, time seeming to slow. She watched Kira's strong form leading her through the storm, his grip warm and steady. He wasn't just pulling her to the cab; he was pulling her out of the darkness that had clouded her life for so long.







Inside the cab, silence reigned, but the connection between them was palpable. Kira's rough, calloused hand held onto Kyoko's soft, delicate fingers, and that simple touch spoke volumes. No words were needed, and yet everything was being said.

They were still riding the wave of that kiss—Kira and Kyoko.

Kira knew Kyoko lived alone, and the idea of letting her go home by herself, especially this late at night, didn't sit right with him. So, despite her gentle protests, he insisted on taking her to his place.

The driver glanced at them in the rearview mirror, a knowing smile curling on his lips. "You two make a lovely couple," he said, his voice tinged with warmth.

Kyoko's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as she quickly turned her head to look out the window, pretending to be unaffected. But her reflection in the rain-soaked glass gave her away—the faint smile tugging at her lips betrayed her emotions. She couldn't help it. Kira's presence, his warmth, it was all too comforting.

On the other hand, Kira was trying to calm the wild beating of his heart. That kiss... it was his first kiss. And not just with anyone, but with his former teacher. The thought was enough to make his palms sweat, though he didn't let go of her hand. Instead, he squeezed it lightly.

He had always admired her, even back when he was younger. Sure, she was strict and cold, but Kira had sensed something deeper, something vulnerable about her. And now, as a man, he couldn't help but feel a growing attraction toward her. It made him wonder—if he tried, if he really opened up to her, could she accept him?

Kyoko was lost in her own thoughts, her heart still fluttering from the kiss. She was older than Kira—his teacher, of all things. But in love, did age really matter? That kiss had felt so right, so natural. Could she deny that there was something between them now?

The cab ride continued in comfortable silence, broken only by the soft patter of the rain against the windows. Kira's hand stayed in hers, and without thinking, Kyoko gently intertwined her fingers with his, forming a quiet, inseparable bond.

As if sensing the moment, the driver turned on a classic Japanese love song, the soft melody drifting through the air. It was one of those songs that made the world fade away, leaving only the rhythm of the rain and the quiet beating of two hearts in sync.

The city lights blurred outside, the rain adding a misty haze to everything. Neither Kira nor Kyoko noticed how quickly time passed, their thoughts consumed by what had just happened. The tension, the attraction, the kiss—they could still feel it lingering in the air between them.

Before they knew it, the cab pulled up in front of Kira's small house, which sat just on the outskirts of the city. The world outside seemed so far away, like they were in their own little bubble. Even as the cab came to a stop, they remained connected—still holding hands, unwilling to let go.

Kira finally released Kyoko's hand to pay the fare, but before she could feel the loss of his touch, he grabbed her heels with one hand, and with the other, took her hand again. No words were exchanged. They both silently stepped out of the cab into the cool night, the rain still falling softly around them.

The street was quiet, almost eerily so, with only the distant hum of the city in the background. As they walked towards Kira's house, neither of them spoke, yet the silence wasn't awkward. It was a silence with unsaid emotions, with the promise of something deeper taking root between them.

Kyoko's heart felt heavy, but not with sadness—rather, it was filled with something new, something unfamiliar. The warmth from Kira's hand, the way he had looked at her earlier, the softness of his kiss—it had all planted a seed. A seed of love.

Chapter Nine: The Temptation of a Rainy Night

As Kira and Kyoko reached his home, the rain had slowed to a soft drizzle. His house, though not overly extravagant, stood tall like a small mansion, its traditional architecture blending with modern touches. Kyoko's eyes widened, and she glanced at Kira with a curious smile.

"You're rich, huh?" she teased, her eyebrow raised.

Kira chuckled, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Nah, not me. My mom's a stock trader. She's the real deal."

Before Kyoko could respond, Kira's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he quickly answered it. It was his mom.

"Hey, Kira!" Her voice came through, cheerful as ever. "I'm at a party in the neighborhood. Some of the older ladies are hosting, so I'll be staying a bit late, maybe even till tomorrow morning. Don't wait up for me, alright? You know how they get!" She laughed, oblivious to the events that had just transpired between her son and his former teacher.

Kira swallowed hard, glancing at Kyoko. His mind raced. An empty house, a rainy night, a woman he had just kissed… what could possibly happen? The thought swirled between them, unspoken but undeniably present. The tension was palpable, and for a split second, Kira felt his thoughts veering into dangerous territory.

Doki doki.

But he quickly snapped out of it, shaking his head. Nope, nope! Not going there!

"Okay, Mom. See you tomorrow then." He hung up, forcing himself to focus as he unlocked the front door with a spare key.

As they stepped inside, the house greeted them with a quiet warmth, though their clothes were soaked from the rain. The soft "pat, pat" of their wet shoes echoed in the empty hallway. Kyoko shivered slightly, and suddenly, "Achoo!"—she sneezed, her face flushing with embarrassment.

Kira turned to her. "You should take a bath before you catch a cold," he suggested.

Kyoko hesitated, glancing around the unfamiliar house. "Um, where's the bathroom? I don't want to use your mom's… feels a bit awkward, you know?" She tugged at her damp clothes uncomfortably.

Kira didn't think much of it and waved his hand casually. "No worries, you can use mine. It's just down the hall. I'll grab you a towel."

They made their way to his room, and Kyoko couldn't help but notice the size of his bed. It was large, easily big enough for three people to sleep comfortably. Kira noticed her looking and scratched his cheek with a sheepish grin. "Uh, yeah… Rika and Shizuka usually crash in here to spoil me."

Kyoko chuckled softly, but her attention quickly turned to the bathroom door Kira was opening for her. He handed her a spare towel, and without a second thought, she stepped inside.


The door closed, leaving Kira standing in his room, staring blankly at it for a moment. The house was quiet, save for the occasional drip of rainwater sliding off the roof. And then he heard it.

Rustle… rustle… The sound of clothes being pulled off. His mind immediately wandered into dangerous territory. Damn it! Don't think about it! Don't think about her naked! But the more he tried not to, the more the image of Kyoko standing under the shower, her wet clothes peeled off her soft skin, filled his head. Damn it, brain!

Kira shook his head furiously. "I need to shower. Now!" he muttered under his breath, grabbing his own towel in a rush.

He could still hear the faint sounds from the bathroom as he hurried out of his room, the rustling of fabric and the subtle drip, drip of water from the wet clothes hitting the tiled floor. His heart raced faster. I need to calm down… fast!

With quick steps, Kira headed to the main bathroom down the hall. He tossed his towel over his shoulder and turned on the shower. The sound of the water hitting the floor drowned out his chaotic thoughts for a moment, and he sighed in relief.


The steam rose around him, but his mind was still back in his room, imagining Kyoko under the same warm stream of water. He couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking, how she felt about everything that had happened tonight.

Was it just the rain? The kiss? Or was there something more between them now?


A/N:" Can someone tell me if kissing is considered R-18 or not 🚫!"