Chapter:10 Shizuka's.. Cumming!

A/N: R-18 content ahead. I also accept cursing in the comments 😂 🤣.





Kira's mind raced, his heart still pounding from the intensity of the moment.

No… this wasn't right. She wasn't herself. If he let this go any further, she might regret it tomorrow when her mind cleared up. He couldn't let that happen—not to her.

"Kyoko…" His voice trembled, but he gently took hold of her arms, pulling her closer to him. "It's okay… It's alright now."

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against his chest, trying to calm both of their racing hearts. Kyoko looked up at him, her breathing shallow, but her eyes still hazy with that strange glow.

Smack… Kira kissed her forehead softly, then her cheeks, then her lips. He didn't care about the taste anymore, didn't care that his own release still lingered there. All he wanted was to comfort her.

"Shh… shh… It's okay now," he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear as he kissed her neck. "I'm here with you. Just sleep…"






Kyoko let out a soft sigh, her body relaxing in his arms as she nestled deeper into his embrace. Her hands rested on his chest, her breathing starting to even out as she calmed down.

Kira gently laid her down on the bed, pulling her close against him, his chest pressed against her back.

"Hmm… Kira…" Kyoko's voice was barely audible, her mind drifting into a peaceful haze. She was soft—so soft and squishy in his arms. Like a body pillow, warm and comforting. He could feel the heat of her skin against his, her body molding perfectly into his as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.


He closed his eyes, resting his chin on her shoulder, trying to ignore the lingering desire that still coursed through him. But suddenly, he realized something.







His heart skipped a beat.

Thump… thump…

His hands—both his hands—were on her chest. He could feel the softness of her breasts under his palms, warm and delicate.

Doki doki… "Oh no…" Kira's breath caught in his throat. He was about to pull away, to move his hands, but Kyoko's own hands came up, gently grabbing his wrists, holding them in place.

"Don't…" Her voice was barely above a whisper, but it sent a jolt of electricity through him. She wasn't stopping him.

Kira swallowed hard, his mind struggling to process what was happening. Her fingers intertwined with his, pressing his hands gently into her breasts, keeping him there.

Kira's face turned red, his heart pounding furiously as the tension in his body reached its peak.






Kira froze, feeling the rise and fall of her chest under his palms. The soft squish of her body against his own sent shivers down his spine, his breath coming out in ragged gasps.

But Kyoko didn't say anything else. She just nestled into him, her body melting in his arms, as if this was the most natural thing in the world. Her skin was warm, her breathing calm, and in that moment, it was like all the tension had melted away.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. Eventually, Kyoko's breathing slowed, her body finally giving in to exhaustion as she drifted off into sleep.

Kira exhaled slowly, still holding her gently, his hands unmoving on her chest, as his own mind finally started to calm.

And that's how they slept—entangled in each other, with Kyoko resting against him, soft and warm, and Kira unable to move, his heart still racing from everything that had just happened.


[ City Rika's Apartment ]

( Bedroom )

The room was dimly lit, the faint hum of the city outside mixing with the rhythmic sound of their breathing. Rika lay beside Shizuka, her hand gently resting on the older woman's hip, fingers tracing the smooth skin beneath. Shizuka shifted, turning towards Rika, her lips curving into a soft smile.

"You've been staring at me for a while now," Shizuka whispered, her voice low, teasing. She reached out, her fingers brushing Rika's cheek.

Rika chuckled, her own hand slipping beneath the hem of Shizuka's shirt. "I can't help it… you're just too beautiful," she murmured, pressing a kiss to the crook of Shizuka's neck.

Shizuka's breath hitched as Rika's hands wandered, her thumbs brushing over the peaks of her breasts. "Mmm…" Shizuka moaned softly, her body arching instinctively towards Rika.

"You're trembling…" Rika whispered, her breath hot against Shizuka's neck. Her lips found the sensitive skin just below her ear, kissing lightly, teasing her.

Shizuka's fingers tightened around the bedsheets, her body arching slightly towards Rika's touch, inviting more. "I can't help it… you make me feel so… alive," Shizuka breathed, her words barely a whisper as Rika's hands roamed higher.

"Rika..." Shizuka's voice trembled, her eyes half-closed, lips parted. Her nipples strained against the fabric of her blouse, sensitive to the slightest touch. Rika's fingers found them, gently rolling them between her thumb and forefinger.

Rika shifted, positioning herself above Shizuka, their legs tangling as her hand continued to explore, moving lower. The heat between them grew, Shizuka's body arching into Rika's touch, their breathing growing more labored.

Rika's hand slipped between Shizuka's thighs, fingers brushing against the slickness that had already begun to gather there. Shizuka gasped, her hips bucking involuntarily, her moan muffled as Rika's lips captured hers in a deep, hungry kiss.

"Ah… Rika… more…" Shizuka whimpered between kisses, her body responding instinctively, desperate for more contact, more friction.

Rika's fingers teased at Shizuka's entrance, her touch light and teasing at first. "You're so wet for me," Rika murmured, her voice low and sultry, her breath hot against Shizuka's lips.

Rika's fingers slid inside, curling to hit just the right spot, her thumb pressing against Shizuka's clit. Shizuka's moans grew louder, her body shaking with every thrust of Rika's hand, her hips moving in sync with Rika's rhythm.

Shizuka's back arched, her fingers gripping Rika's arm tightly as she approached the edge. Her eyes squeezed shut, her body trembling as the pleasure built inside her, overwhelming her senses.

"Rika… I'm going to—ahh!" Shizuka cried out as her climax washed over her, her body convulsing with pleasure as she collapsed against the bed, her chest heaving.

Rika followed soon after, her own body shuddering as she watched Shizuka come undone beneath her. Their lips met again in a slow, tender kiss, their bodies still trembling as they rode out the aftershocks of their shared release.

They lay there for a while, tangled in the sheets, their breaths finally calming. But then, something shifted. Rika's eyes snapped open, her pupils narrowing into slits. Shizuka felt it too—a sudden, primal instinct that made her sit up, her eyes sharp, focused.

"Kira..." they both whispered, their voices low, almost feline in tone. Rika's lips curled into a sly smile, a single strand of hair falling across her face like a cat ready to pounce.

[ The Next Morning ]

Kira stirred, his mind still foggy from sleep. His body felt heavy, but there was an unfamiliar warmth on top of him. He blinked his eyes open slowly, his vision blurry as he tried to shake off the remnants of sleep. His body shifted, his hips brushing against something soft—his morning wood pressed up against it.

It felt nice, but in his half-asleep state, he wasn't fully aware of what was going on.

Then, a soft moan reached his ears.

"Mmm... Ah..."

That sound jolted him awake. He froze for a second, his breath catching in his throat as his brain finally kicked into gear. His body tensed, but as his eyes adjusted to the dim light of the early morning, the events of the previous night rushed back to him.


His former middle school teacher—now sitting on top of him, her body pressed close to his. Her warm, soft weight settled against him. She was still wearing his sister's tight shorts, the outline of her ass and pussy clear under the fabric, the oversized t-shirt clinging loosely to her figure.

He glanced at his shoulder, wincing a bit from the lingering pain of yesterday's fight with the thugs. The throb of the wound reminded him of everything—how he rescued her, how they ended up here, how the rain had drenched her, leaving her one-piece torn and revealing her smooth skin underneath.

He took a deep breath, trying to relax. She had fallen asleep in his bed, and it wasn't like anything serious had happened... Or not.

Kira gently tried to slide out from under her, but his movement caused her to stir again. This time, her moan was a little louder.

Kyoko shifted, her hand lazily brushing against his chest as she woke up. She yawned, rubbing her eyes. Her red hair was tousled, spilling over her shoulders and down her back, and her oversized t-shirt slid off one shoulder, nearly exposing her breast.

She sat up slightly, her legs still draped over him, her tight shorts riding up even further. Kira's eyes flickered to the sight—her curves perfectly highlighted by the shorts. For a split second, he felt his pulse quicken.

"Kira?" she murmured, her voice heavy with sleep. She rubbed her eyes again, oblivious to the way her shirt was slipping down. She glanced at him, still half-drowsy, but then her eyes widened slightly as she remembered last night. Her face turned pink.*

"Oh..." she mumbled. "Last night..."

Kyoko's gaze fell to the bed, her fingers tugging at the hem of the t-shirt. She seemed lost in thought for a moment, as if processing everything that had happened. She wasn't exactly sure how to feel, but her heart was racing with a mix of emotions.

Her mind swirled with questions. She had been caught by thugs, rescued by Kira—her former student—and now here she was, sitting in his bed in nothing but tight shorts and a t-shirt that wasn't even hers. They'd only met again yesterday after years apart, but she had never expected to end up like this.

Her fingers fidgeted with the fabric of the shorts. What does he think of me? The thought made her stomach twist. She was older, more experienced in life, but not in this kind of situation. Would he see her as desperate? A woman who had lost control?

Kira watched her closely, sensing her discomfort. She was clearly overthinking everything, and he could practically read her mind. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he raised his hand and gently flicked her forehead.

"Don't think so much," he said, his voice steady and calm. "I don't think any less of you."

Kyoko blinked, her hand moving to her forehead where he had flicked her. She stared at him, her face a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Slowly, a soft, relieved smile spread across her lips.

"I wasn't thinking—" she started to say, but Kira interrupted her with a knowing look. She sighed, letting her shoulders relax as the tension melted away.*

The early morning light still hadn't broken through the sky yet. It was quiet, peaceful even, as Kyoko finally sat up fully, stretching her arms above her head. The t-shirt shifted again, and Kira caught another glimpse of her smooth skin, the outline of her breasts barely hidden beneath the fabric.

He shifted in the bed, trying to keep his composure, but it was hard not to notice the way her body moved. She was beautiful, no doubt about it, and despite everything that had happened, there was a certain charm in her vulnerability.

"I should... freshen up," Kyoko mumbled, her face still a little flushed. She glanced down at herself, noticing how tight the shorts were on her hips, the most embarrassing thing was that her pussy lips were clearly visible due to the tightness. It was clearly too small for her.

Her clothes she put to dry last night were dry now, but her skirt had been torn in the fight, leaving her with little to wear.

She sighed softly but managed to pull herself together.

"I'll make it work," she said, mostly to herself, before slipping off the bed and heading toward the bathroom.

Kira watched her go, his eyes lingering on her figure for just a moment before he shook his head, a small smile on his lips. Despite everything, it was hard not to feel a sense of relief. She was safe now, and that was what mattered most.

As Kyoko disappeared into the bathroom, Kira stood up and stretched, feeling the tension leave his body. He glanced at the kitchen and decided to start breakfast. It was still early, but they both needed to eat after the chaos of last night.


A/N 😅 well! What do you 🤔 think like it 🫣🫣.