Chapter: 11 Who is Kyouko Hiyashi Really?

A/N : Took almost a day of continuous thinking for a suitable and relatable past for her.


Kyoko Hayashi. For everyone she was always the no-nonsense teacher with a reputation for being strict and distant. To Kira she was a hardworking woman who lacked love.

But no one really knows about her, the truth is her life from back then, she had very few friends at the school on the outskirts of Tokonosu City. She didn't mind, though; she had always been a lone wolf, ever since her parents had passed away. It was just her and her older sister, but her sister had moved abroad after getting married, leaving Kyoko to fend for herself.

She worked her ass off to get to where she was. Multiple jobs, grinding through life, fighting against the odds. She'd made it—she had landed a prestigious job at Fujimi Academy, one of the top schools in Japan. But her success came at a price.

Her colleagues were jealous, the students didn't respect her. Whispers spread like wildfire, calling her a cold bitch, an uptight prude. She tried to brush it off, but after a while, it got to her. The weight of those rumors and the constant disrespect eroded her confidence. She had nobody—no friends, no family nearby. Just a hollow shell of what she once thought her life would be.

And then came yesterday. That one fateful night where it all came crashing down. Humiliated, mocked, scorned. And when she thought it couldn't get worse, she was cornered by those thugs. The way they leered at her, the way they grabbed her—it was almost too much to handle. She knew what they were planning to do to her, and she was powerless to stop it.

But then he came.

Kira had saved her. Just when she thought all hope was lost, he appeared like some kind of knight in shining armor. But this wasn't a fairy tale, and she wasn't some damsel. Kira had grown up—his composure, his strength—it was all different now. And yet, seeing him, something inside her clicked. It wasn't just gratitude she felt toward him.

It was something deeper. Something raw.

A strange, electric pull.

Without thinking, Though he was the first one to initiate, she also kissed him back with the same passion. That was her first kiss, but she hadn't known it was his too. And later, when things heated up, she'd gone further—giving him her first blowjob. She hadn't thought twice about it, the heat of the moment overpowering her usual self-control. She didn't know it was also his first.

They could've gone further. Hell, she wanted to. She was ready to give herself to him right then and there. But Kira, despite everything, had stopped her. Not out of reluctance or lack of desire, but because he knew it was too soon. And now, lying beside him, she realized that he was right. It wasn't about regret—it was about timing.

But something had shifted within her. That kiss, that moment—it had awakened something she never knew existed. A hunger. A need. She wanted him—badly. Not just physically, though that was certainly part of it. No, this was more than just lust. This was an obsession.

Kyoko wanted to be his. She wanted to own him in a way no one else could. And the way he had looked at her, the way he had touched her—she could tell he didn't mind the age difference at all. If anything, it only made things hotter between them. He was the first to kiss her, after all.

Her mind raced as she walked next to him, staring at the sky. She'd found a new purpose in her otherwise bleak existence. She didn't care what anyone else thought anymore. So what if she was older? So what if people thought she was crazy? She didn't give a damn.

She was going to make Kira hers.

A dark smile crept onto her lips. Kira had no idea what he'd just unleashed. But she wasn't about to let him slip away.

Not now.

Not ever.


Kyoko stood at the station platform, clutching her bag nervously as she waited for the first train of the day. The cold morning air nipped at her exposed skin, making her shiver slightly. Fortunately, Kira had lent her an old pair of his mom's jeans, which fit her decently enough. It was a relief not to be in that torn skirt, especially since she had no idea what kind of attention it might have drawn.

Kira, for his part, was oddly insistent that she wear the jeans. He didn't say it out loud, but the truth is he didn't want other men to look at her legs.

The train whistled, its arrival pulling Kyoko from her thoughts. She adjusted the cap Kira had given her to cover her face. Her apartment was near the station, and with what had happened the previous night, she didn't want to risk being recognized. The memory of that dark mixer, the rapist In the train, the fear—it all still lingered in the back of her mind.

But then there was Kira.

Her fingers absently brushed against her lips, recalling the moment from last night. The feel of his body against hers, the way her first kiss had turned into something more… something she hadn't expected. His taste still lingered, the sweetness mixed with something raw and primal. Mmmh she bit her lip, feeling a heat rise to her cheeks as her body shivered—not from the cold this time. What was happening to her? Was it just attraction or something deeper?


Meanwhile, Kira was making his way back home, his mind still spinning from the events of the previous night. A strange sense of relaxation had washed over him after Kyoko had given him his first ever blowjob, draining away the tension that had been building up inside him for so long.

But more than that, something had shifted in him mentally.

As his body relaxed, his mind had begun to stir, piecing together fragments of memories that didn't belong to this life. His old life, his past, his memories… He wasn't just Kira Minami, a high school student—he was something more, someone with knowledge of this world. The realization hit him like a freight train. Thud! His steps slowed, his breath catching in his throat.

"I'm living in an anime world…" he whispered to himself, the words sounding ridiculous yet all too real.

All of those memories of him, his meeting with ROB, his unfortunate death he remembered everything.

And also that he will get a superpower and his background based on his Karma, and it looks like he did quite a bit of good karma to have a sexy- No two sexy sisters a hot mother and a milf teacher.

His vision had changed, and suddenly he knew things about this world that the old Kira hadn't. The characters, the plotlines, the future events… It all made sense now. No wonder Kyoko looked different in real life compared to how she was portrayed. In the anime, she was shown as some cold, strict teacher, maybe even a bitch. But now? Now that he had seen her up close, touched her, kissed her, he could tell—she was far more beautiful than any anime could ever capture. The manga version had hinted at her dissatisfaction with life, but even that didn't do justice to her complexity.

A grin spread across his face. "I must've used all my damn luck to get a woman like her," he muttered, shaking his head. A fucking beauty more stunning than any Miss World back on Earth. And she… she sucked my cock last night. His pulse quickened at the thought, a heat rising in his chest and lower. The old Kira had been a fool to stop her, to not go all the way. But the new Kira? The one with both his memories fused together?

"I'm gonna make her mine… at any cost," he vowed quietly, his hand tightening into a fist. He wouldn't hesitate next time. No way in hell.


Kira made his way back through the misty outskirts of the city, a grin plastered on his face. The morning air was crisp and cool, the kind of weather that would normally make him want to huddle up in bed. But today? He was practically skipping with excitement.

Boing His phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, absentmindedly scrolling through, but his mind was elsewhere. The system. The previous Kira had brushed it off, thinking it was just some hallucination, but now… now he knew better. Two quests had already popped up, and he'd even gained some points and exclusive skills.

"Kuh kuh kuh.." He chuckled to himself, feeling a giddiness bubbling up inside. The possibilities, the powers—there was so much he could do with it. He could practically feel the energy thrumming in his veins, the excitement building as he began to jog, eager to explore more.

But what he didn't realize was the danger lurking at home. The huntresses that awaited him, eyes sharp and ready to strike.

"Ahh… this is gonna be fun," he muttered, a smirk on his lips as he sprinted down the quiet road, completely unaware of the storm brewing just behind his doorstep.


A/N : Does anyone have some sexy pics of HOTD character of you know what I mean 😚😘.