Chapter:12 Sometimes I want to fuck myself?

A/N : Literally it's the consequences of having a loose tounge.


Kira burst through the door, a grin plastered across his face, but the moment he stepped inside, that grin froze.

Zawa! zawa!

The atmosphere shifted dramatically as he was met with two intimidating figures.

"What the hell?" he blurted, heart racing as he stared at his sister Rika and also consider no less than sister Shizuka Marikawa, both with eyes sharper than knives, glinting with an unsettling mix of worry and fury.

"Kira!" Rika's voice sliced through the tension. "Where have you been?!"

"Yeah! You're late!" Shizuka added, arms crossed, her pouting expression a bizarre mix of cute and menacing.

Kira opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a single word, the chaos erupted. Bam bam bam! Rika lunged at him with a swift kick, sending him stumbling back against the wall.

"What the hell?!" he cried, barely regaining his balance.

Smack! Shizuka slapped him on the head with the back of her hand. "Do you think you can just run off without telling us?!"

Kira rubbed his head, confused and slightly dazed. "But I was just—"

Bam! Rika delivered a powerful punch to his stomach, causing him to double over. "You were just what?!"

"I... was just... getting my life together!" he wheezed, cheeks puffing up as he tried to defend himself. Baka!

"You have a lot of nerve, Kira!" Rika shouted, each punch and kick landing like a training montage gone wrong. Shizuka chimed in, "You could have gotten yourself killed, you know!"

The comedic beatdown continued as Kira tried to dodge their attacks, but it was no use. Thud Another hit landed, and he stumbled back again. "Can't we talk about this?!"


Shizuka gave him a playful shove, causing him to crash onto the couch. "Talk? All you do is run off and leave us worried!"

Just as he was about to respond—his cheeks now swollen from the barrage—the front door swung open with a creak.

"Ara Ara, what's all this commotion?" came a sultry voice. It was his mom, Mitsuko, stepping in with a calm elegance that immediately drew all eyes. Her long black hair braided cascaded down her back , and her blue eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief behind her square glasses.

Kira quickly scrambled to his feet, a goofy grin spreading across his face despite the swelling. He dashed behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close in a comical attempt to hide from Rika and Shizuka.

"Mom! Save me!" he mumbled, his speech garbled due to his swollen cheeks.

Mitsuko chuckled softly, a teasing fufufu escaping her lips. "What did you do this time, Kira?" Her tone was playful, but her eyes held a motherly concern.

"I just went out for a bit... and then got mobbed!" Kira protested, his cheeks still squished against her voluptuous body, giving him a sense of safety and warmth.

"Kira, you really need to be more careful," she said, shaking her head but unable to hide her smirk.

Doki doki Kira's heart raced; he could feel the softness of her curves against him, which was both comforting and embarrassing. "They're going to kill me!" he whined, looking up at his mom with exaggerated pleading eyes.

Rika and Shizuka exchanged glances, both crossing their arms and pouting.

"Mom, can you tell him he needs to be responsible?" Rika complained, while Shizuka added, "Yeah! He can't just run off and leave us in the dark!"

"Ma ma," Mitsuko said, her voice dripping with a playful tone, ara ara echoing in the room.

"Let him breathe, girls. He's just a boy trying to figure things out."

Kira breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he had just escaped a death trap. "See? Mom gets it!" he chimed in, a cheeky smile spreading across his face.

"You two better not go easy on him next time," Mitsuko added, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she ruffled Kira's hair. "After all, a little tough love never hurt anyone, right?"

With that, the tension in the room eased, and Kira couldn't help but chuckle, even through his pain. "Maybe just a little less tough next time?"

Zawa zawa! Mitsuko and kira's laughter echoed through the house, the chaos of the previous moments fading into the background. Kira knew one thing for sure: life at home would never be boring, especially not with these two fierce women around.


[ Kira's Living Room ]

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as Kira sat at the dining table, fidgeting under the watchful eyes of his family. Mitsuko, his mother, radiated an aura of authority. Rika and Shizuka flanked her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

Kira took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. 'Okay, Kira, just explain what happened. You can do this.'

"Um, so, about last night," he started, his voice wavering slightly. "I was on the train, and I saw Kyoko being harassed by these thugs…"

He recounted the events, the tension in the room rising with every word. When he reached the climax of the story—the part where he saved Kyoko—he felt a surge of pride.

I did good, right?

But before he could relish the moment, he blurted out, "And she spent the night here!"

[Moment of Silence]

Mitsuko, Rika, and Shizuka froze, their eyes turning icy as they stared at him. The tension crackled in the air, and Kira cursed himself inwardly. Fucking mouth!

Suddenly, a quest notification flashed before him, bold and demanding:

[ Quest: Survive the Upcoming Disaster]

Objective: Meet with Host.

Reward: Sexually Mastery.

His eyes widened as he looked around at their shocked faces. "Uh, I didn't mean it like that!" Did the system just ditched him, and what with that objective of meeting me, he is talking like I am going to die.

"Can you blame him?" Mitsuko said with a playful smirk. "Go on, girls. He deserves it for that slip."

With a synchronized grin, Rika and Shizuka lunged at him, their fists ready. Kira barely had time to react.

This is it!

[ One Beating later ]

( Kira's POV )

"OW! Please! I can explain!" he yelled as fists rained down on him. Rika's punches were precise, each one landing with comic intensity. Shizuka joined in, swinging her fists wildly.

His clothes were torn, his face was a mess of black and white bruises, making him look like a cartoon character. *Great, I'm a walking punchline.*

"What was that about spending the night, huh?" Rika teased, landing a particularly hard jab to his shoulder.

Kira winced. "I didn't—uh—"

My mouth is going to get me killed one day.

"Time to confess, Kira!" Shizuka shouted, her playful demeanor making the situation even more absurd.

"I was saving her!" he protested weakly, but the evil laughter in the room drowned him out.



Finally, they relented, leaving Kira a quivering heap on the floor, his face swollen and comically contorted.

Rika stood over him, an expression of pride flickering in her eyes. "You know, I heard from the police chief about the whole thing. You did good out there, Kira."

Kira blinked through his pain, feeling a swell of pride at her words. She's proud of me?

Mitsuko's gaze softened. "I'm proud of you too, but you need to be careful."

As she touched his shoulder, he flinched in pain. "Ouch! That hurts!"

Mitsuko's brow furrowed. "What's wrong?"

They quickly noticed the knife wound on his shoulder, blood seeping through the torn fabric of his shirt. The mood shifted from playful to serious in an instant.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rika exclaimed, concern etched on her face.

Kira groaned, his head spinning. "It's nothing. Really!"

I just wanted to be cool for once…

"Nothing? You've got a freaking knife wound!" Shizuka's voice was sharp, and Kira felt the weight of their worry.

Mitsuko's motherly instincts kicked in. "We need to clean that up right now. Come on, let's go."

Kira's protests fell on deaf ears as they rallied around him, the earlier laughter replaced with genuine care. He could only smile through his pain, knowing that no matter the chaos, they had his back.

Maybe being part of this crazy family isn't so bad after all.

[ Living Room ]

Kira sat slumped on the couch, his torn clothes barely holding together. Shizuka had already fetched the first-aid kit and was attending to his wound with surprising skill.

"Hold still, Kira-chan," Shizuka said in her typical ditzy yet soft tone, her hands surprisingly steady as she treated his knife wound. Her usual bubbly energy was replaced by a rare moment of seriousness.

Kira winced. Damn, she might be goofy, but she sure knows her stuff.

Dab Dab – Shizuka cleaned the wound with spirit ( antiseptic cream/ Alcohol whatever ).

"Almost done! You were brave, but reckless," she added, tapping the bandage down gently.

Reckless? Isn't that my middle name by now?

Just as he thought he was in the clear, the piercing gazes of Rika and Mitsuko returned.

They had been watching in silence, arms crossed, their eyes drilling into him.

"Now, Kira... about that night on the train..." Mitsuko said, her voice as sweet as ever, but Kira could feel the tension rising.

Oh no… he thought, his mind racing. Don't screw this up, man. Just tell them the basics and move on.

But as if fate loved to toy with him, his mouth had other plans.He nodded his head sagly and blurted out unconsciously.

"Well, uh… I saved her, yeah... and then... well... we sort of kissed."


Both Rika and Shizuka froze, their eyes wide, and Kira could almost hear the sound of their hearts shattering.

*Oh shit. Did I really just say that?*

*Of course I did. Why, mouth, why?*

Their demeanor changed instantly—Rika's knuckles whitened, and Shizuka's usually soft, ditzy expression hardened into something far more sinister.

They both leaned forward like predatory witches about to pounce.

"Kissed?" Rika asked, her voice a dangerous whisper.

"Kisssseddd?" Shizuka echoed, a strange gleam in her eyes.

Kira gulped. Oh no, they're gonna kill me…

Before he could backtrack, Mitsuko chimed in, still wearing that ever-present smile. "Well, isn't that nice? It seems Kyoko's found herself a young lover."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Rika's face twisted in frustration, her teeth clenched. Shizuka's cheeks puffed out in a pout, but her eyes were sharp.

"M-Mom, what are you saying?" Kira stammered, trying to diffuse the situation. But Mitsuko, always one to play the innocent, tilted her head cutely to the side.


"Oh, nothing, dear. Just thinking it's wonderful for a woman to have a young, handsome man like you. I mean, I'd love that too…" she said, batting her eyelashes with a playful smirk.

Wait, is she—no way, she's joking, right?

For a split second, Kira's mind went blank. His swollen cheeks puffed out, and before he knew it, he again blurted, "Well, if you need a lover, I'd happily volunteer!"

[ The ticking of the clock was too loud]

The room went deathly silent.

Rika's expression went from heartbroken to pure rage. Her chest heaved, and without saying a word, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the house, the door slamming behind her.


Shizuka and Mitsuko were left staring at him, but Mitsuko's smile never wavered.

Kira swallowed hard, sweat trickling down his temple. Oh man, did I just ruin everything?


A/N : Hey for some reason I can't post a cover photo can anyone teach me.

And paragraph comments? I don't know how to do it.