Chapter: 13 Mother knows Breasts.

A/N : So anyone know the titles meaning? 🥴


Kira stood, rubbing the back of his neck, wincing slightly from the earlier thwack! Mitsuko had given him. The air in the room felt heavy—almost crackling—as Mitsuko's eyes narrowed, a mix of disappointment and concern flickering across her face. Beside her, Shizuka stood unusually quiet, her ditzy persona replaced with something more intense and focused.

Mitsuko's voice sliced through the tense silence. "Kira, you really don't understand women at all, do you?"

Kuso, here it comes. Kira's heart sank like a stone tossed into a still pond.

"M-Mom, c'mon... I didn't mean to—"

"No excuses." Her voice was cold, but there was a softness lingering beneath the surface. "You think you can just kiss a girl and pretend nothing happened? You hurt Rika, Kira."

Ugh… Kira winced inside. I know I screwed up, but they're really laying it on thick.

Shizuka, for once, nodded along seriously. "She's right, Kira-chan. You've gotta apologize. Properly," she added, her solemn nod making her usually bubbly persona seem almost alien.

Mitsuko crossed her arms, her stance firm. "Fix it."

Fix it? If only it were that easy… Kira sighed heavily, the sound hanging in the air like a tired exhale. He nodded, even though deep down he knew that an apology wouldn't even begin to scratch the surface of the real problem. He couldn't just tell them everything. Not about the hell coming in a few months, not about the System, and definitely not about the cosmic bastard, the ROB, who had put him in this mess.

"Yeah, yeah… I'll apologize," he muttered, resigned.

Mitsuko's gaze softened, though her eyes still held him in place like a predator eyeing its prey.


(Invisible 🫥 POV): Why are these women acting like it's totally normal to have a taboo love triangle?


Before Kira could respond, Shizuka's eyes went wide in realization. "Rika!" she yelped, bolting out of the room faster than a bullet train.

Kira watched her go, his expression unreadable.

The room fell silent, the atmosphere thickening. Mitsuko's playful, motherly aura faded into something much more serious as she stepped closer, her presence almost whooshing through the space, filling every corner.

"Kira," she spoke softly this time, "what's really going on?"

His heart skipped a beat. Here we go…

Her stare felt like it could see straight through him, penetrating the facade he had built. Kira always believed his mom had some witchy, supernatural power, able to read him like an open book. Maybe she really was a witch. Or maybe... maybe he was just a terrible liar. Either way, there was no hiding from her. Ever since he was a kid, his mom had been his rock. Hell, without her, he doubted his heart would even beat right.

The problem? His face and mouth betrayed him at every turn. His lies were as bad as Shion's infamous cooking disasters.

He sighed heavily, the sound escaping like a confession. "Okay, Mom. There's something... I need to tell you."

Mitsuko remained silent, her sharp gaze cutting through him, though a soft curve lingered on her lips. She knew. She always knew. How? Who could say? Maybe she just knew him that well. He carried his emotions on his sleeve, wore his heart on his face, and let every little expression give him away. The kid had no poker face. Zero.

Kira spilled it all. The weird memories, the System, even that ridiculous ROB bastard who gave him powers for reasons he still couldn't wrap his head around. But he left out the embarrassing details about how he'd died. That? He was taking that to his grave.

When he finished, he waited for her to laugh or call him crazy. Instead, she smiled—a warm, radiant expression that melted the tension in the room.

"Kuso!" Kira cursed inside. She doesn't believe me.

But Mitsuko's voice was soothing. "I believe you."

Kira blinked, his confusion evident. "Huh? What?"

She laughed softly, a melody that brought a hint of relief. "I said I believe you."

Kira gawked, his mouth hanging open. "You believe me? About the System, the world ending… all of it?"

Mitsuko nodded, a sly grin forming on her lips. "Yes."

"But… why?"


(Invisible 🫥 man POV): Oi! Is that a demon? Why do I see a woman with horns, red eyes, and a scythe, looking ready to kill that ROB?


She clicked her tongue, tch, something flickering in her eyes as she leaned in closer. "Because I know you, Kira. I know when you're lying, and I know when you're scared. Yesterday morning, you were different. Like you didn't belong in this world anymore."

Dammit… ROB messed this up, Kira thought bitterly. Why can't I be a normal isekai protagonist?

Mitsuko's gaze shifted, her expression turning serious. "Kira… you really don't know how Rika feels about you, do you?"

His breath caught in his throat. "M-Mom… are you… okay with that? I mean, she's my sister…"

Her expression shifted, that sharp calculation she always had as a stock market grandmaster flickering in her eyes. She was always fast, always precise with her decisions. And now? Well, let's just say her motherly reservations about the girls' feelings had taken a backseat.

She chuckled lightly, the sound playful yet unsettling. "The world's ending, Kira. Who cares?" She leaned in, teasing. "Besides, if you want a lover… I'm still available."

Kira's face turned beet red, heat rushing to his cheeks. "M-Mom!" His body turned instinctively, but his head? His eyes? Stuck like a deer in headlights.

Mitsuko grinned slyly, her teasing tone dripping with mischief. "What? You've thought about it." She stretched her collar, letting her cleavage peek out in a way that made his heart race. The reaction was instant, blood rushing to his face.

Kira stammered, "Y-You're impossible." He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, trying to gather himself, "I love you, Mom."

He dashed for the door, his pulse racing, but Mitsuko's voice called after him, playful yet serious.

"Don't forget about Shizuka."


As Kira stepped into the hallway, he felt a mix of relief and anxiety swirling in his chest. The world was about to end, and he had a harem of beautiful women to navigate. But in that moment, he couldn't shake off the feeling that life was more complicated than any fantasy he had ever imagined. And the sound of footsteps behind him pulled him from his thoughts.

"Hey, Kira!" Shizuka's voice chimed in, lightening the atmosphere. "Wait up!"

Kira paused, the weight of his earlier conversation dissipating slightly. Shizuka was back, her usual energy radiating as she caught up with him, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Are you really going to apologize to Rika?" she asked, curiosity lacing her tone.

"Yeah… I guess so," Kira replied, scratching his head. "But I'm not really sure how to fix this."

She tilted her head, pondering. "Maybe just be honest? You're good at that, right?"

Kira smirked, "Well, I can be honest... even if it gets me in trouble."

"Exactly!" Shizuka giggled, bouncing slightly. "And besides, what's the worst that could happen? More awkward moments? It'll be fine!"

Kira sighed, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Yeah, 'fine'—if only it were that simple."

Together, they walked through the hall, the sun streaming in from the windows, casting a warm glow over their path. The day stretched out before them, filled with potential chaos and unexpected encounters. Kira took a breath, ready to face whatever came next, knowing that with friends by his side, he could weather any storm.


A/ N : considering Rikas character I don't know if kira will survive what do you think 🤔?