Chapter: 14 "Bloodlines Blurred: Who Will Claim Him First?"

A/N : "Oooh, did you hear that? 👂 Looks like someone's about to pop something more than just questions... 🍆💦"


Kira stood outside his room, hesitating. The muffled sound of something repeatedly hitting the bed reached his ears—thwack, thwack, thwack. Peeking through the door, he found Rika, her fists pummeling a pillow, her face twisted with frustration and her ample chest heaving with each strike.

"Dammit, Kira!" Rika growled, her cheeks flushed. "Why do you have to be so... so... stupid?!"

Kira winced. He knew exactly what she was mad about—his cowardice, his inability to confront what had been simmering between them. But he couldn't keep running, not after what Mitsuko had said. It was time to face the music.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside. "Rika... we need to talk."

Rika didn't even glance up. She slammed another punch into the pillow, but Kira wasn't prepared for the next swing—her fist missed the pillow and landed squarely on his nose. "Ah, shit!"


Blood spurted from Kira's nose, and he stumbled back, clutching his face. "Fuck! My nose!"

Rika froze, her expression shifting from anger to shock. "Oh my god, Kira! I—"

"No, no, it's fine. I probably deserved that," Kira groaned, wiping his nose with his sleeve as blood trickled down, painting his skin a vivid red. Great way to start a confession... bloody and painful, just like my life.

Before Rika could react, Shizuka followed him into the room and gasped at the sight of Kira's bloodied face. "Kira-chan! Your face!"

Kira sighed, shaking his head, and pinched his nose to stem the bleeding. No running away this time. Time to confront this mess.

"Look, I don't wanna drag this out," Kira said, his voice muffled as he pressed the sleeve harder to his nose. "I'm just gonna say it straight, Rika. I like you."

Rika blinked, caught completely off guard, her long legs still poised at the edge of the bed.


"You heard me." Kira's words were blunt, raw, and unfiltered.

"I'm not good with this shit, but I like you, Rika. And yeah, I kissed Kyoko... but fuck, I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know how you'd react, but now... I do."

Rika's mouth opened, then closed, her mind racing as she processed his confession. Kira took the moment to glance at Shizuka, who stood behind Rika, frozen, her hands covering her mouth, her wide eyes betraying a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"And Shizuka..." Kira paused, his heart pounding like a war drum. "I... I like you too."

Shizuka's hands dropped to her sides, her expression morphing from shock to delight.

Both girls stared at him, their gazes pinning him in place, each of them processing his confession like he had just committed a heinous crime.

Rika was the first to snap out of it, her expression darkening into a playful smirk.

"You bastard... you're trying to build a harem, aren't you?"

Before Kira could respond, Rika lunged at him, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him onto the bed with surprising strength.

"You think you can confess to both of us and get away with it?!"


Kira hit the bed with a loud crash, the air knocked out of him. "Gah!"

Rika climbed on top of him, pinning him down, her body pressing against him, the softness of her curves enveloping him. "You don't understand women at all, do you?!"

Kira stared up at her, his heart racing, his nose still bleeding slightly, the intoxicating scent of her shampoo enveloping him.

"Well, do you accept me or not?"

Rika didn't answer right away. Instead, her fierce demeanor softened, and she leaned down, her warm breath ghosting over his lips before she pressed them against his in a sudden, fierce kiss.

It wasn't gentle; it was full of pent-up emotion, a blend of frustration and desire. Her lips claimed his like they had been waiting for this moment.

Kira's eyes widened in surprise, his heart pounding in his chest. Well, shit... this is happening.

But before he could even process the kiss, Rika was suddenly yanked off him by Shizuka, who had finally snapped out of her daze.

"Oi, Rika-chan!" Shizuka protested, a playful pout on her lips, her voluptuous figure radiating mischief. "Don't hog him!"

Before Kira could say anything, Shizuka dove onto the bed, pulling Kira into a kiss of her own, softer and more playful than Rika's but still leaving him breathless.

She pulled back slightly, her lips brushing his. "Yes," she whispered, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I accept you, Kira-chan."

Kira blinked, looking between the two girls, his mind spinning from the whirlwind of emotions and sensations. What the hell just happened?!

Rika, still flushed from their kiss, shot a glare at Shizuka before turning her gaze back to Kira. "You're still an idiot... but yeah, I guess I accept you too."

Kira let out a shaky breath, feeling like he had just survived a battlefield. "So... you're both okay with this?"

Rika punched him lightly in the chest, her playful smile returning. "Don't push your luck, baka."

Shizuka giggled, lying down beside him, her head resting on his chest, her body warm against his. "Kira-chan's so silly sometimes."

Kira stared up at the ceiling, his mind racing with disbelief. What the hell just happened? He couldn't believe he had confessed, but somehow, it worked. Somehow, they accepted him—both of them.

As the chaos settled, Kira felt an exhilarating mix of relief and excitement. The world outside could be burning down, but in this room, surrounded by Rika and Shizuka, everything felt right. For the first time in a long time, he didn't mind the chaos of it all.

Kira looked at both girls, their faces lit with the afternoon sun, a spark of adventure flickering in the air around them. Whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, navigating their twisted fates and the undeniable chemistry that bound them.

He couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to get a lot more interesting. The three of them had crossed a line into something both thrilling and terrifying. But in that moment, all he could think about was the two beautiful girls beside him, their laughter ringing in his ears and their warmth radiating around him.

And he was ready for whatever came next.


Kira lay in bed, his body still tingling from the overwhelming confessions that had unfolded. Rika was curled up next to him, her breath soft and a peaceful smile gracing her lips. On his other side, Shizuka had wrapped her arms loosely around his waist, the warmth of her body a soothing contrast to the chaotic world outside. It was a rare moment of calm after the storm.

He sighed, allowing his muscles to relax as his mind drifted off, thoughts of the day's events swirling in a blissful haze.

Suddenly, Kira felt a weight pressing down on him—a soft, firm pressure on his hips. Before he could fully register what was happening, a body began to grind against him, and a pair of plush lips captured his own in a heated kiss.

What the...?

Instinctively, he returned the kiss, his hands roaming down to grab what he assumed was Shizuka's soft ass. His fingers dug in, squeezing the round flesh. Damn, she's going all in... He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth, savoring the sweetness that filled him.

But something felt off. The way she moved against him felt... different. He shook off the confusion, focusing on the sensation of large, squishy breasts pressing against his chest. Maybe it's just Shizuka... she's got that bouncy pair too...

Just as he was about to lose himself in the moment, a sharp gasp sliced through the air.

"Kira?! What the hell is going on?!" Rika's voice, filled with shock and confusion, jolted him back to reality.

Kira froze. His eyes snapped open, and to his horror, he found not Shizuka but Mitsuko, his mother, smiling down at him with mischief dancing in her eyes, her hips still grinding against his. "Ara ara~ What's wrong, darling? You looked like you were enjoying it..."

Kira's blood ran cold as he tried to push her off, but Mitsuko pinned him down easily, her body pressing closer. "M-Mom?!"

Rika, who had been basking in the afterglow of Kira's confession moments before, stared at the scene unfolding before her, her eyes widening in horror as the reality of the situation set in.

"MOM, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" she yelled, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and fury.

Mitsuko tilted her head playfully, unfazed. "Oh, come on now, Rika. You can have fun with him, but why can't I?"

Rika's eye twitched as she struggled to process the absurdity of the moment. Meanwhile, Kira was still in shock, his hands frozen on Mitsuko's ass, a whirlwind of thoughts crashing through his mind. Fuck... what just happened?!

Shizuka stirred beside him, blinking sleepily.

"Eh? What's going on...?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. But as soon as she focused on the scene before her, her jaw dropped.

"Mitsuko-san, that's a bit... much, don't you think?"

Mitsuko finally released Kira's head, sitting up while still straddling him, a sly grin plastered on her face. "No harm done, right? A little family fun never hurt anyone."

Kira's face burned with embarrassment and frustration. He was about to voice his horror, but before he could utter a word, Rika and Shizuka seized him, yanking him from beneath Mitsuko.

"You're done!" Rika snapped, her grip firm as she threw him toward the door.

With a grunt, Kira hit the floor, landing in a heap. "Ow... fuck..." He groaned, rubbing his back as he struggled to sit up.

Rika towered over him, arms crossed, her face red with rage. "You perverted bastard!" she shouted, her eyes blazing. "What kind of guy lets his own mom grind on him like that?!"

Kira opened his mouth to explain, but Mitsuko interjected from the bed. "Oh, don't be so harsh, Rika. It's not like he knew... at first."

Rika shot her mother a glare that could melt steel.

"You're not helping!"

Shizuka, her cheeks flushed, walked over to Kira and kicked him lightly in the side. "Maybe you should go... let us have a girls' meeting."

Before he could protest, Rika and Shizuka bundled him out of the room like a rag doll, slamming the door behind him with a finality that echoed through the hallway.

Kira sat there, dazed and confused, the weight of the absurd situation settling heavily on his shoulders. He could hear their voices rising inside the room, a mix of embarrassment and fury, and he sighed deeply, knowing he was in deeper shit than ever before.

Fuck... this family's gonna kill me. He cursed his luck, overwhelmed by how much had happened in just two days. The thrill of his earlier confessions was replaced by the chaotic whirlwind that now enveloped him, leaving him feeling both exhilarated and terrified.

As he sat on the floor, leaning against the door, he couldn't shake the vivid images from earlier. The thrill of the unexpected moment with Mitsuko burned in his mind like a wildfire. What the hell was happening to his life?

Suddenly, a soft knock broke his thoughts. He looked up, his heart racing as he wondered who it could be.

"Kira, can we talk?" It was Shizuka, her voice gentle yet firm.

He swallowed hard, knowing that whatever conversation awaited him would change everything. As he stood up, he could only hope to navigate the chaos ahead without losing himself entirely.


A/N : "And just like that, the temperature skyrockets. 🔥🔥 Keep reading, and I promise you won't regret what's coming next... or who is coming next. 😉"