Chapter: 22 ( The silent confession)

The Calm Before the Storm

[ Time skip One month ]

Kira lay in his bed, feeling the warmth of Rika's arm draped over his chest, her body pressed against his side, as Shizuka and Mitsuko lay peacefully nearby. The morning light filtered through the blinds, but his mind was elsewhere—focused on the chaos he knew was only a month away.

One month. That was all the time left before the world would turn into a living nightmare.

As he stared at the ceiling, his fingers moved instinctively, pulling up the familiar transparent blue screen in front of his eyes. His system—his guide, his advantage. In silence, he checked his status.


Status Page

Name: Kira Minami

Level: 20

Experience Points: 4300/5000

Health: 100%

Stamina: 150% (due to stamina booster)


Enhanced Reflexes : 3x faster reaction speed

Martial Combat : Master-level hand-to-hand combat

Inventory Mastery : Unlimited storage, time stops inside

Swordsmanship : Precise and deadly strikes

Charisma : Easily sways others, especially women

Personal Dimension : Adjustable

Affection Levels:

Mitsuko Minami: 10 (Ultimate Bond)

Rika Minami: 7

Shizuka Marikawa: 7

Tomo Aizawa: 5 (yet to be initiated)

Akemi Aizawa: 5 (yet to be initiated)

Kyouko Hiyashi: 4 (yet to be initiated)

Points Available: 2200

Current Quest: "Prepare for the Apocalypse"

Time Remaining: 29 Days

Objectives: Stockpile resources, enhance skills, and increase survival chances.


Kira smiled to himself as he looked at his progress. This wasn't where he started—no, a month ago, he had barely been above a normal student. But now, he had more power than anyone could guess. He had to. Because when that first zombie appeared, there wouldn't be time for hesitation.

Still, there was a lot left to do. The one-month window was just enough to prepare everything. He'd been training relentlessly with his women, especially Mitsuko, who he had already confided in. She knew the truth about the impending apocalypse but had remained quiet, waiting for his word to act. Their bond, forged in secret training sessions within his Personal Dimension, had grown stronger than he ever imagined. They weren't just mother and son anymore; they were warriors, bound by purpose—and something deeper, something unbreakable.

His plan was simple: train during the day, love during the night. He needed to be ready for what was coming, and that meant not only growing stronger but also reinforcing his relationships with the women by his side. Their safety, their survival—that's what drove him. The world outside? Let it burn if it had to. He didn't care about the so-called heroes of this world, the "OG cast." If they died in some forgotten ditch, so be it. His only priority was protecting those who mattered to him.

Glancing at the system once more, Kira opened the System Store. He had saved up enough points for the critical skills he needed.


System Store

Advanced Weaponry Package: 500 points

Strength Booster: 400 points

Inventory Skill (Unlimited): 1000 points [Purchased]

Time Freeze Ability (5 seconds): 1500 points

Group Power Sharing (Up to 3): 2000 points


The Inventory Skill was already his. It was the perfect solution for storing everything he needed for the apocalypse—food, weapons, supplies. Time stopped inside the inventory, so nothing ever spoiled or degraded. Unlimited storage space, too. That meant he could prepare without limits.

His next goal was the Group Power Sharing skill. With it, he could share his abilities with Rika and Shizuka when the time came. For now, he kept the truth from them, not out of distrust, but out of caution. Until the apocalypse hit, revealing too much would only complicate things. He could explain it later—how he had "lucked out" with these newfound powers and skills.

Kira looked over at Mitsuko, who stirred slightly in her sleep, her hand resting on his chest. He smiled again, this time more softly. They had trained together so intensely in that personal dimension, sometimes for days on end, while only hours passed in the real world. That kind of time, alone, isolated, with nothing but their goals and each other—it had changed everything between them. Their bond was... unbreakable now. Unshakable.

And as for Rika and Shizuka? They were his pillars of love and chaos. Kira had yet to bring them fully into the fold, but he knew the time would come when they, too, would be part of this unstoppable unit. He had plans for them, plans that would give them powers they couldn't even imagine. But for now, he kept his cards close to his chest.

He shut off the system screen and stretched, careful not to disturb Rika. The time for action would come soon enough, but until then...

"Just a little more time," he muttered, pulling Rika closer as he closed his eyes.

For now, he would savor these quiet moments. But when the apocalypse came, he would be ready—and no one, not zombies or survivors, would stand in his way.









The final month before the apocalypse hit had been a whirlwind of preparation, intense training, and strengthening Kira's relationships with those around him. His plans were coming together, the world around him blissfully unaware of the chaos that would soon consume it.

Kira had grown closer to each of his women, especially Kyouko Hiyashi. Her subtle interest in him had blossomed into something more dangerous, something that teetered on the edge of obsession. She confessed her feelings to him after weeks of their growing bond, but there was something deeper in her gaze—something unhinged, that reminded him of a yandere character from a manga. It wasn't just love; it was ownership. Possession.

But he'd been prepared for that.

Kira stood in the park, just outside the Academy. The sun was setting, casting the sky in hues of pink and orange as he waited for Kyouko to join him. His mind drifted back to the events of that afternoon. The way she had cornered him, her eyes dark, lips curled into a smile that barely masked the intensity underneath.


Flashback: Kyouko's Confession

"Do you love me, Kira?" Kyouko's voice was soft, but there was an edge to it, one that made Kira's instincts flare. She stood dangerously close, her fingers grazing his chest. "You have to tell me the truth. Because if you lie... well, I won't let anyone else have you. Not even your precious family."

Her words sent a chill through him, but Kira knew better than to let fear show. He had been aware of this side of her from the start, and honestly, there was something thrilling about it. He smiled, calm and controlled. "Kyouko… I already belong to you. But that doesn't mean you have to be so desperate."

Her eyes widened, and for a second, Kira saw the madness within her. "You're lying," she whispered, her grip tightening. "They… they're in the way. I won't let you love anyone else."

It was in that moment Kira realized that Kyouko wasn't just playing around. She was serious. If left unchecked, her obsession could tear his entire plan apart.

So, Kira did the only thing he could think of. He silenced her, not with words, but with overwhelming love. His lips crashed into hers, sudden and deep, cutting off any further threats. Kyouko stiffened, then melted into the kiss, her body relaxing against his as her hands clung to him like a lifeline. The intensity shifted, from dangerous to passionate, from possessive to needy.

When he pulled away, her face was flushed, her breathing uneven. Kira cupped her cheek and whispered, "I'll give you everything, Kyouko. I promise. But you have to trust me."

For a long moment, she stared at him, her eyes searching his face for any hint of deception. Then, slowly, she nodded. "I'll trust you," she whispered. "But if you betray me... I'll kill them all."

Kira just smiled. "Then I'll make sure you never feel the need."


Now, standing in the park, he thought back to that moment. The truth was, Kyouko had fallen for him in her own twisted way, but he had managed to rein her in. His women were aware of this development, and surprisingly, they didn't protest. They knew Kira's control over the situation was absolute. He had a way of balancing the chaos in his life with ease, and they trusted him.

Kyouko finally arrived, wearing a dress that clung to her figure, the black fabric contrasting against her pale skin. She walked up to him, her usual confidence showing in her stride. But there was something softer about her now, something tamed, as if the fire inside her had been momentarily doused.

"You're late," Kira teased, his voice playful.

Kyouko smiled, but there was still that dangerous glint in her eyes. "I figured I'd make you wait. I know how much you like the anticipation."

Kira chuckled and took her hand, pulling her toward the more secluded part of the park, where the trees provided some privacy. "I wanted tonight to be special. Just you and me."

She tilted her head, a sly smile forming on her lips. "And here I thought you'd never make time for just me."

Kira didn't respond with words. Instead, he pressed her against the nearest tree, his hands finding her waist as he leaned in close. "You think I don't have enough time for you? I'll prove you wrong."

Kyouko's breath hitched, her hands moving to his chest, but she didn't push him away. Instead, she arched her body toward him, her lips parting as she whispered, "Then prove it."

Kira's mouth captured hers in a kiss that was anything but gentle. It was raw, needy, the kind of kiss that left no room for doubt about his intentions. His hands roamed her body, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath the fabric, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them.

Kyouko responded with equal intensity, her fingers threading through his hair as she pulled him even deeper into the kiss. There was no hesitation, no holding back. It was as if all the tension that had been building between them for weeks finally exploded in this one moment.

They moved together, their bodies lost in the heat of the moment, the world around them fading into nothing. Kira's hand slid up her thigh, pulling her dress higher as he pressed her back against the tree. She let out a soft gasp, her head falling back as his lips moved to her neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses down her skin.

"Kira…" she breathed, her voice barely a whisper.

He didn't stop. His hand moved higher, teasing the edge of her underwear before slipping underneath. The way her body tensed, the soft moan that escaped her lips—it was everything Kira needed to hear.

"Tell me you're mine," he whispered against her ear, his breath hot on her skin.

Kyouko's nails dug into his back, her body trembling with desire. "I'm yours, Kira. Only yours."

That was all he needed. Kira's hand moved with purpose, his fingers finding the most sensitive spot, and Kyouko's body reacted instantly. She let out a sharp gasp, her hands gripping him tighter as her knees weakened.

The night air was filled with the sounds of their intimacy, and for that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the apocalypse, not the plans, not even the looming threat of zombies. It was just Kira and Kyouko, lost in their own world of passion and control.

As Kira finally pulled her into his arms, her body trembling against his, he whispered into her ear, "This is just the beginning. You belong to me now, Kyouko. Completely."

She looked up at him, her eyes glassy with lust, but there was no mistaking the emotion behind them. Love. Obsession. And something more dangerous.

Kira knew that she was his now. And he would use that to his advantage a bit but not her, that's just messed up.

Because the system had warned him that something ominous related to fate will happen if tried to push the boundaries of the plot.

And Kyouko was just the trigger.

He don't understand what happening, simply because these supernatural laws and concepts are beyond Mortal.


A/N : The Full blown R-18 chapters will be toned down for now okay, otherwise the plot will stagnet.