Chapter: 24 Favourite weapon.

Kira sprinted home, his legs carrying him at a blistering speed of 200 km per hour. The wind barely grazed him as he effortlessly cut through the air, his surroundings a blur. Running at that speed had become second nature to him after the intense training, and it was faster than any vehicle could ever take him. What once felt impossible was now his reality. In no time, his "palace"—the home he shared with his women—appeared before him.

The door opened just as he reached the front steps, and he was greeted by two familiar figures.

"Morning, Kira-kun," Shizuka's bubbly voice chimed. She was dressed in her usual tight nurse uniform, the white fabric clinging to her voluptuous body in all the right places. Her signature pink hair was pinned up in its usual messy bun, giving her that ditzy and carefree vibe. She leaned in with a cheerful smile, planting a quick peck on his lips. "Don't miss me too much, okay?"

Before he could respond, Rika appeared beside her, standing tall and fierce. Her form-fitting sniper uniform hugged her toned frame, the tight black leather showing off every curve of her athletic body. Her long brown hair had been braided into intricate rows—like something out of an African warrior's style. It only added to her sex appeal. She was the definition of a badass, with a sniper rifle always within reach. Rika's eyes locked on his with a confident smirk before she gave him a quick kiss as well.

"See you later, handsome," Rika teased, adjusting her braids. "Got a government op to deal with today. Be good while we're gone."

The two women waved as they departed, Shizuka's playful energy and Rika's commanding aura contrasting perfectly. Kira couldn't help but watch for a moment before stepping inside the house, the warmth of their affection still lingering on his lips. He glanced at the clock—he still had an hour before school started. Plenty of time.

The smell of breakfast caught his nose as he walked toward the kitchen, his footsteps barely audible on the wooden floor. As he rounded the corner, he spotted his mother, Mitsuko, wiping down the dining table. Her figure—slim yet curvaceous—was framed perfectly by the morning light streaming through the window. She wore a casual house dress, her long hair cascading down her back like silk.

Kira smirked to himself, stealthily sneaking up behind her, ready to surprise her with a playful grab. But as his hand reached out, his instincts flared. In a split second, his pupils dilated, and he ducked just in time to catch a flying knife between his fingers, inches from his forehead.

"Whoa!" Kira gasped, beads of sweat forming on his brow. His eyes darted to the source of the attack—his mother, Mitsuko, standing there with a wicked grin, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Not bad, Kira," Mitsuko laughed, her voice teasing. "You're getting better. But don't get too cocky."

Kira exhaled with relief, flipping the knife in his hand before setting it on the counter. "You almost gave me a heart attack, Mom."

Mitsuko shrugged, wiping her hands on the towel with an air of nonchalance. "If you can't dodge that, what's the point of all that training? You'll never know when someone might try to sneak up on you." She gave him a playful wink, clearly enjoying the little test.

Kira couldn't help but chuckle, his heart still racing. "Yeah, yeah… I guess I'll have to be more careful around you, huh?"

Mitsuko smiled sweetly, her playful demeanor not hiding the sharp mind behind her teasing. "Always."

Without warning, Kira closed the distance, his arms wrapping around her waist from behind. Mitsuko gasped, a little laugh escaping her lips as he pulled her close, his hands trailing down her sides.

"Still got you though," he whispered into her ear, his voice low and teasing. His hands wandered up her body, playfully groping her, and Mitsuko let out a small, amused sound, swatting his hands away with mock protest.

"Kira!" she giggled, spinning around to face him, her cheeks flushed. "You're such a tease."

He grinned, leaning down to steal a quick kiss from her lips. "Can't help it when you're this fun to mess with." His hand lingered on her hip, their gazes locking in a moment of shared affection before he finally pulled away.

"I love you, Mom," Kira said, his voice softer now, but filled with genuine warmth.

"I love you too, my mischievous son," Mitsuko replied, giving him a playful pat on the chest before turning back to the table. "Now go get ready for school before you're late."

Kira chuckled, heading towards the bathroom. The sounds of his footsteps echoed in the hallway—tap tap tap—as he walked, the faint clatter of dishes from the kitchen fading behind him. The door closed behind him with a soft click, and the rushing sound of water soon followed, the start of yet another day.

But his mind wasn't on school. Not when the future he was preparing for was far beyond any exam or graduation.









On the rooftop of Kuroyuri Academy, the midday sun bathed the empty space in warmth. Kira leaned against the ledge, enjoying the peace and quiet. The cool breeze ruffled his hair, but his focus was elsewhere—on the glowing interface of the system store projected before his eyes. He scrolled through the pages, his blue eyes scanning over a variety of magical and fictional items, most of which were far beyond his reach in terms of points.

The screen displayed an impressive array of products: enchanted armors, potions that could heal anything from minor wounds to fatal injuries, and even rare gems said to grant immortality. Yet all these wonders came with a steep price. With a sigh, Kira continued scrolling, pausing occasionally when something caught his eye.

He navigated to the weapons section, and a particular sword caught his attention. It wasn't slender like a katana nor did it have the usual curves associated with traditional Japanese blades. Instead, it was a straight sword, with a hilt decorated with a golden tiger head at the tip, jade-green engravings running along the blade's length. The craftsmanship was magnificent, making it look regal yet fierce.

"This is what I need," Kira muttered, his fingers tracing the air as he inspected the weapon closer. The stats were incredible, but the price was astronomical. Even after weeks of completing quests and leveling up, this sword remained out of his grasp.

"Someday…" he whispered, a small grin tugging at his lips. For now, his two current straight swords would have to do, though they were nothing compared to what he dreamed of wielding.

He moved on, eyeing the massive list of firearms and ammunition. Guns, rifles, hand grenades—they were all lined up neatly like candy on display. Ammunition was dirt cheap, almost as if the system was mocking how easy it was to rely on them. Kira chuckled, knowing why. In a world overrun by zombies, it didn't matter how many bullets you had if you couldn't hit the target. Their weakness was the head, and if they evolved beyond that, no amount of human weaponry would make a difference.

"Yeah, keep laughing, system," Kira thought, continuing to scroll past the weapons. He knew that brute force wouldn't be enough to survive what was coming.

As he flicked through the random items in the store, something caught his attention—a section filled with rings. One, in particular, stood out—a ring of swirling rainbow colors, shimmering under the system's light. Below it, a set of seven rings, each in a different color of the rainbow, were displayed like a cosmic collection.

He tapped on the description.

Protection Rings: Enchanted with an ancient spell, these rings protect the wearer from three life-threatening attacks. After use, the rings must be recharged using stamina. Effective against all forms of physical harm and magical energy.

"Interesting…" Kira mumbled, considering the potential. The idea of giving these rings to his women, knowing they'd be safe no matter what danger they faced, brought him some comfort. The price was hefty, but worth it. Without hesitation, Kira bought the rainbow ring and the set of seven colored rings.

His points took a significant hit, but it was a necessary expense. "Can't put a price on safety."

The next items he browsed through were charms and talismans—various types that could ward off undead creatures, boost stamina, or heal wounds. Kira stocked up on a few, deciding it was better to be over-prepared than sorry.

Then, something peculiar caught his eye in the vehicle section. He saw an EMP-Safe Mobile Fortress—a walking tank house designed to withstand electromagnetic pulses, zombie hordes, and even small-scale attacks. It could house a small group, provide food and water, and even move on its own legs like some sci-fi tank.

Kira whistled, impressed. "Now that's cool…"

The walking house was expensive, but it would be essential in the chaos that would follow the outbreak. "I'll keep it in mind for later."

After making his final purchases, he stretched, rolling his neck as the tension left his body. The system screen faded, and the rooftop was quiet again. The gear he acquired would no doubt give him and his loved ones an edge in the coming apocalypse. But for now, he had other things on his mind—his childhood friend and her mother, returning tomorrow after a long and emotional journey. And today, he still had to prepare for school exams and other trivial things before the real hell began.

"Well," Kira sighed, staring out over the schoolyard. "No time to relax just yet."


A/N : By the way I am not chinese just because I mentioned Jade green okay 👍 😎.