Chapter 25 : A little glimpse of Personal Dimension.

Kira returned home just as the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues over the house. As he stepped inside, his senses were immediately welcomed by the familiar scent of dinner being prepared. But his focus was elsewhere.

Mitsuko was in the kitchen, humming softly as she cleaned up after cooking. Her long, flowing hair was tied back, giving her a casual yet radiant appearance that Kira always admired. He crept up behind her, intending to surprise her.

But before he could even get close, her reflexes kicked in. A sharp knife whizzed through the air, aimed directly between his eyebrows. Yet againKira caught it instinctively, his hand steady as he held the blade in front of him. His pupils dilated, sweat dripping from his brow as his heart raced.

"You're getting better," Mitsuko said with a playful smile, turning around and laughing softly. She wiped her hands on her apron and gave him a teasing wink.

"Better? I almost died, Mom!" Kira exclaimed, though the hint of a smirk tugged at his lips. If has become something like a morning routine, playing with knife that is.

She chuckled. "If that was enough to kill you, you wouldn't survive the training anyway."

He shook his head, enjoying the familiar banter. "Maybe I'll get you back during practice."

"Oh, I'd like to see you try."

After exchanging a few more playful jabs, Kira leaned in, giving her a quick peck on the lips, to which Mitsuko responded with a mischievous grin. "Love you, Mom. But now, it's time for some serious training."

Mitsuko nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. "Let's do it."

Kira's eyes glowed momentarily as he gave the mental command.

°Open portal.°

Suddenly, a black, swirling vortex appeared before them, its edges surrounded by a thick mist. The portal crackled with energy, black smoke curling around its entrance like something out of a dark fantasy. Both Kira and Mitsuko stepped into the void, disappearing into the dimension Kira had spent countless hours perfecting.

Inside, it was a world completely different from reality. If Kira had to describe it, Minecraft came to mind. The ground beneath their feet was made up of individual blocks, which could be destroyed or constructed simply by willing it. The trees, mountains, and rivers were all composed of the same square-like structure. This place was his playground, his sanctuary.

Kira had, of course, taken advantage of the mechanics. By focusing his thoughts, he could gather and manipulate blocks, building anything from structures to training grounds in mere seconds. Today's training ground was massive. A wide-open space with a large circular target in the distance, surrounded by several arrow-shooting machines and turrets armed with gatling guns, all poised to attack.

"Ready?" Kira asked, positioning himself in the center of the field.

Mitsuko, however, had her own preparations. She moved towards the opposite end of the arena, where she had crafted her own unique weapons. Her pistols, sleek and modern, were a product of her own ingenuity. She had obtained a mysterious manual from the system store, spending three weeks modifying the normal guns into something far more powerful.

The barrels of her pistols glowed faintly, a golden hue surrounding them. The bullets they fired weren't normal—they were charged with a special energy, capable of dealing damage fifteen times stronger than an ordinary pistol. At the base of each gun was a small battery indicator. Once the light turned red, it needed to be recharged with energy, something they could buy cheaply in the system.

Kira marveled at her handiwork. "You've really outdone yourself this time."

Mitsuko smiled confidently, spinning one of the pistols around her finger before holstering it. "I had to keep up with my son, didn't I?"

As they both prepared for their respective drills, the atmosphere shifted to something more intense. Kira's heart raced with anticipation. He took a deep breath, flexing his fingers as he prepared to move. His training ground wasn't just for target practice; it was designed to push his reflexes and skills to their limit.

With a thought, the arrow machines whirred to life, arrows streaking towards him at breakneck speeds. Kira dodged, sidestepping and flipping effortlessly, his body responding to every movement as if on instinct. Arrows shot from every direction, but Kira moved through the onslaught with precision.

Each twist and turn of his body was a testament to his training. His speed, honed through countless hours in this dimension, allowed him to dodge the attacks with an almost supernatural grace. The arrows whizzed past him, missing their mark by inches, but Kira's focus never wavered.

"Is that all you've got?" he muttered under his breath, his heart pumping with adrenaline.

Suddenly, the gatling guns emerged from the ground, spinning up and releasing a barrage of bullets. Kira didn't hesitate. He dashed forward, his feet barely touching the ground as he sprinted towards the closest target. His hands reached for the twin straight swords holstered at his sides, drawing them out in a single fluid motion. With a quick slice, he deflected the bullets aimed at him, sparks flying as the blades connected with the metal projectiles.

"You're getting slower, Kira!" Mitsuko's voice echoed from across the training field.

He grinned, the challenge lighting a fire inside him. "Don't worry, I'm just getting warmed up."

In a flash, Kira leaped into the air, spinning as he swung his swords in a wide arc. The turrets didn't stand a chance. One by one, they were sliced apart, their mechanical pieces scattering across the ground. Landing smoothly on his feet, Kira sheathed his swords and took a deep breath, feeling the thrill of the fight course through his veins.

Meanwhile, Mitsuko had her own set of challenges. Across the field, she stood in front of her own array of target machines. But instead of facing arrows or bullets, she dealt with energy orbs that hovered menacingly around her. With a quick flick of her wrist, she raised her pistols, golden light swirling around the barrels. The first orb shot towards her, but Mitsuko didn't flinch. She squeezed the trigger, a golden bullet blasting out of the pistol and hitting the orb dead center. It exploded in a burst of light, disintegrating into nothing.

"Good shot," Kira commented, watching her work.

"Keep your eyes on your own targets, Kira," she replied, a smirk tugging at her lips as she destroyed another orb.

Kira rolled his eyes playfully but couldn't help but admire her skill. Mitsuko wasn't just his mother—she was a formidable force in her own right. The modifications she made to her guns had turned them into deadly weapons, and her precision with them was unmatched.

As the training continued, the two of them moved in sync, each pushing their abilities to the limit. Kira's body moved like a well-oiled machine, every action calculated and controlled. His mind, however, wandered for a brief moment. This dimension was his playground, but it was also his safe haven, the place where he prepared for the inevitable. The apocalypse was coming, and when it did, Kira knew he would need every ounce of skill and strength to protect the ones he loved.

After what felt like hours, the training machines powered down, signaling the end of their session. Kira wiped the sweat from his brow, breathing heavily but feeling more alive than ever. Mitsuko holstered her pistols, walking over to him with a proud smile.

"Not bad," she said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You're getting stronger every day."

Kira chuckled, returning the smile. "Thanks, but I wouldn't be here without your help."

Mitsuko tilted her head slightly, giving him a look that was equal parts affection and pride. "We're in this together, Kira. Always."

He nodded, feeling a deep sense of gratitude towards her. "Yeah, always."

With their training complete, Kira gave the command to close the portal. The dark vortex appeared once more, and together, they stepped through it, returning to the real world.

As the portal closed behind them, Kira glanced at his mother. "I've got a lot of things to handle today. But later... we should have some fun."

Mitsuko raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a teasing smile. "Oh? And what do you have in mind?"

Kira smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "You'll find out soon enough."


A/N : Ah! ✨ A little more yep 😒😚 fun ahead.