Chapter:31 The start of cannon (2)

A/N :- Guess what? It took me the longest time to write ✍️ this action sequence then the other chapters.


Kira lunged forward, his blade arcing through the air.


A zombie's arm detached cleanly, dropping to the ground like deadweight. Blood sprayed, black and thick, but Kira danced through it, his movements sharp and fluid. Another undead stumbled toward him, its rotten teeth bared in a grotesque snarl.


Kira's boot connected with its chest, sending it flying back into a group of others. The impact was enough to crush ribs and send bones snapping like twigs.


He turned his attention to the next target, delivering a clean uppercut that shattered its jaw. CRACK! The zombie's head snapped back, body slumping with a lifeless groan.


A punch shot out, connecting with another undead's torso, BOOM sending it sprawling back as Kira flipped his sword into a reverse grip, plunging it into the ground. He grabbed the zombie closest to him by the throat.

"Not fast enough," he muttered, SQUISH! his fingers crushed its windpipe in an instant. The thing gurgled for a moment before he yanked it forward, headbutting the skull with a sickening THUNK!


His other blade sliced horizontally, severing two heads in one swift motion. They fell to the ground, rolling like discarded fruit.

SYSTEM: Ooooh, flashy! Gotta say, you're cutting them down faster than expected. Wanna bet on finishing early?

Kira grinned, ignoring the mocking voice. His eyes flickered toward the mass of bodies now closing in on him from all sides. Hundreds of zombies. A sea of writhing, decayed flesh.

"Time to go all out," he muttered.


He vaulted onto a nearby car, leaping high into the air. From above, the horde looked like a festering wound spreading across the street. Kira's fingers twitched, a devilish smirk on his face. His swords gleamed in the moonlight as he plunged back down into the swarm.


One zombie's legs were cut out from under it as soon as Kira landed.


Another head exploded from the sheer force of his strike. He spun, parrying a grab from behind, slashing through five in one sweeping motion.

SYSTEM: Wow, wow! You've got moves! Maybe I should join in—

"Shut it," Kira growled, smashing his foot into a zombie's chest, caving it in with a heavy THUD! He grabbed its arm and swung it like a club into another's face.


The bone snapped, but the impact sent the second zombie reeling back, dazed. Kira didn't give it a chance to recover.


His blade came down, slicing through its neck cleanly.

He whirled around, catching the next zombie off guard with a spinning kick to the side of its head. KAPOW! Its skull fractured on impact.

The horde was endless, but Kira was a storm of brutality, his blades flashing through the chaos. His hoodie billowed behind him as he cut and punched his way through the crowd.


Each blow landed with precise force, every sound emphasizing the ferocity of his assault. Zombies toppled like dominos, bodies piling up around him as he moved with unrelenting speed.

Kira glanced at the clock displayed in the corner of his vision. Time was ticking down, but he wasn't slowing.

SYSTEM: Tick-tock, tick-tock! A thousand is a big number! Think you can make it before midnight?

A twisted grin stretched across Kira's face as he pulled both blades back, crossing them before charging into another dense group of undead.


He cleaved through them, blood and limbs flying in all directions.

"Watch me," he growled through clenched teeth, jumping back into the endless waves of undead with a final, toothy smile.

Kira wiped his brow with the back of his hand, blood dripping from his hoodie. The streets were littered with bodies, his dual swords now slick and glistening with gore.

"Alright," he muttered, kicking a headless zombie aside, "let's switch it up a bit."

He sheathed his blades, the satisfying SHING of metal sliding into place echoing in the silence. His hand hovered over his inventory window, flicking through weapon options like a gamer selecting loot.

SYSTEM: A spear now? Getting fancy, aren't we?

Ignoring the voice, Kira materialized a sleek, black spear into his hands. It glowed faintly, runes etched along the shaft, the tip sharp enough to pierce through bone.

"Well," he smirked, spinning the weapon with ease, "let's see how this bad boy plays out."


He thrust forward, and the spearhead plunged straight through the chest of a zombie, impaling it with a sickening SQUELCH. The zombie twitched, limbs flailing for a moment before Kira yanked the spear out with a satisfying POP.


A quick spin of the spear and he cracked another zombie across the jaw, sending it sprawling to the ground, jawbone shattered.

SYSTEM: Ooooh, nice hit! That one's not getting back up anytime soon. Gotta say, I'm starting to enjoy this show.

"Shut it," Kira grunted, swinging the spear overhead in a wide arc.


He cleaved through three zombies in a single sweep, their heads flying off like bowling pins. The crowd didn't seem to thin out—if anything, it grew more ravenous. But Kira's grin only widened.


He drove the spear through another zombie's chest, pinning it to the ground before flipping over it and kicking two more in the face with a spinning backflip. The sound of breaking bones echoed as they collapsed.


SYSTEM: Damn, if I had popcorn, I'd be eating it. Maybe I'll throw a few more surprises your way!

"Save it," Kira growled, THUD thrusting his spear into the stomach of a particularly bloated zombie.

It gurgled, bile spewing out from its mouth, but Kira twisted the spear, and with a violent CRACK snapped its spine, sending it crumpling to the ground like a sack of rotting meat.


The zombie's insides spilled out as Kira pulled his spear free. The horde continued to press in, but the spear was perfect for crowd control. With each swipe, SHHHH more undead fell, their bodies splitting open, limbs flying.

SYSTEM: So much carnage, so little time! You're halfway through, Kira. Think you'll make that thousand before midnight?

Kira huffed, spinning the spear again, a confident grin spreading across his face. "I'm just getting started."


He plunged the spear into the ground and vaulted high into the air, soaring above the mass of zombies. From his vantage point, he saw the entire amusement park area swarming with undead. The sight of it would've terrified any ordinary person.

But Kira was far from ordinary.

He came crashing back down, spearpoint first, impaling three zombies at once. SPLAT!

He pulled the spear free and flicked the blood off with a quick snap of his wrist. His breath was steady, movements precise, but there was still a twisted excitement behind his eyes.


Another quick jab, and a zombie's head exploded like a rotten melon.

"Guess I'll need a bigger challenge next time," he muttered, stepping over the fallen bodies.

SYSTEM: Oh, I can arrange that. Just say the word.

Kira grunted, focusing on the swarm in front of him. The clock was ticking, and the system was relentless in its taunts. But he didn't mind. It only fueled his drive. With another battle roar, he charged forward again, spear gleaming under the moonlight.


The sound of flesh tearing, bones breaking, and zombies falling filled the air as Kira moved through the battlefield like a whirlwind of death. His spear cut through them with precision, each strike calculated and devastating.

The horde wasn't ready for what Kira had in store for them next.


A/N : Hope you Enjoyed it?.