Chapter 32 : The start of Cannon (3)

Kira glanced at the waves of undead, a wicked glint flashing in his eyes. His spear spun in his hands one last time before he flicked it back into his inventory with a ping.

"Time for a different approach," he muttered under his breath.

SYSTEM: Oh, now I'm curious…what'll it be? Swords? Knives? A chainsaw?

Kira smirked. With a quick swipe through the inventory, he pulled out a sleek, black grenade launcher, the barrel gleaming under the dull streetlights. The system seemed to hum in amusement.

SYSTEM: Ah, yes. Subtle.

Kira cocked the launcher with a clack and aimed it toward the approaching horde, their grotesque figures shambling forward, oblivious to the destruction about to rain down on them.

He pulled the trigger.


The grenade sailed through the air and landed right in the center of the undead mass. For a moment, there was silence. Then—


The explosion sent body parts flying in every direction, chunks of rotten flesh and bone scattering across the street like grotesque confetti.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kira's maniacal laughter echoed through the area, wild and unrestrained, his voice rising above the chaos. His grin stretched wide, eyes gleaming with a sadistic thrill as he watched the devastation unfold.

SYSTEM: You really are a psychopath, huh? I approve.

Kira didn't bother responding. Instead, he reached into his inventory again and pulled out two machine guns, one in each hand. The weight of them felt perfect. His fingers curled around the triggers as he turned back to the remaining zombies.

"Let's see how you like this," he muttered, before letting loose.


Bullets ripped through the air, shredding through the undead like a hot knife through butter. Blood splattered in all directions, painting the streets in vivid reds and browns as the bullets tore limbs from bodies.

From a distance, the scene looked utterly absurd. A single man, laughing maniacally as he sprayed bullets into a horde of zombies, limbs flying and bodies exploding like fireworks at a festival. His black hoodie, drenched in blood, flapped as he moved like a specter of death.


The ground shook as another grenade exploded from his launcher, turning more of the zombies into a grotesque mess of viscera and burnt flesh. Kira's cackling only grew louder, filling the air as he emptied magazine after magazine into the horde.

"HAHAHAHA!! COME ON, IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT!?" His voice echoed, filled with adrenaline-fueled madness.

SYSTEM: You're really enjoying this, aren't you?

A zombie stumbled toward him, its face half-melted from the previous blast, one arm missing. Kira looked at it and just grinned, almost pitying it for a second—almost.


The creature's body exploded into pieces as Kira let off a few rounds, not even bothering to watch it fall.

The scene was a massacre—a ridiculous, over-the-top slaughter that would've looked like something out of a cheesy action movie if not for the sheer scale of it. And Kira? He was the star of the show, reveling in every gory moment.

"More! More!" he shouted, his voice dripping with manic glee.

SYSTEM: Well, if you insist…

As if on cue, more zombies emerged from around the corner, the street filled with their moans and shuffling. Kira's grin only widened.

"Just in time," he said, cracking his neck before raising both machine guns again.


The madness continued, bullets flying, explosions echoing, and Kira's laughter ringing out like the soundtrack to the apocalypse.






Kira's fingers were still pressing down on the triggers long after the magazines had emptied, the hollow clicks of the machine guns filling the silence. He stood there, drenched in blood, the streets around him littered with the dismembered corpses of the undead. His maniacal laughter slowly faded, replaced by the eerie stillness of the aftermath.

SYSTEM: Well, well, well... Would you look at that? Not only did you meet your target, but you've also gone above and beyond. Five hundred more than required! And it hasn't hasn't even been half the time.

Kira's eyes flickered, a small grin forming at the system's sarcastic tone.

SYSTEM: That's right, big man. You've earned yourself an extra reward. Seven more combat suits, on top of your original prize! Congratulations, Mr. Overachiever.

Kira exhaled, lowering the empty guns. His maniacal energy slowly drained away as he surveyed the chaos he'd unleashed. Blood, guts, and severed limbs were strewn everywhere—an obscene masterpiece of death. But amid the carnage, something inside him softened.

He dropped to one knee, hands pressed together as if in prayer. His voice, now quiet and reverent, broke the silence.

"To the souls that were lost... forgive me. May you rest in peace." His head bowed slightly, a solemnity in his tone that seemed at odds with the destruction he'd wrought.

For a moment, he stayed like that, almost peaceful in his own twisted way. But then, the familiar sharpness returned to his gaze. He stood, brushing off his blood-soaked hoodie with a sigh.

"Okay, okay, enough of this sentimental crap. Now, gimme my damn reward already!"

SYSTEM: There it is! The classic Kira we all know and love. All right, coming right up...

Before his eyes, seven sleek, retractable combat suits appeared in his inventory, along with the original one. Kira's grin returned, his earlier prayer already forgotten as he inspected the suits with interest.

The suits were in the form of a round sphere the size of a fist.

"Not bad, system. I gotta hand it to you. You may be an annoying piece of work, but you know how to deliver the goods."

SYSTEM: I live to serve... or torment. Depends on my mood.

Kira chuckled, wiping some of the blood off his face as he stood up straight. He was drenched, the black of his hoodie and pants stained with dark, clinging patches of red. His hair, matted with grime and blood, stuck to his forehead.

"Well, whatever. Let's move on."

With a final glance at the carnage behind him, Kira began walking, his steps steady as he made his way toward Rika's apartment. The streets remained eerily quiet, but he could feel the growing tension in the air, like the city itself was holding its breath, waiting for the next wave of chaos.

The sun started to dip in the horizon, he had started the first fight nearly at noon and it's already this late.

As he walked, his thoughts drifted back to the massacre, a smirk playing on his lips.


A/N : So How's the Actions scenes? Would you like more action scenes in the future?