Chapter: 42 I am already fed up!

A/N : I tried to change the writing style a little bit, I think 🤔 the readers were not clear about the chapter.


After the bath, I headed back to the bedroom. The moment I stepped in, my nose twitched at the lingering smell of passion still thick in the air.

"Shit," I muttered, shaking my head. Without wasting any time, I slipped into work mode, cleaning the room while still in my towel, barely noticing it clinging to my body.

I sprayed some room freshener from the last drawer of the table by the bed. With that, the room was finally clean, smelling fresh and ready.

Now, time to dress up.

"Hmm… What should I wear now?" I thought. Maybe a white shirt and black pants... or jeans? Nah, way too uncomfortable.

System: "Why don't you wear the suit you got as a reward?"

"Oh!" I suddenly remembered that badass suit I earned for taking out a thousand zombies.

I summoned my inventory. A black rectangle appeared in front of me, glowing with golden borders. I reached in, and a list of items flashed through my mind like a catalog. I selected the Combat Suit 7X.

"Wait, what?" I chuckled, realizing I had unlocked a bonus for overachieving. Hell yeah, extra rewards!

I took out a small, black orb the size of a baseball. The inventory vanished, and I turned toward the full-body mirror on the wall. The towel still hung low around my waist, barely covering me. I undid it, letting it drop to the floor before flicking it onto the bed with my foot.


"How do I use this thing?" I asked, inspecting the orb. It looked like some fancy tech toy with glowing blue streaks, but I had no clue how it worked.

System: "See that blue dot in the middle, where the streaks of light are coming from?"

I flipped the ball in my hand. "This thing?"

System: "Yes. Press it."

"Alright." I pushed the dot with my index finger, and suddenly, the ball expanded, snaking around my arms like nanotech straight out of a sci-fi movie. It wrapped around my body, covering me from head to toe. It even formed perfectly around my junk, leaving me standing there fully suited up.

As I examined myself in the mirror, I realized this wasn't like Iron Man's bulky metal suits. No, this was sleek, like latex or leather. Stretchy, too—I bent my knees and squatted down without any tightness or restriction.

"Not bad," I muttered, combing my hair neatly. It had grown long, reaching below my shoulders, so I parted it down the middle, letting the bangs hang over my forehead while tying the rest into a loose ponytail.

[ Combat suit ]

Strength: AA

Durability: AA

Elemental Damage Proof

Temperature Resistant

Physical Damage Protection







"Hmm…" I smirked, admiring the sleek black suit. "Not the strongest out there, but this thing could start a war."

The sound of my footsteps echoed as I strolled out of the bedroom, towel long forgotten.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I crossed the living room and headed to the kitchen. A hot cup of coffee sounded perfect right now. Even though I don't usually drink it, today felt like one of those days. As I ground the coffee beans, I glanced out the window. The sun hadn't even risen yet, and a heavy fog hung outside, like some eerie winter morning.

But it wasn't winter.


The coffee was ready. I poured it into a cup, savoring the aroma. With the mug in hand, I flopped onto the living room sofa, flicking the TV on.

Nothing. Every channel was dead.

I leaned back, sipping my coffee, wondering just how fast this whole apocalypse thing started. Was it the U.S.? Some messed-up experiment gone wrong? No one knew for sure. But it didn't take long for everything to fall apart.

I checked the clock. 5:30 AM.

Finishing my coffee, I washed the cup, setting it back in the cupboard before heading outside. I closed the door behind me and summoned my inventory again. My hand reached inside, pulling out Barrier Talismans X 109.

[Barrier talisman]

Rectangular paper with ancient Japanese inscriptions.

Upon use, creates a barrier that repels anything the host wishes.






I placed the talismans at four corners of the house, creating a transparent barrier around it. Didn't want any uninvited guests, whether they were survivors or zombies. This house held too much sentimental value.

Even though my wives had taken over my dimension and kicked me out, this place... this place was home.

After securing the house, I summoned my bike. Fully black, it looked futuristic—like something ripped out of a cyberpunk dream. The tires glowed with blue neon lights as the engine roared to life.


I twisted the throttle, the bike growling beneath me as I sped through the empty streets.

System: "So, what's the plan today?"

I paused, the question lingering in my mind. What was I going to do today?

I kept riding through the outskirts of the city, pondering that question.

I had already secured my wives. There wasn't much else to do. In this apocalypse, strength mattered more than money or connections. Zombies? Pff, they weren't even a challenge. And humans? They were more rotten than the undead. At least zombies were honest about their hunger. Humans? They'd betray you in a heartbeat.

So, what now?

I parked the bike in my inventory, deciding to check out an apartment nearby. The building was tall, perfect for scoping out the city. Climbing the stairs (since the elevator was trashed), I took out a few zombies with my pistol, headshots only. Didn't want to mess up my clean blade.

Fifteen minutes later, I was on the rooftop. There were a few stragglers, but I made quick work of them, tossing their bodies off the edge.

Sitting on the railing, I pulled out binoculars and a bag of popcorn. Time for some live-action entertainment.


A/N : Do comment if you like this kind of writing or the ones previously with plenty of dialogues.

Next chapter soon.