Chapter 43: Lust points.

A/N : Enjoy the chapter. 👍


As Kira leaned back on the railing, watching the city slowly crumble before him, he munched on his popcorn. His eyes scanned the destruction with an almost amused detachment.

System: "Enjoying the view, are we?"

Kira smirked. "It's like my own personal zombie apocalypse-themed blockbuster. All I need now is a soundtrack."

System: "You could play 'Another One Bites the Dust.' Fits the mood, don't you think?"

Kira rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his cola. "Or maybe 'Living Dead Girl' by Rob Zombie. Seems more fitting."

System: "Oh, getting creative, huh? I could suggest a few tracks, but you'd probably just ignore me."

Kira chuckled softly. "It's hard to ignore you when you won't shut up. Honestly, sometimes I think you're more annoying than helpful."

System: "I'm here for entertainment, too, you know. And to guide you, of course."

Kira shook his head, his gaze still fixed on the burning buildings in the distance. "Guidance? Please. You're more like a backseat driver who never stops complaining."

System: "Hey! I helped you find that suit. And who warned you about those zombies on the third floor?"

Kira sighed. "Yeah, yeah. But you also conveniently forget to mention things, like how cold this rooftop is. I'm freezing my ass off up here."

System: "You didn't ask. Not my fault if you're too busy playing cool guy to think ahead."

Kira laughed, a deep sound that echoed across the empty rooftop. "Touché. But next time, at least let me know if I'm about to sit on something sharp. My back isn't a pincushion."

System: "Oh, I'll be sure to mention that. Maybe in a sarcastic way, though, just to keep things interesting."

Kira stretched his legs out, feeling the slight breeze cut through the city air. "Fine, fine. But next time, if I fall off this building because I wasn't paying attention, it's on you."

System: "I'll be sure to leave that in my notes. But honestly, Kira, who else would keep you entertained during all of...this?"

Kira smiled, a sly grin. "Yeah, guess you're right. Not like the zombies are good conversationalists." He paused. "Alright, tell me, system, what's next? Another quest? Or are you just here to keep poking at me?"

System: "Oh, trust me. You'll know when I'm serious. For now, enjoy your popcorn and the view."

Kira leaned back further, letting out a long breath. "Yeah, I think I will."





Kira brought the binoculars to his eyes, casually scanning the city skyline. Through the lens, he saw what could only be described as humanity trying to hold on to the last threads of civilization. It was almost like watching a live-action survival game.

His gaze landed on a group of teenagers, probably college students, trying to enter a convenience store. They were scrambling, trying to smash the glass doors with makeshift weapons—a bat, a crowbar, and one guy even had a broken chair leg. Kira could see the desperation on their faces, like they were on borrowed time. The thud of their frantic hits echoed faintly in the distance.

"Tsk, amateurs," Kira muttered under his breath, smirking.

His attention shifted to another part of the city, where he spotted a woman sprinting down an alley, three thugs hot on her heels. They were laughing, clearly enjoying the hunt. She stumbled once but kept going, her face etched with terror. The thugs, already drunk on adrenaline, moved faster, closing the gap with every step.

Kira's smirk faded. "I almost forgot..."

The system's voice chimed in. "Did you forget about point gathering? You're not just here to watch the chaos, you know."

Kira lowered the binoculars, rubbing the back of his neck with a groan. "How much is left?"

"Only 20,000 points left," the system replied, its tone both amused and mocking.

Kira rolled his eyes. "Can't you just give me the 20,000 points for free? Consider it a recession bonus or something."

The system laughed, an exaggerated cackle that grated on Kira's nerves. "If you don't involve yourself in a situation, there won't be any quests. And no quests mean no points, genius."

Kira sighed, leaning back against the railing. "Fine, what's the best way to rack up points quickly? I'd rather not waste time chasing after small fry if I don't have to."

The system's tone turned serious. "The best way to earn points fast is to stick with the OG group. Trust me, you'll get plenty of quests—and points—whether it's from killing zombies, f*ing women, or both. They're your golden ticket."

Kira's jaw clenched slightly, his thoughts turning to the point-gathering grind he had been stuck in since day one with the system. The reason for all this effort was simple: he was saving up to unlock multiverse travel. The system had that feature tucked away, but it came with a hefty price tag—10 million points for a single use. Going back and forth between connected worlds would be easy once he paid the initial cost. But every new world he wanted to visit required another massive payout.

He had learned about it in the first week after getting the system and had been hoarding points ever since. Sure, the store had so many overpowered items and abilities he could have splurged on, but he kept resisting the urge. Fulfilling his fantasies would have to wait.

His eyes drifted back to the thugs chasing the woman. He could intervene, earn a few points, and maybe enjoy a little chaos of his own. But that would be small potatoes compared to what he needed.

"Why does it always come back to saving points?" Kira muttered, feeling that familiar twinge of frustration.

"Well, you could always stop saving and start spending," the system teased, its voice laced with temptation.

Kira grunted, lowering his binoculars and turning toward the stairs leading off the rooftop. "Nah. I'm in this for the long game. But I guess I should start moving. Can't earn points by standing around."

As he headed down the stairs, the system chimed in once more. "Don't forget. The OG group will give you the most bang for your buck. Literally."

Kira's grin returned. "Yeah, yeah. I got it. Guess it's time to make my grand entrance."


A/N : Anyone have any suggestions about future events? 🤔🧐.