Chapter44: Who is that women?

A/N : Here 😁 enjoy the chapter.


A women ran desperately, her Balck hair clinging to her face and her breathing erratic.

The woman, barely able to keep her footing as she sprinted down the street, glanced over her shoulder, her heart hammering in her chest. The thugs were closing in, grinning, yelling obscene taunts at her.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them, lazily twirling something metallic in his hand.

"Who the hell are you?" one of the thugs snarled.

Kira didn't answer, just kept spinning the ladle he had found lying on the ground. His eyes gleamed as he looked at the thugs like they were insects. "You guys look bored," he said, casually stepping forward. "How about I entertain you?"

The thugs exchanged confused glances before bursting into laughter. "You think you can take us with a spoon?"

Kira's smirk deepened. In one swift motion, he flicked the ladle forward, smacking one of the thugs square in the face. A loud, hollow clang echoed, and the thug crumpled to the ground, out cold.

The remaining thugs stared in disbelief.

"Oops," Kira mocked, swinging the ladle in his hand again, the metallic sound cutting through the silence. "Anyone else?"

The thugs rushed him, but Kira was too fast. He weaved between them effortlessly, using the ladle like a weapon in a video game—smacking them on the head, flipping it to jab at their ribs, and slamming the back of it against their legs, sending them sprawling.

Within moments, the street was littered with groaning, incapacitated thugs. Kira stood over them, lazily resting the ladle on his shoulder. "I guess it's not just for soup."

A pinging sound caught his attention. A familiar game-like window appeared before his eyes.


New Quest Completed: Save the Damsel

Reward: 5,000 Points


He chuckled, glancing over at the woman he had just saved. She was panting, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "You alright?"

The woman looked up, her eyes wide with recognition. "You... you're Kira Minami, right?"

Kira raised an eyebrow. "You know me?"

Her face flushed slightly, and she ran a hand through her hair, pushing back strands that had fallen in front of her eyes. "I'm Aki... I used to be on TV. A celebrity."

Kira's eyes gleamed with interest. Aki—he remembered her. She had been famous for her seductive looks and her voice work, particularly in hentai anime. The realization hit him with a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Well," Kira said with a grin, "you've got quite the voice."

Aki's lips twitched into a smile, despite the fear still lingering in her eyes. "Thanks... for saving me."

Kira shrugged. "No big deal. Just another day in the apocalypse."

Aki stood up straighter, her body language softening now that she felt safe. "I can't believe you took those guys down with a ladle."

Kira twirled the utensil once more for good measure. "Ladle skills. Guess I've earned a name for myself with the girls now."

Aki chuckled softly, some of her confidence returning. "More than just a name, trust me."


The rooftop stretched out before them, the wind cool and heavy with the scent of the incoming apocalypse. Kira walked ahead, his steps calm and measured, while Aki trailed behind, gasping for breath.

"Haa! Haa! Huff!" Her voice cracked through the air, desperate and hoarse. "Stop—stop! Don't leave me behind!" she shouted, struggling to catch up.

Kira didn't even bother turning around, his tone as cold as the gray clouds that covered the morning sky. "I'm not leaving you behind," he called back. "You're just that slow. Maybe you should work out a little, put off some of that weight."

Aki glared at his back, fury bubbling beneath her exhaustion. "Who does he think he is?" she muttered under her breath, watching as Kira vaulted effortlessly over the railing of the rooftop to take his usual seat. His calm, nonchalant demeanor irked her even more.

"Close the gate behind you," he said, barely glancing in her direction. "Unless you want to be the first one to turn into one of them."

Her teeth ground together, a vein bulging on her forehead. Never in her career had she been so blatantly ignored or insulted. She, Aki, the once-celebrated TV icon, reduced to running after this arrogant man who barely acknowledged her.

But despite her frustration, she obeyed, securing the door behind her and locking it tight. Aki pressed her back against the door, hands on her hips as she tried to steady her breathing. That's when her stomach grumbled loudly, a reminder of her hunger.

"Shit… I haven't eaten since yesterday," she muttered, feeling the empty gnawing in her gut. As a celebrity, she had always been on strict diets, maintaining a flawless figure for the cameras. But now, after nearly 24 hours without food, it felt like her body was revolting against her.

Crunch. Crunch.

The sound snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned around to see Kira, sitting casually on the ledge, munching on popcorn, completely unfazed by her suffering.

Her jaw dropped. "Are you seriously eating right now?"

Kira raised an eyebrow, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, why?"

Aki's eyes narrowed, her stomach grumbling even louder now that the smell of buttered popcorn reached her nose. She felt her face heat up, a mixture of hunger and humiliation washing over her. "You're not even going to offer me any?"

Kira shrugged, tossing another kernel into his mouth. "Why should I? You've gotta earn it."

Aki blinked, confused. "Earn it? What do you mean earn it?"

Kira leaned back, his smirk widening. "You want food? Kneel and beg for it."

Her eyes widened in shock, indignation bubbling up in her chest. "Excuse me?"

But Kira just stared at her with that same smug expression, twirling the empty popcorn bucket in his hand. "You heard me. If you want food, get on your knees and beg."

Aki hesitated, her pride battling against the gnawing hunger in her belly. But after a moment of internal struggle, hunger won. Slowly, reluctantly, she dropped to her knees, her face burning with shame. "Please… Kira, I'm starving… Can I have some food?"

Kira's smirk grew, clearly enjoying the sight of the once-powerful celebrity on her knees, reduced to begging for scraps. He leaned forward, tapping his fingers thoughtfully against the popcorn bucket. "Not bad," he said, tossing the remaining popcorn and a can of cola toward her. "Here. Try not to choke."

Without a second thought, Aki snatched the popcorn, her hands shaking as she tore into it. She stuffed her mouth, barely chewing, swallowing it all down in desperate gulps. She didn't care about appearances anymore—her hunger had stripped away her dignity.

Kira watched her with mild amusement. The great Aki, the woman millions once adored, reduced to this within a single day of the apocalypse. It was both hilarious and pathetic. His thoughts drifted back to their earlier conversation.


Aki had explained how she had known him. They had talked briefly on their way to the rooftop, though Kira had mostly been focused on keeping an eye on their surroundings.

She had revealed that she was once classmates with Rika and Shizuka during their college days. They had been close friends, teasing each other and staying in touch even as Aki's career took off in the entertainment industry.

Kira vaguely recalled Rika mentioning some annoying friend of hers—some bitch who used to taunt her about her relationships and flaunt her boyfriends. He had never paid much attention back then, but now that he knew Aki was that very friend, his opinion of her had dropped even further.

Aki had also explained how she recognized him. Apparently, some days ago, she had received a message from Rika. The message had contained a photo—a rather suggestive one—of Kira and Rika, their naked bodies half-covered by blankets, clearly enjoying each other's company. Aki had been stunned, not only by the photo but by the caption: My boyfriend.

She had been jealous. Rika and Shizuka had even taunted her with more pictures afterward, flaunting their happiness. And just before the apocalypse struck, Aki had received another message—this time of Rika's hand, adorned with a ring. The caption? I'm married now. His name is Kira Minami.

It had been a shock to her system, knowing that her old friends had moved on, found happiness, while she had been stuck in the limelight, living a shallow, superficial life. But before she could even respond, the world had descended into chaos.


Kira's eyes flicked back to the present, watching Aki gulp down the last of the popcorn, her lips glistening with butter. She looked up at him, her expression still somewhat dazed from everything that had happened.

"Thanks…" she muttered, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Kira shrugged, still leaning against the railing. "Don't mention it. Just try not to get yourself killed."

Aki's eyes lingered on him for a moment longer, a strange mix of emotions swirling in her gaze. She was starting to realize just how different Kira was from the men she had known before. Strong, unapologetic, and completely in control. It both terrified and fascinated her.

As she leaned back, her thoughts racing, Kira's smirk widened. He knew this was only the beginning.

And the apocalypse had a way of revealing who people truly were.


A/N : Somethings going to happen for sure.