Chapter 52: He is now trapped!

We've made it out.

But just as I'm about to ease up, I see something.

Two figure in the distance.

Someone's standing in the middle of the road, waving us down.

The women in the car tense.

"Who the hell is that?" Saeko mutters, leaning forward, her eyes narrowing as the figure comes into view.

I slow down, my hand instinctively reaching for the pistol strapped to my side.

"Stay sharp," I say, eyes locked on the silhouette. "This could get interesting."






[ Kira's POV ]

We skid to a halt, the dust rising around us. The engine growls as I put it in park, but my attention is elsewhere—on the two figures up ahead. Two women, both worn out but standing strong.

I squint. There's something familiar about them.

Before I can even make sense of it, Rei practically leaps out of the car, bolting forward with everything she's got.

"Kaa-san!" Her voice cracks, tears streaming down her face. She doesn't slow down as she crashes into the first woman, enveloping her in a fierce hug.

Ah, so that's her mother. Interesting.

Behind me, Takashi hesitates before stumbling out, much slower than Rei. He walks toward the second woman, but there's no embrace. His steps are cold, detached. The atmosphere between them is off—like he doesn't quite belong.

"Takashi…" The second woman's voice is soft, strained.

Rei's mom stands out immediately. Hourglass figure, tight-fitting leather uniform—a 'Shiro-bai taiin' motorcycle cop. Her outfit is torn, revealing just enough of her curves to make it impossible to ignore. Her short brown-blonde hair matches Rei's perfectly, though her eyes are dimmed with exhaustion. Even through the dirt and the chaos, her body language screams discipline and strength.

But I notice she's limping. Her legs wobble slightly as Rei holds her, probably not realizing how much of her weight she's supporting.

Then there's the other woman—Komura's mother. Quiet, with black hair and brown eyes, she has that classic schoolteacher look. The kind of woman who can blend into the background until you take a moment to understand her. Modest, but there's an inner strength that makes you respect her. Her presence is calming in a way that contrasts the chaos around us.

I glance around at the cramped car. "Hn. I don't think we have enough seats." I smirk, glancing at Hirano. "Or we can stuff the boys in the trunk. Sounds like a plan, right?"

Saeko lets out a quiet chuckle next to me, but her eyes never leave me. Rei, still clinging to her mom, seems oblivious to the situation.

Suddenly, Saya pipes up from the backseat, her tone sharp. "Wait, she's your mother?!" she exclaims, pointing at Rei's mom, clearly surprised. "How does someone with a body like that… have a daughter who's you?"

Rei shoots Saya a glare, though it's hard to tell if she's mad or just embarrassed. "What's that supposed to mean, Saya?"

Saya shrugs, her arms crossed. "Nothing. Just… unexpected."

The tension is thick, but I can't help but notice the way Takashi stands off to the side, his jaw clenched, looking everywhere except at his mother. There's something there, something I'll probably have to dig into later.

Rei's mom finally speaks, her voice rough. "Rei… I'm glad you're safe. I didn't know if…" Her voice trails off, too tired to finish.

Takashi's mother is silent, watching her son. There's a sadness in her eyes, but she doesn't push him. Instead, she turns to me—her gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "Thank you," she says softly. "For… keeping them alive."

I meet her gaze and give a small nod. "It's what I do."

Yuriko clears her throat from beside me, her hand resting lightly on my arm. I can feel the tension building between us. It's subtle, but it's there. She's been watching me closely ever since we met. Now, with these two new women, it's as if the air between us is charged with something unspoken. Her eyes flick to the two newcomers, then back to me.

"So, what's the plan?" she asks, leaning slightly closer, her voice low. There's a hint of flirtation in her tone, but she keeps it masked under a calm demeanor.

I grin, enjoying the subtle attention. "The plan? We get out of here, as usual. But first…"

I step out of the SUV, circling toward Rei and her mom. "What happened? How'd you two end up like this?"

Rei's mom shifts uncomfortably, her arm still around her daughter. "We've been on the run since the outbreak started. The camp was overrun. We barely made it out." She gestures to her torn uniform and the bloodstains. "Got ambushed along the way."

Takashi's mother nods in agreement. "We've been trying to stay ahead of the hordes… but it's getting harder. The city is falling apart."

I watch them for a moment before my eyes flick to Takashi, who's still standing awkwardly to the side. He looks lost. Useless. Even his own mother seems unsure how to approach him.

"Right. Get in," I say, nodding toward the car. "We'll figure out the rest once we're clear."

Rei helps her mother into the car, taking the seat closest to her, while Saya makes some room, her eyes still suspiciously darting between the two women. Hirano and I manage to maneuver Takashi and his mom in, though there's a clear gap between them.

As I slide back into the driver's seat, I can feel the atmosphere shifting. The women are watching me more closely now. Rei's mom is still catching her breath, but I can sense her relief—gratitude.

Takashi's mother, though… she's different. There's something unreadable in her eyes as she watches me, something I'll have to unravel later.

And then there's Saeko—her hand casually brushing against mine as I reach for the gear shift. Her smile is knowing. Coy. She's waiting for the right moment, for something more.

As the car roars back to life, I let my thoughts drift. This city is done.

And I get the feeling these two new faces… they'll be related to me—Hehe! Who am I kidding.





A Place Built from Blocks

In a distant realm made entirely of blocks, there stood a kingdom unlike any other—a place of geometric perfection and simplicity. Every structure, every pathway, every towering building was a testament to this unique, crafted world. It was a paradise for builders, where creativity was the only limit.

However, in the middle of this kingdom, two women, both appearing in their prime despite their true ages, worked diligently on a mysterious project. Their features belied their years—one with striking black hair, the other with vivid red. Though they were older than they looked, some unnatural force had restored them to a youthful appearance, radiating vitality as if they were in their late twenties or thirties.

Suddenly, both women shivered, pausing in their work. A chill ran down their spines, as though something precious—someone precious—was slipping away from them.

The black-haired woman was the first to break the silence, her hand resting on a pair of sleek magic pistols. Her gaze flickered with understanding as she turned to the redhead beside her. "It seems… rivals have emerged, Akemi. It's time for us to return to the real world."

The red-haired woman, Akemi, chuckled softly, her eyes drifting to a massive war hammer propped against the wall, its size so imposing it nearly reached her waist. She smiled knowingly, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief. "Ara~ Ara~! Looks like dear is having fun out there."

The atmosphere between them was serene yet charged with an underlying intensity. A shared amusement, a silent pact. The laughter that escaped their lips was soft, almost teasing, yet the power they exuded was undeniable.

"Ufufu~," they both laughed in unison, their expressions unchanged. The air around them shimmered, filled with a beauty and danger that felt otherworldly.


Elsewhere, in a Dark Room

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room far from the block kingdom, another redhead—her hair leaning more toward pink—sat hunched over paperwork. The walls were plastered with photographs, all of them featuring the same man. Her gaze flitted between the photos and her work, her expression one of pure bliss. Every few seconds, she would glance at the images, her heart swelling with obsessive devotion before returning to her tasks.

But something shifted. Her hand froze mid-sentence, the pen in her grip plunging deep into the block-made desk. Her expression twisted from contentment to something far more sinister. Her eyes, wide and bloodshot, darted to the photos.

"Who's that bitch trying to steal my man…?" Her voice dropped, venomous and low.

Suddenly, her calm shattered. She erupted into manic laughter, her body shaking with rage as she pounded the desk with her fists. "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" she screamed, each word growing louder, more frenzied. "I'll kill you! Hahaha—!" Her voice cracked as she continued laughing, a crazed glint in her eyes.

The room seemed to pulse with her madness, the shadows flickering ominously around her. Every photograph of the man on the wall became a twisted shrine to her obsession, fueling the dangerous thoughts swirling in her head.


A/N: Ah… she's coming. Coming soon!

A/N: Things are getting heated, lol.