Chapter 53 : A Place of Refuge

The car rolled inside the barrier, finally offering a moment of calm to the chaos that had gripped them since they left the city. As the engine quieted and the gates closed behind them, there was a collective sigh of relief. The tension in the air eased as if the weight of the undead tsunami was left behind at the gates.

"I can't believe we made it," Saeko muttered, leaning back against the seat, her normally sharp eyes softening with exhaustion.

I could sense the same from everyone else, their bodies visibly relaxing for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Even the teens, usually resilient to the madness of this new world, seemed unusually vulnerable after the escape.

The car wasn't exactly built for this kind of load. Between the OG group, the injured, and the adults, the space inside had become cramped and uncomfortable. Saya, having spent the ride perched awkwardly on her mother Yuriko's lap, groaned as she stretched her legs. The older woman winced, having endured the weight for too long.

"I swear, if you don't get off me soon…" Yuriko sighed, her voice strained but laced with the motherly sarcasm she often used with Saya.

"Just five more minutes, Mom," Saya grumbled, trying to shift her weight but not fully committing to moving. Her pride still held her back from complaining, though her face betrayed the discomfort.

"At least you're not in the trunk," Hirano mumbled, his voice muffled from the back where he and Takashi had been stuffed into the surprisingly spacious trunk, heads barely peeking out from behind the seats.

As I pulled the car to a stop in front of my house, I turned to glance at everyone. "Well, here we are. My place."

Yuriko, despite her usual composed self, looked around with curious eyes. "This is your home?" Her voice was soft but heavy with curiosity, scanning the house that stood before her, large enough to accommodate this oddball group but not exactly luxurious. She shifted Saya off her lap, finally freeing herself from the dead weight of her daughter.

Saeko, ever the silent observer, let her gaze wander over the exterior of the house, calculating but impressed. "You prepared this?" she asked, her hand unconsciously moving to her sword, still sharp, still ready.

I gave a nod, moving to open the door for them. "Yeah. I made some preparations before all this started. Figured something like this might happen eventually."

Rei stood up and stretched, her body stiff from the cramped ride. Her eyes lingered on Takashi, who avoided her gaze, more distant than usual. His mind seemed to be elsewhere, trapped in a haze of uncertainty, but he said nothing. Rei noticed his silence but kept her thoughts to herself, her fingers twitching slightly as if torn between frustration and concern.

Saya rolled her eyes and huffed, arms crossed over her chest. "I guess we should be thankful you actually planned ahead for once."

"Hm. I didn't see you complaining when we were crammed in that car," I replied, smirking slightly at her sharp tone. Saya was always quick to criticize but rarely ever willing to admit when something worked out for the best.

Yuriko, on the other hand, was much more graceful in her gratitude, standing up with some difficulty after losing feeling in her legs from Saya's weight. "It's a relief to be somewhere safe, at least for the moment." She gave a small smile, her tone far more genuine than Saya's.

I motioned toward the door and unlocked it, letting the faint creak of the wooden frame invite them inside. "Come on in. Make yourselves comfortable."

As the door swung open, the group slowly filtered out of the car. Saya was the first to step out, gingerly stretching her legs as she winced from the stiffness of her joints. Then came Saeko, smooth and deliberate in her movements, despite the exhaustion etched across her face. Rei followed suit, though her steps were hesitant, her thoughts clearly still caught up in something else entirely.

Behind them, the older women moved with a little more difficulty. Yuriko's legs wobbled slightly, still numb from the long ride. "I can't feel my legs," she muttered, leaning against the side of the car for balance as she tried to shake off the discomfort. But even in her weakened state, she kept her usual grace, maintaining a calm presence.

Rei's mother, Kiriko Miyamoto, followed last, limping slightly as she was helped by Rei. She was still dressed in her 'Shirobai taiin' uniform, the leather tight around her figure, with cuts and tears revealing glimpses of her undergarments. Her exhaustion showed in her eyes, though she managed a warm, if weary, smile. "It's been… quite the journey."

Takashi's mother, Kimiko Komuro, stood beside her, looking at the picture of a typical modest housewife with her black hair tied neatly and her simple teacher's uniform slightly dirtied. Her expression was serene, yet she, too, was weighed down by the day's events.

As they all stepped inside, there was a palpable sense of relief, the heaviness of the world outside momentarily forgotten. I glanced back at them as they settled, each of them looking around as if they had finally found a safe harbour.

"It's not much, but it's home," I said, letting them take it all in.

The tension in the room eased, but even in the quiet, the unspoken thoughts lingered. Rei glanced at Takashi again, her expression unreadable, while Saya's eyes wandered toward me, a mix of curiosity and defiance in her gaze. Yuriko, though grateful, seemed to be observing me in a different light, her mind flickering with unspoken thoughts.

But for now, all of them were safe. At least for tonight.






I led them into my living room, where everyone could finally sit down and catch their breath. Exhausted from the ordeal, they needed a moment of rest.

After seating them, I went to the kitchen, returning with water first, followed by tea and coffee.

As they sipped, I noticed a certain longing in their eyes, one I understood all too well. No one wants to live in a world like this, not even me. Sure, in fiction, it might seem thrilling, an ideal setting for some. But when you see baby zombies crawling on their hands and knees, desperate to bite into your flesh, you truly grasp the horror of this new reality.

But for me? It's different. Thanks to that ROB (Random Omnipotent Being) and his snap, I don't overreact to this madness. In fact, my thoughts become sharper and more focused during times of crisis.

Still, I can see it in these women's faces—a certain loss, something deep inside them broken. . . . After they finished their drinks, I took the empty cups back to the kitchen. Once done, I returned to the living room.

The setup was simple: four sofas arranged in a square. Directly across from me, three older women sat—Yuriko, Kiriko, and Kimiko. What a lineup of variety, all different yet together, "anekta mai ekta" as we say.

On the opposite couch, the OG group—Saya, Saeko, and Rei. Yeah, what more can I say about them?

The last two sofas? Just the boys, sitting alone, isolated from the feminine energy filling the room.

Tap! Tap! Tap! My footsteps echoed as I stepped forward into the center.

"So, are we just gonna sit here, or is anyone planning to freshen up?" I clapped my hands together, drawing everyone's attention.

"Yeah, I need to get out of these clothes; they stink," Rei spoke up. It surprised me because she rarely talks to me—hell, she barely even acknowledges my existence.

I turned to her with a sly smile. "Why not? My bathroom's pretty big; three people can go at once. There's another one upstairs too, so I guess the boys can use that."

Yuriko nodded, "Sounds good. Let the boys and girls shower first, and we'll go after."

Saya and the others didn't argue, so I showed them to the bathrooms, providing them with towels and a few spare clothes I had bought from the system. They weren't perfect—just oversized t-shirts anyone could wear, but still—

"Hnm…" I murmured, now back in my room after showing the boys their bathroom.

Suddenly, a portal to my dimension opened, and out stepped Mitsuko and Akemi, both looking oddly happy, almost too happy. Something was off.

"Welcome home, dear," Mitsuko greeted, wearing tight black leather pants and a white cropped top that left her stomach exposed, her deep cleavage on full display.

"Welcome home, darling," Akemi echoed, clad in tight brown leather pants and a red top that hugged her curves.

Mitsuko's hair was in her usual braid, while Akemi's was tied into a ponytail, her bangs framing her face perfectly.

Despite spending so much time in the dimension, they didn't look older—if anything, they looked younger. Their skin was soft, smooth, and their bodies toned with just the right amount of muscle definition, especially their abs and thighs. You wouldn't believe they were nearing their fifties.

"I'm home… but what brings you two here today?" I asked, my voice colder than I intended. I saw them freeze up slightly.

The room fell silent, lit only by the moonlight pouring through the window, casting a spotlight on us. I stood facing them, clothes in hand. Mitsuko and Akemi reached out to hug me, but their hands froze midway.

They were shocked. They'd never seen me act so cold toward them. Usually, I was all over them, simping hard, especially with my thing for older women.

Mitsuko's heart clenched at the sight, and Akemi felt the same.

"Baby… what's wrong?" Mitsuko asked softly, but I didn't even glance at her. Instead, I turned toward the door.

"Nothing. You should rest. You've both been busy lately." My voice lacked any warmth as I reached for the door handle. Just as I did, another portal opened, and a shadow darted out, crashing into me.


"Kira! Kira! Kira! Kira!" She called my name repeatedly, rubbing her head and cheeks against me. Despite being an adult, her childish antics were a bit much, considering her age.

"Honey, can you let go for a second? We have guests downstairs, and I need to take them these clothes," I said softly, my previous cold attitude seemingly vanishing into thin air.

"No! I missed you so much," Kyouko whined, pouting as she clung tighter.

She wore hot pants and an oversized hoodie, making her look adorably childish yet oddly charming at the same time.

"Who… are the guests?" Kyouko's eyes suddenly darkened, and she sniffed at me like a predator catching the scent of prey.

'Shit, her yandere mode is kicking in,' I thought. Kyouko was a full-blown yandere, and I knew that giving her attention was the only way to avoid trouble. So, without a second thought, I lifted her onto my waist and carried her out of the room, kicking the door closed behind me.

Inside, Mitsuko and Akemi stood frozen, their minds unable to process what had just happened. The boy who used to cling to them, showering them with love, had suddenly turned cold. And yet, with Kyouko, he was all warmth and affection, as if she were his entire world.

"Why? What did we do? What happened?" Both women's hearts ached as they tried to understand the sudden shift in Kira's attitude.

They crouched down on the floor, tears welling up in their eyes. They couldn't hold back their sobs, feeling as though their hearts had been shattered into pieces.

"Is… he going to abandon us… like our previous husbands?" Mitsuko whispered, the thought causing her even more pain. Akemi, hearing this, felt her heart break further.

Both women were slowly being consumed by despair.



So, what's going on here, huh? 🤔 Kira's sudden change in attitude is definitely raising some eyebrows, right? He was all simp mode before, and now this cold behavior? 😶 Poor Mitsuko and Akemi... it's like their hearts have been shattered into pieces 😢. Something feels off, don't you think?

Hold on tight, because the next chapter is going to reveal some big secrets and hit you with some serious twists! 💥 Has Kira really changed, or is there something else going on behind the scenes? 🤐 Stay tuned for more answers... this mystery is just getting started!

And what about the system!( it's silent eversince previously)

Can't wait to see your thoughts in the comments! Keep those theories coming! 😎🔥